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  1. Employment Equity Regulations - SOR/96-470 (SCHEDULE II)


    Occupational Groups — Private Sector Employers or Portions of the Federal Public Administration Referred to in Paragraph 4(1)(c) of the Act

    Column I Column II
    Item Employment Equity Occupational Groups Unit Groups
    1 Senior Managers
    • [...]

    • Senior managers — trade, broadcasting and other services, n.e.c.
    2 Middle and Other Managers
    • [...]

    • Retail and wholesale trade managers
    6 Supervisors — Crafts and Trades
    • Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations
    • Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations
    • Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades
    • Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades
    • Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers
    • Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades
    8 Skilled Sales and Service Personnel
    • Technical sales specialists - wholesale trade
    9 Skilled Crafts and Trades Workers
    • [...]

    • Other technical trades and related occupations
    11 Intermediate Sales and Service Personnel
    • [...]

    • Sales and account representatives - wholesale trade (non-technical)
    14 Other Manual Workers
    • Construction trades helpers and labourers
    • Other trades helpers and labourers


  2. Marine Personnel Regulations - SOR/2007-115 (SCHEDULE 1 TO PART 1)


    Certificate Exchange and First Renewal of a Certificate Issued Before the Coming into Force of Sections 104 to 106

    Item Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
    Former certificates Requirements for exchange or additional requirements applicable to first renewals Corresponding certificate for exchange and, as the case may be, renewal of the certificate STCW endorsement STCW limitation
    4. (a) Master, Home Trade, First Mate, Foreign-going (ON1) with or without STCW 95 endorsement (issued after August 31, 1977 and before July 30, 1997) See note 1. Master, Near Coastal II/2 Master Near Coastal
    (b) Master, Home Trade, First Mate, Foreign-going (ON1) with or without STCW 95 endorsement (issued after August 31, 1977 and before July 30, 1997)


    Master Mariner II/2 Master None
    5 Master, Home Trade (CHT) (issued before September 1, 1977)


    Master, Near Coastal II/2 Master Near Coastal
    9. (a) Master, ship of not more than 350 gross tonnage or tug, home trade or inland waters (Command endorsement) (issued after August 31, 1977 and before July 30, 1997) with or without STCW 95 Master 500 gross tonnage endorsement See note 1. Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Near Coastal II/3 Master 500 Gross Tonnage Near Coastal
    (b) Master, ship of not more than 350 gross tonnage or tug, home trade or inland waters (Command endorsement) (issued after August 31, 1977 and before July 30, 1997) with or without STCW 95 Master 500 gross tonnage endorsement


    Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Near Coastal II/3 Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Near Coastal
    (c) Master, ship of not more than 350 gross tonnage or tug, home trade or inland waters (Command endorsement) (issued after August 31, 1977 and before July 30, 1997) with STCW 95 Master 3 000 gross tonnage endorsement None Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Near Coastal II/3 Master 500 Gross Tonnage Near Coastal
    10. (a) Master, ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade voyage (CHT 350) (issued before September 1, 1977) with STCW 95 Master 500 gross tonnage endorsement None Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Near Coastal II/3 Master 500 Gross Tonnage Near Coastal
    (b) Master, ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade voyage (CHT 350) (issued before September 1, 1977) with STCW 95 Master 500 gross tonnage endorsement Acquire at least 12 months of sea service after obtaining the CHT 350 and before the coming into force of this Schedule, as master or chief mate on board one or more vessels of at least 200 gross tonnage that are engaged on voyages other than sheltered waters voyages. Master 500 Gross Tonnage Near Coastal II/3 Master 500 Gross Tonnage Near Coastal
    (c) Master, ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade voyage (CHT 350) (issued before September 1, 1977)


    Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Near Coastal II/3 Master 500 Gross Tonnage Near Coastal
    (d) Master, ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade voyage (CHT 350) (issued before September 1, 1977)


    Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Near Coastal II/3 Master 500 Gross Tonnage Near Coastal
    (e) Master, ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade voyage (CHT 350) (issued before September 1, 1977) See notes 1 and 6. Renewal (see note 7). None N/A
    (f) Master, ship of not more than 350 tons, gross tonnage, or tug, home trade voyage (CHT 350) (issued before September 1, 1977) with STCW 95 Master 3 000 gross tonnage endorsement None Master 500 Gross Tonnage, Near Coastal II/3 Master 500 Gross Tonnage Near Coastal
    14. (a) First Mate Home Trade, Second Mate Foreign-going (ON2) with or without STCW 95 endorsement (issued after August 31, 1976 and before July 30, 1997) See notes 2 to 4. Chief Mate, Near Coastal II/2 Chief Mate Near Coastal
    (b) First Mate Home Trade, Second Mate Foreign-going (ON2) with or without STCW 95 endorsement (issued after August 31, 1976 and before July 30, 1997)


    Chief Mate II/2 Chief Mate None
    15 First Mate, Home Trade (1MHT) (issued after March 22, 1966 and before September 1, 1976)


    Chief Mate, Near Coastal II/2 Chief Mate Near Coastal
    21 Second Mate Home Trade (2MHT) (issued before September 1, 1975)


    Watchkeeping Mate, Near Coastal II/1 OOW Near Coastal


  3. Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations - SOR/2002-227 (Section 87.2)
    Marginal note:Definition of skilled trade occupation
    •  (1) In this section, skilled trade occupation means an occupation, other than a restricted occupation, in any of the following groups listed in the National Occupational Classification:

      • (a) Major Group 72, technical trades and transportation officers and controllers, excluding Sub-major Group 726, transportation officers and controllers;

      • (b) Major Group 73, general trades;

    • Marginal note:Class

      (2) For the purposes of subsection 12(2) of the Act, the federal skilled trades class is prescribed as a class of persons who are skilled trades workers and who may become permanent residents on the basis of their ability to become economically established in Canada in a skilled trade occupation and their intention to reside in a province other than the Province of Quebec.

    • Marginal note:Member of class

      (3) A foreign national is a member of the federal skilled trades class if

      • [...]

      • (b) they have, during the five years before the date on which their permanent resident visa application is made, acquired at least two years of full-time work experience, or the equivalent in part-time work, in the skilled trade occupation specified in the application after becoming qualified to independently practice the occupation, and during that period of employment has performed


      • (c) they have met the relevant employment requirements of the skilled trade occupation specified in the application as set out in the National Occupational Classification, except for the requirement to obtain a certificate of qualification issued by a competent provincial authority; and

      • (d) they meet at least one of the following requirements:

        • (i) they hold a certificate of qualification issued by a competent provincial or federal authority in the skilled trade occupation specified in the application for a permanent resident visa,

        • (ii) they are in Canada and hold a work permit that is valid on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and, on the date on which the visa is issued, hold a valid work permit or are authorized to work in Canada under section 186 and

          • (A) the work permit was issued based on a positive determination made by an officer under subsection 203(1) with respect to their employment with their current employer in a skilled trade occupation and the assessment by the Department of Employment and Social Development on the basis of which the determination was made is not suspended or revoked,

          • [...]

          • (C) they have an offer of employment that is for continuous full-time work having a total duration of at least one year after the date on which a permanent resident visa is issued and that is in the skilled trade occupation that is specified in the application and is in the same minor group set out in the National Occupational Classification as the occupation specified on their work permit, and

        • (iii) they are in Canada and hold a work permit that was issued under the circumstances described in paragraph 204(a) or (c) or in section 205 and that is valid on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and, on the date on which the visa is issued, hold a valid work permit or are authorized to work in Canada under section 186 and

          • [...]

          • (B) they have an offer of employment that is for continuous full-time work having a total duration of at least one year after the date on which a permanent resident visa is issued and that is in the skilled trade occupation that is specified in the application and is in the same minor group set out in the National Occupational Classification as the occupation specified on their work permit,

        • (iv) they do not hold a valid work permit, are not authorized to work in Canada under section 186 on the date on which their application for a permanent resident visa is made and

          • (A) they have an offer of employment that is for continuous full-time work having a total duration of at least one year after the date on which a permanent resident visa is issued and that is in the skilled trade occupation specified in the application,

    • [...]

    • Marginal note:Requirement for funds

      (5) With the exception of the foreign nationals referred to in subparagraphs (3)(d)(ii), (iii) and (v), the foreign national must have, in the form of transferable and available funds, unencumbered by debts or other obligations, an amount equal to one half of the minimum necessary income applicable in respect of the group of persons consisting of the skilled trades worker and their family members.


  4. Chicken Farmers of Canada Proclamation - SOR/79-158 (SCHEDULE)


    1 In this Schedule,


    chicken  means chicken or any part of a chicken produced in Canada and marketed in interprovincial or export trade; (poulet)


    • [...]

    • (2) The Canadian Poultry and Egg Processors Council may, at any time, appoint two persons who are residents of Canada and who are experienced in the business or trade of the processing of chicken meat to be members of CFC and each person so appointed shall hold office until the end of CFC’s second annual meeting in the second calendar year following the year of appointment.

    • (3) Restaurants Canada may, at any time, appoint a person who is a resident of Canada and who is experienced in the business or trade of supplying prepared foods to consumers to be a member of CFC to hold office until the end of CFC’s annual meeting in the second calendar year following the year of appointment.

    • (4) The Further Poultry Processors Association of Canada may, at any time, appoint a person who is a resident of Canada and who is experienced in the business or trade of the further processing of chicken meat to be a member of CFC to hold office until the end of CFC’s annual meeting in the second calendar year following the year of appointment.


    5 In this Part,


    quota means

    • (a) in respect of a non-signatory territory, the number of kilograms of chicken, expressed in eviscerated weight, that a person is entitled to market in interprovincial trade into the signatory provinces during a period, and

    • (b) in respect of a signatory province, the number of kilograms of chicken, expressed in live weight, that a producer is entitled to market in interprovincial or export trade during a period; (contingent)

    quota system

    quota system  means a system established by CFC under which the quantity, if any, of chicken of any variety, class or grade that may be marketed in interprovincial or export trade is fixed and determined, and quotas are allotted 



    • [...]

    • (4) In establishing a quota system in accordance with subsection (1), CFC shall establish its allocation for each signatory province for a year in such a manner that the aggregate of the numbers following in respect of that province is equal to the number of kilograms of chicken set out in the table to subsection (5) for the year in respect of that province:

      • (a) the number of kilograms of chicken produced in the province and authorized to be marketed in interprovincial and export trade in the year, under quotas allotted on behalf of CFC by the appropriate Board or Commodity Board,

      • (b) the number of kilograms of chicken produced in the province and authorized to be marketed in intraprovincial trade in the year, under quotas allotted by the appropriate Board or Commodity Board, and

    • [...]

    • (6) In establishing a quota system in accordance with subsection (2), CFC shall establish its allocation for each non-signatory territory in such a manner that the number of kilograms of chicken produced in the non-signatory territory and authorized to be marketed in interprovincial trade into the signatory provinces in a year, under quotas allotted by CFC, equals the average number of kilograms of chicken produced in the non-signatory territory, and marketed in interprovincial trade into the signatory provinces, in a year, during the five years beginning on January 1, 1986 and ending on December 31, 1990.


    • 7 (1) Unless the process set out in the Operating Agreement for making changes to quota allocation has been followed, no order or regulation shall be made with respect to the allocation to a signatory province if its effect would be to increase or decrease, to a number that is different on a yearly basis from the number of kilograms of chicken set out in respect of that province in the table to subsection 6(5), the aggregate of

      • (a) the number of kilograms of chicken produced in the province and authorized to be marketed in interprovincial and export trade, under quotas allotted on behalf of CFC by the appropriate Board or Commodity Board, and to be marketed in intraprovincial trade, under quotas allotted by the appropriate Board or Commodity Board, and

      • (b) the number of kilograms of chicken produced in the province and anticipated to be marketed in intraprovincial, interprovincial and export trade as authorized other than by quotas.

    • [...]

    • (3) No order or regulation shall be made with respect to a non-signatory territory if its effect would be to increase or decrease the number of kilograms of chicken produced in the non-signatory territory and authorized to be marketed in interprovincial trade into the signatory provinces, under quotas allotted by CFC, to a number that is different on a yearly basis, from the number of kilograms of chicken referred to in subsection 6(6), unless the increase or decrease is in the same proportion as the average increase or decrease in an order or regulation made by CFC with respect to the signatory provinces in accordance with this section.


    • 11 (1) CFC shall, with respect to the signatory provinces, and may, with respect to a non-signatory territory, by order or regulation, establish a system for the licensing of persons who are engaged in the marketing of chicken in interprovincial or export trade, and the system may provide for the payment to CFC of fees in respect of each licence issued and for the prohibition of predatory marketing practices.

    • (2) CFC, in establishing a licensing system pursuant to subsection (1), shall prescribe the terms and conditions to which each licence issued pursuant to the system is subject, including

      • [...]

      • (b) the conditions under which the marketing of chicken may take place in interprovincial or export trade.


    13 With respect to chicken produced in a signatory province and to chicken produced in a non-signatory territory and shipped into a signatory province in interprovincial trade and not for export, CFC shall exercise its powers in such a manner as to preclude any person from selling chicken in a signatory province, other than the signatory province or non-signatory territory in which the chicken is produced, at a price that is less than the aggregate of

    • (a) the price charged at or about the same time by the trade for similar sales of chicken of an equivalent variety, class or grade in the signatory province or non-signatory territory in which the chicken is produced, and


  5. Canadian Turkey Marketing Quota Regulations, 1990 - SOR/90-231 (Section 2)

     In these Regulations,

    breeder allotment

    breeder allotment  means the quantity of breeder turkey that a producer is authorized by a Commodity Board to market in interprovincial or export trade during a control period less any quantity of breeder turkey that the producer markets in intraprovincial trade during the control period; (allocation de dindon de reproduction)

    broiler allotment

    broiler allotment  means the quantity of broiler turkey that a producer is authorized by a Commodity Board to market in interprovincial or export trade during a control period less any quantity of broiler turkey that the producer markets in intraprovincial trade during the control period; (allocation de dindon à griller)

    federal quota

    federal quota  means the quantity of turkey that a producer is authorized by a Commodity Board, pursuant to the grant of authority approved by Order in Council P.C. 1990-248 of February 15, 1990Footnote 1, to market in interprovincial or export trade during a control period less any quantity of turkey that the producer markets in intraprovincial trade during the control period; (contingent fédéral)


    hen allotment

    hen allotment  means the quantity of hen turkey that a producer is authorized by a Commodity Board to market in interprovincial or export trade during a control period less any quantity of hen turkey that the producer markets in intraprovincial trade during the control period; (allocation de dindon femelle)

    provincial quota

    provincial quota  means the quantity of turkey that a producer is authorized by a Commodity Board to market in intraprovincial trade during a control period less any quantity of turkey that the producer markets in interprovincial or export trade during the control period; (contingent provincial)

    tom allotment

    tom allotment  means the quantity of tom turkey that a producer is authorized by a Commodity Board to market in interprovincial or export trade during a control period less any quantity of tom turkey that the producer markets in intraprovincial trade during the control period; (allocation de dindon mâle)




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