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  1. Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations - SOR/2000-217 (Section 51)
    Marginal note:Prescription required
    •  (1) In addition to the activities authorized under section 55, a pharmacist may, subject to section 52, sell, provide, send, deliver or transport a targeted substance to or for an individual or for the benefit of an animal if

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      • (c) the pharmacist has not transferred the prescription to another pharmacist; and

    • (2) A pharmacist who sells or provides a targeted substance to an individual must do so in a container that is labelled with the following information:

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      • (c) the name of the individual for whose benefit the targeted substance is sold or provided or, if it is sold or provided for the benefit of an animal, the name of the individual having caring of the animal or the name of the animal;

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      • (e) the specified name or brand name of the targeted substance;


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