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  1. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.25.017)

     A manufacturer named in the List of Human Milk Fortifiers Sold in Canada as of March 25, 2021 referred to in section B.25.013 is not entitled to submit an application referred to in paragraph B.25.015(1)(a) in respect of a human milk fortifier set out in the List unless the Minister has

    • (a) notified them under paragraph B.25.012(1)(a) or (3)(a) that the sale or advertisement for sale of the human milk fortifier is authorized; or


  2. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.25.015)
    •  (1) It is prohibited to sell or advertise for sale a human milk fortifier that has undergone a major change unless

      • [...]

      • (b) the Minister notifies the manufacturer under paragraph B.25.016(1)(a) or (3)(a) that the sale or advertisement for sale of the human milk fortifier is authorized.


  3. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section G.01.001)

     The following definitions apply in this Part.


    advertisement includes any representation by any means whatever for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, the sale or other disposal of a controlled drug. (publicité)


  4. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section D.02.005)
    •  (1) If a component of an ingredient of a prepackaged product set out in the table to subsection B.01.009(1) is a mineral nutrient, no person shall, on the label of or in any advertisement for the prepackaged product, make a statement or claim concerning the mineral nutrient as a component of that ingredient unless



  5. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section D.02.004)

     No person shall, on the label of or in any advertisement for a food, make any claim concerning the action or effects of a mineral nutrient contained in the food, except to the effect that the mineral nutrient


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