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  1. Code of Professional Conduct for Patent Agents and Trademark Agents Regulations - SOR/2021-165 (SCHEDULE : Code of Professional Conduct for Licensees)




    An agent may advertise services and fees or otherwise solicit work if the advertisement is


    2 The agent’s advertisements may be designed to provide information to assist a potential client to choose an agent who has the appropriate skills and knowledge for the client’s particular matter. The agent may indicate that their practice is restricted to a particular area or may indicate that they practice in a certain area if that is the case. In all cases, the representations made must be accurate (that is, demonstrably true) and must not be misleading.

    3 The agent must not indicate by way of advertisement, letterhead or otherwise that they have a professional office at a specified location if that is not, in fact, the case.

    4 An agent may advertise the fees to be charged for their services if

    • [...]

    • (b) the advertisement states whether other amounts, such as disbursements and taxes, will be added to the fees; and


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