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  1. Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations - SOR/2000-217 (Section 17)
    Marginal note:Application
    •  (1) A person who intends to conduct an activity referred to in section 12 must obtain a dealer’s licence for each site at which they intend to conduct activities by submitting an application to the Minister that contains the following information:

      • (a) if the licence is requested by

        • [...]

        • (iii) the holder of a position described in paragraph 13(c), the applicant’s name and the title of the position;

      • [...]

      • (c) the name, date of birth, telephone number and email address of the proposed senior person in charge;

      • [...]

      • (e) the activities that are to be conducted and the targeted substances in respect of which each of the activities is to be conducted;

    • (2) An application for a dealer’s licence must be accompanied by the following documents:

      • [...]

      • (c) a document issued by a Canadian police force in relation to each person referred to in paragraph (b), indicating whether, during the 10 years before the day on which the application is submitted, the person was convicted as specified in subparagraph 16(a)(i) or received a sentence as specified in subparagraph 16(a)(ii);

      • [...]

      • (e) a declaration, signed and dated by the proposed senior person in charge, attesting that the proposed qualified person in charge and any proposed alternate qualified person in charge have the knowledge and experience required under paragraphs 15(3)(c) and (d); and

      • (f) if the proposed qualified person in charge or any proposed alternate qualified person in charge does not meet the requirement of subparagraph 15(3)(b)(i), either

        • [...]

        • (ii) a detailed description of the education, training and work experience that is required under paragraph 15(4)(c), together with supporting evidence, such as a copy of a course transcript or an attestation by the person who provided the training.

    SOR/2014-260, s. 30(E); SOR/2019-170, s. 2.

  2. Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations - SOR/2000-217 (Section 20)
    Marginal note:Application
    •  (1) A licensed dealer must obtain the Minister’s approval before making any of the following changes by submitting a written application to the Minister:

      • [...]

      • (c) the replacement of the qualified person in charge; or

    • (2) The licensed dealer must provide the Minister with the following with respect to a change referred to in subsection (1):

      • [...]

      • (b) in the case of the senior person in charge,

        • (i) the information specified in paragraph 17(1)(c), and

        • (ii) the declaration specified in paragraph 17(2)(b) and the documents specified in paragraphs 17(2)(c) and (d); and

      • (c) in the case of the qualified person in charge or an alternate qualified person in charge,

        • [...]

        • (ii) the declarations specified in paragraphs 17(2)(b) and (e) and the documents specified in paragraphs 17(2)(c), (d) and (f).

    SOR/2010-223, ss. 6, 42(E); SOR/2012-230, s. 27; SOR/2014-260, ss. 31, 39(F); SOR/2019-170, s. 2.

  3. Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations - SOR/2000-217 (Section 34)
    Marginal note:Application for approval to destroy
    •  (1) To apply for the Minister’s approval to destroy a targeted substance, a licensed dealer must submit the following information to the Minister:

      • [...]

      • (c) a brief outline of the method of destruction;

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      • (e) a list of the targeted substances to be destroyed, including the specified name and, if applicable, the brand name;

    • (2) An application for the Minister’s approval for the destruction of a targeted substance must

      • [...]

      • (c) indicate that all information submitted in support of the application is correct and complete to the best of the signatory’s knowledge.

    • (3) The Minister must approve the destruction of the targeted substance unless the Minister has reasonable grounds to believe that

      • [...]

      • (c) the targeted substance or a portion of it is required for the purposes of a criminal or administrative investigation, or any preliminary inquiry, trial or other proceeding under any Act or regulations thereunder;

      • [...]

      • (e) the targeted substance will not be destroyed within the meaning of subsection 1(2).

    SOR/2010-223, ss. 14, 42(E); SOR/2014-260, s. 39(F).

  4. Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations - SOR/2000-217 (Section 26)
    Marginal note:Prior approval or notice
    •  (1) A licensed dealer must

      • (a) obtain the Minister’s approval before making any of the following changes:

        • [...]

        • (ii) the replacement or the addition of

          • [...]

          • (C) a person authorized to place an order for a targeted substance on behalf of the licensed dealer;

      • (b) notify the Minister, not later than 10 days after the event, when a person referred to in any of clause (a)(ii)(A) or (C) ceases to carry out their duties as set out in


      • (c) notify the Minister, not later than the next business day after the event, when a person referred to in clause (a)(ii)(B) ceases to carry out their duties as set out in


    • (2) The licensed dealer must, with the request for approval referred to in subparagraph (1)(a)(ii), provide the Minister with the following information and documents with respect to the new person:

      • (a) in the case of the replacement of the individual in charge of the premises to which the dealer’s licence applies,

        • [...]

        • (ii) the documents specified in paragraphs 20(3)(a) to (c);

      • (b) in the case of the replacement of the qualified person in charge or the replacement or addition of an alternate qualified person in charge at the premises to which the dealer’s licence applies,

        • (i) the information specified in paragraph 20(1)(c), and

        • (ii) the documents specified in paragraphs 20(3)(a) to (e); and

      • (c) in the case of the replacement or addition of an individual who is authorized to place an order for a targeted substance on behalf of the licensed dealer, the individual’s name.


  5. Benzodiazepines and Other Targeted Substances Regulations - SOR/2000-217 (Section 77)
    Marginal note:Application
    •  (1) If a targeted substance is being shipped from a country of export to a foreign country by a route that requires it to be in transit through Canada or to be transhipped in Canada, the exporter in the country of export or an agent or mandatary in Canada of that exporter must apply to the Minister for a permit for transit or transhipment by providing the following information:

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      • (c) with respect to the targeted substance for which the permit is requested,


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      • (e) the name of the Canadian port of entry and exit;

    SOR/2010-223, ss. 37(E), 42(E); SOR/2018-69, s. 78(E).

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