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  1. Tobacco Reporting Regulations - SOR/2000-273 (Section 17)
    Marginal note:Content of report
    •  (1) The report must set out the following information in respect of the advertising of products in a publication:

      • [...]

      • (b) the dates the advertisement was published;

      • (c) for each province, the amount of the expenses incurred, by brand or, if applicable, by brand family, for market research, development and design in relation to the advertisement; and

      • (d) the amount of consideration given by the manufacturer for the publication of the advertisement and, if a consideration other than money is given, a description of the consideration and its money value.

    • Marginal note:Digital image

      (2) The report must include a digital image of the advertisement, which image must

      • (a) be clear and display colours that are as close as possible to the colours of the advertisement;

      • (b) display any text that appears on the advertisement, in legible characters;

      • (c) include the brand name associated with the advertisement or, if the advertisement relates to a brand family, the brand elements used to identify the brand family; and

      • (d) include the dimensions of the advertisement.


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