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  1. Yukon Territory Court of Appeal Criminal Appeal Rules, 1993 - SI/93-53 (Section 8)
    • [...]

    • (3) The appeal book and transcript shall be printed

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      • (c) on durable white paper of 21.5 cm by 28 cm.

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    • (7) The appeal book shall contain

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      • (c) a copy of all exhibits that can be reproduced;

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      • (e) a copy of the order under appeal;

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      • (g) where there will be no transcript prepared for the appeal, the statement referred to in paragraph (8)(c).

    • (8) The transcript shall contain

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      • (c) a statement of the evidence that has been excluded under Rule 9.

    • (9) The transcript shall not contain

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      • (c) the opening and closing addresses of counsel,

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      • (e) objections to the admissibility of evidence, other than a statement that an objection was made


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      • (g) in respect of an item referred to in paragraphs (a) to (e), the court or a justice orders that the item be included, or

  2. Yukon Territory Court of Appeal Criminal Appeal Rules, 1993 - SI/93-53 (Section 15)
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    • (2) Where a direction is made under subrule (1), the parties or their counsel shall attend before a justice at the time and place directed, to consider

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      • (c) the fixing of the time for the hearing of the appeal;

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      • (e) any other matter that might expedite the appeal.

    • (3) After a pre-hearing conference, the justice who held it may make a direction on any matter referred to in paragraphs (2)(a) to (e) and that direction shall govern the conduct of the appeal unless the court or a justice orders otherwise.

  3. Yukon Territory Court of Appeal Criminal Appeal Rules, 1993 - SI/93-53 (Section 19)
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    • (2) The application shall be accompanied by an affidavit verifying the facts on which the appellant relies in support of his application, including:

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      • (c) the name of his employer and the place of his employment, if any, before being placed in custody;

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      • (e) the names and addresses of his relatives or other persons who may serve as prospective sureties; and

  4. Yukon Territory Court of Appeal Criminal Appeal Rules, 1993 - SI/93-53 (Section 20)
    •  (1) In the case of an application for a direction under section 680 of the Criminal Code, the appellant shall

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      • (c) submit a concise memorandum stating why there should be a review.

    • (2) The registrar shall deliver a copy of the memorandum submitted under paragraph (1)(c) to the prosecutor who may, within five days after receiving it, submit a concise memorandum in response.

  5. Yukon Territory Court of Appeal Criminal Appeal Rules, 1993 - SI/93-53

    The Appeal Court of the Yukon Territory, pursuant to section 482Footnote * of the Criminal Code and with the concurrence of the majority of the judges of that Court present at a meeting held for that purpose on March 12, 1993, hereby revokes the Criminal Appeal Rules, Yukon Territory, 1973Footnote **, and the Yukon Criminal Appeal Rules, 1986Footnote ***, and makes the annexed Yukon Territory Court of Appeal Criminal Appeal Rules, 1993.


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