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  1. British Columbia Turkey Marketing Board (Interprovincial and Export) Order - C.R.C., c. 150 (Section 8)

     Except as provided in this Order, or any amendments thereto, the following prohibitions shall apply:

    • [...]

    • (s) no wholesaler or processor shall offer for sale, sell or supply the regulated product to any retailer, peddler or other person who has, within the preceding seven days, to the knowledge of the wholesaler or processor, his agents or servants, sold, advertised or offered for sale the regulated product at a price less than the price paid for the regulated product by the wholesaler or processor to an agency, or the current day’s price at the time of sale, advertisement or offer, charged by the same agency for the same type and grade of product, whichever is the lesser;

    • (t) no retailer, peddler or person other than a wholesaler or agency shall sell, advertise or offer for sale, the regulated product at a price less than the purchase price paid by the retailer, peddler or other person for the regulated product or the current day’s price charged for the same type and grade of product by other agencies in the area where such sale, advertisement or offer is made or published, whichever is the lesser;

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