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  1. Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Differential Premiums By-law - SOR/99-120 (Section 8.01)

     A member institution that is a subsidiary of another member institution shall be classified, subject to sections 8.1 and 12,

    • (a) if it is a subsidiary of a member institution classified under subsection 7(1),

      • (i) in the same premium category in which the member institution of which it is a subsidiary would have been classified if sections 8.1 and 12 did not apply, or

      • (ii) if the subsidiary has been operating as a member institution for at least two fiscal years consisting of at least 12 months each, determined as of the end of the subsidiary’s fiscal year ending in the year preceding the filing year, in the premium category set out in column 1 of Schedule 1 that corresponds to the total score for the subsidiary determined in accordance with section 9 or 11, as the case may be, and set out in column 2; or

    • (b) in any other case, in the same premium category in which the member institution of which it is a subsidiary would have been classified if sections 8.1 and 12 did not apply.


  2. Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Differential Premiums By-law - SOR/99-120 (Section 8.1)
    •  (1) A member institution, other than one classified in accordance with section 7 or subparagraph 8.01(a)(i), that was not in all material respects compliant with the Data Requirements By-law as of April 30 of the preceding premium year shall


    • (2) A member institution, other than one classified in accordance with section 7 or subparagraph 8.01(a)(i), that was not in all material respects compliant with the Data Requirements By-law as of April 30 of each of the two preceding premium years shall


    • (3) A member institution, other than one classified in accordance with section 7 or subparagraph 8.01(a)(i), that was not in all material respects compliant with the Data Requirements By-law as of April 30 of each of the three preceding premium years shall be classified in premium category 4.

    • (4) A member institution that would otherwise be classified in accordance with section 7 or subparagraph 8.01(a)(i), that has been a member institution for at least 18 months and that is not in all material respects compliant with the Data Requirements By-law shall



  3. Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Differential Premiums By-law - SOR/99-120 (Section 28)
    •  (1) For the purposes of this section, examiner’s rating in respect of a member institution means the rating on a scale of one to five that is assigned to the institution by the examiner in the course of carrying out the examiner’s duties.

    • [...]

    • (3) If none of the examiner’s ratings referred to in subsection (2) is available to the Corporation for the member institution, the score to be assigned to the institution for the qualitative factor under this section shall be the result determined in accordance with the formula

      (A ÷ 65) × 35


      is the sum of the scores assigned to the member institution under sections 21 to 27 and 30.


  4. Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Differential Premiums By-law - SOR/99-120 (Section 17)

     Section 15 does not apply to a member institution

    • [...]

    • (b) that is a subsidiary of another member institution, unless it is a subsidiary described in paragraphs 10(a) and (b) and a total score is assigned to that other member institution in accordance with section 10; or

    • (c) to which a total score is assigned in accordance with section 10.


  5. Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Differential Premiums By-law - SOR/99-120 (Section 9)

     In order to determine the total score of a member institution, other than a member institution referred to in section 10 or subsection 11(1), the Corporation shall add together the institution’s scores for quantitative factors assigned under sections 20 to 27 and qualitative factors and criteria assigned under sections 28 and 30.


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