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  1. Narcotic Control Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1041 (Section 27)
    •  (1) Subject to this section, a licensed dealer may, in accordance with the terms and conditions of their dealer’s licence, sell or provide a narcotic under subsections 24(2) or (4) if the licensed dealer has, on the premises specified in the licence, received

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      • (c) a verbal order for verbal prescription narcotics


    • (2) A licensed dealer who has received an order referred to in paragraph (1)(a) may sell or provide a narcotic under subsections 24(2) or (4) if

      • (a) the order is signed and dated

        • (i) if the narcotic is to be sold or provided to a person referred to in paragraph 24(2)(a), (b), (c) or (e) or 24(4)(a) or (d), by that person, or

    • (3) A licensed dealer who has received an order referred to in paragraph (1)(b) or (c) may provide a narcotic to a hospital employee or to a practitioner in a hospital if the order has been placed by the pharmacist in charge of the dispensary of the hospital or by a practitioner authorized by the person in charge of the hospital to place the order.

    • [...]

    • (5) A licensed dealer who has received a verbal order referred to in paragraph (1)(c), and has sold or provided a verbal prescription narcotic to a person referred to in paragraph 24(2)(b), (c) or (d), shall immediately record

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      • (c) the date the order was received.

    • (6) For the purposes of this section, a remote input device shall be a device for transmitting electronically orders for drugs, other than by voice communication, that

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      • (c) is designed in such a way that the unique identifying code for the remote input device is an integral part of the circuitry and can only be modified by the dismantling of the device.

    • (7) For the purposes of this section, a computer program shall be able to

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      • (c) process separately and identify narcotics by the segregation of orders for those narcotics;

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      • (e) necessitate manual intervention by the licensed dealer if one or more of the check procedures fails.

    • (8) Where a licensed dealer has received an order referred to in paragraph (1)(b) from a pharmacist or practitioner, he shall, within five working days after filling the order, obtain and keep a receipt that includes

      • [...]

      • (c) the name and quantity of the narcotic.

    • (9) If a licensed dealer has not obtained a receipt from a pharmacist or practitioner under subsection (8) within the time prescribed by that subsection, the licensed dealer shall not, until after obtaining the receipt, sell or provide a narcotic to the pharmacist or practitioner pursuant to any further

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      • (b) verbal order referred to in paragraph (1)(c) from that pharmacist or practitioner who placed the order for which no receipt has been received.

    SOR/78-154, s. 4; SOR/85-588, s. 7; SOR/85-930, s. 5; SOR/99-124, s. 3; SOR/2004-237, s. 12; SOR/2010-221, s. 12; SOR/2012-230, s. 19; SOR/2013-119, s. 210; SOR/2013-172, s. 6; SOR/2014-260, ss. 23(E), 26(F); SOR/2016-239, s. 5; SOR/2018-37, s. 3; SOR/2018-147, s. 10.

  2. Narcotic Control Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1041 (Section 59)
    •  (1) In the circumstances described in subsection (2), the Minister must issue a notice to the persons and authorities specified in subsection (3) advising them that

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      • (c) [Repealed, SOR/2018-147, s. 21]

      • (d) and (e) [Repealed, SOR/2013-119, s. 222]

    • (2) The notice must be issued if the practitioner named in the notice has

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      • (c) been found guilty in a court of law of a designated drug offence or of an offence under these Regulations.

    • (3) The notice must be issued to

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      • (c) the provincial professional licensing authority of the province in which the practitioner named in the notice is registered or entitled to practise;

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      • (e) all pharmacies in an adjacent province in which a prescription or order from the practitioner named in the notice may be filled.

    • (4) Subject to subsection (5), the Minister may issue the notice described in subsection (1) to the persons and authorities specified in subsection (3), if the Minister, on reasonable grounds, believes that the practitioner named in the notice

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      • (c) has, on more than one occasion, self-administered a verbal prescription narcotic under a self-directed prescription or order or, in the absence of a prescription or order, contrary to accepted medical, dental or veterinary practice;

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      • (e) has, on more than one occasion, prescribed, provided or administered a verbal prescription narcotic to a person who is a spouse, common-law partner, parent or child of the practitioner, including a child adopted in fact, contrary to accepted medical, dental or veterinary practice; or

    • (5) In the circumstances described in subsection (4), the Minister must not issue the notice referred to in subsection (1) until the Minister has

      • [...]

      • (c) considered



  3. Narcotic Control Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1041 (Section 9.7)
    •  (1) A licensed dealer shall

      • (a) obtain the Minister’s approval before making any of the following changes, namely,

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        • (ii) the replacement or addition of

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          • (C) an individual authorized to place an order for a narcotic on behalf of the licensed dealer;

      • (b) notify the Minister, not later than 10 days after the change, when a person referred to in clause (a)(ii)(A) or (C) ceases to carry out their duties as specified in


      • (c) notify the Minister, not later than the next business day after the change, when a person referred to in clause (a)(ii)(B) ceases to carry out their duties as specified in


    • (2) The licensed dealer shall, with the request for approval referred to in subparagraph (1)(a)(ii), provide the Minister with the following information and documents with respect to the new person:

      • (a) in the case of the replacement of the individual in charge of the premises to which the dealer’s licence applies,

        • (i) the information specified in paragraph 9(1)(c), and

        • (ii) the declarations specified in paragraph 9(3)(a) and, subject to subsection 9(5), the documents specified in paragraphs 9(3)(b) and (c);

      • (b) in the case of the replacement of the qualified person in charge or the replacement or addition of the alternate qualified person in charge at the premises to which the dealer’s licence applies,

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        • (ii) the documents specified in paragraphs 9(3)(a), (d) and (e) and, subject to section 9(5), the documents specified in paragraphs 9(3)(b) and (c); and

      • (c) in the case of the replacement or addition of an individual who is authorized to place an order for a narcotic on behalf of the licensed dealer, the individual’s name and gender.


  4. Narcotic Control Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1041 (Section 2)
    •  (1) In these Regulations,

      designated criminal offence

      designated criminal offence  means

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      • (c) the offence of laundering proceeds of crime against section 462.31 of the Criminal Code;

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      • (e) a conspiracy or an attempt to commit, being an accessory after the fact in relation to, or any counselling in relation to, an offence referred to in any of paragraphs (a) to (d); (infraction désignée en matière criminelle)

      designated drug offence

      designated drug offence  means

      • [...]

      • (c) an offence under Part I of the Act, except subsection 4(1), or

      • (d) a conspiracy or an attempt to commit, being an accessory after the fact in relation to, or any counselling in relation to, an offence referred to in any of paragraphs (a) to (c); (infraction désignée en matière de drogue)

      test kit

      test kit  means an apparatus

      • [...]

      • (c) the contents of which are not intended for administration to humans; (nécessaire d’essai)

      verbal prescription narcotic

      verbal prescription narcotic  means medication that

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      • (c) does not contain diacetylmorphine (heroin), hydrocodone, methadone, oxycodone or pentazocine. (stupéfiant d’ordonnance verbale)

    • (2) Despite subitem 2(2) of the schedule, the following are not narcotics for the purposes of these Regulations:

      • (a) a drug in dosage form, as defined in subsection C.01.005(3) of the Food and Drug Regulations, that contains cocaine (benzoylmethylecgonine) or any of its salts unless the drug has a drug identification number assigned to it under Division 1 of Part C of those Regulations, is authorized for sale under Division 5 of Part C of those Regulations or has been compounded by a pharmacist in accordance with or in anticipation of an authorization from a practitioner that a stated amount of the drug be dispensed for a person who is or will be named in the authorization; or


  5. Narcotic Control Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1041 (Section 9)
    •  (1) To apply for a dealer’s licence, a person shall submit an application to the Minister containing

      • (a) if the licence is sought for

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        • (iii) the holder of a position mentioned in paragraph 8.2(c), the applicant’s name and the title of the position;

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      • (c) the name, date of birth and gender of the individual in charge of the premises;

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      • (e) the name and gender of the individuals authorized to place an order for a narcotic on behalf of the applicant;

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    • (3) An application for a dealer’s licence must be accompanied by

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      • (c) if any of the persons referred to in paragraph (a) has ordinarily resided in a country other than Canada during the preceding 10 years, a document issued by a police force of that country stating whether the person has or has not been convicted in that country, as an adult, during the preceding 10 years, of an offence that would have constituted a designated drug offence or a designated criminal offence if committed in Canada;

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      • (e) if the proposed qualified person in charge or, if applicable, the proposed alternate qualified person in charge is not a pharmacist or a practitioner of medicine, dentistry or veterinary medicine registered with a provincial professional licensing authority, a copy of the person’s degree required under subparagraph 8.3(2)(b)(ii) and a copy of the course transcript for that degree;

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    • (5) The documents referred to in paragraphs (3)(b) and (c) are not required if the persons referred to in those paragraphs consent in writing


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