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  1. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.16.100)

     No person shall sell any substance as a food additive unless the food additive is listed in one or more of the following Tables:


    Food Additives That May Be Used as Anticaking Agents

    Item No. Column I Column II Column III
    Additive Permitted in or Upon Maximum Level of Use
    (8) Grated or shredded (naming the variety) cheese; Grated or shredded cheddar cheese; Unstandardized grated or shredded cheese preparations (8) If used singly or in combination with microcrystalline cellulose or cellulose, the total amount not to exceed 2.0%
    C.5 Cellulose Grated or shredded (naming the variety) cheese; Grated or shredded cheddar cheese; Unstandardized grated or shredded cheese preparations If used singly or in combination with calcium silicate or microcrystalline cellulose, the total amount not to exceed 2.0%
    M.5 Microcrystalline Cellulose Grated or shredded (naming the variety) cheese; Grated or shredded cheddar cheese; Unstandardized grated or shredded cheese preparations If used singly or in combination with calcium silicate or cellulose, the total amount not to exceed 2.0%



    Food Additives That May Be Used as Colouring Agents

    Item No. Column I Column II Column III
    Additive Permitted in or Upon Maximum Level of Use
    (6) (naming the variety) Cheese; Cheddar cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients) (6) Good Manufacturing Practice in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.033, B.08.034, B.08.037, B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3, B.08.041.4, B.08.041.5, B.08.041.6, B.08.041.7 and B.08.041.8.
    (3) (naming the variety) Cheese; Cheddar cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients) (3) 35 p.p.m., in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.033, B.08.034, B.08.037, B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3, B.08.041.4, B.08.041.5, B.08.041.6, B.08.041.7 and B.08.041.8
    (5) Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (5) 1.5%
    (4) Feta cheese (brilliant blue FCF only) (4) 0.10 p.p.m.



    Food Additives That May Be Used as Emulsifying, Gelling, Stabilizing and Thickening Agents

    Item No. Column I Column II Column III
    Additive Permitted in or Upon Maximum Level of Use
    (3) Cottage cheese; Creamed cottage cheese; Ice cream; Ice cream mix; Ice milk; Ice milk mix (3) 0.5%
    C.4 Calcium Citrate (1) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (1) 4.0%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    C.9 Calcium Phosphate, dibasic (1) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (1) 3.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    (4) Creamed cottage cheese (4) 0.05%
    (2) Cottage cheese; Creamed cottage cheese; Ice cream; Ice cream mix; Ice milk; Ice milk mix (2) 0.5%
    (7) Cream cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients) (7) 0.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.035, B.08.037, B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.041.3, B.08.041.4, B.08.041.6, B.08.041.7 and B.08.041.8
    (2) Cottage cheese; Creamed cottage cheese; Ice cream; Ice cream mix; Ice milk; Ice milk mix (2) 0.5%
    (12) Cream cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients) (12) 0.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.035, B.08.037, B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.041.3, B.08.041.4, B.08.041.6, B.08.041.7 and B.08.041.8
    (2) Cottage cheese; Creamed cottage cheese; Ice cream; Ice cream mix; Ice milk; Ice milk mix (2) 0.5%
    (6) Cream cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients) (6) 0.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.035, B.08.037, B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.041.3, B.08.041.4, B.08.041.6, B.08.041.7 and B.08.041.8
    (2) Cottage cheese; Creamed cottage cheese; Ice cream; Ice cream mix; Ice milk; Ice milk mix (2) 0.5%
    (9) Cream cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients) (9) 0.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.035, B.08.037, B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.041.3, B.08.041.4, B.08.041.6, B.08.041.7 and B.08.041.8
    (2) Cottage cheese; Creamed cottage cheese; Ice cream; Ice cream mix; Ice milk; Ice milk mix (2) 0.5%
    (8) Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (8) 0.2%
    (4) Creamed cottage cheese (4) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (12) Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (12) 0.5% in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    (4) Cottage Cheese; Creamed Cottage Cheese (4) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (12) Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (12) 0.5% in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    (11) Creamed cottage cheese (11) 80 p.p.m.
    P.9 Potassium Citrate (1) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (1) 4.0%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    P.11 Potassium Phosphate, dibasic (1) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (1) 3.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    (2) Cottage cheese; Creamed cottage cheese; Ice cream; Ice cream mix; Ice milk; Ice milk mix (2) 0.5%
    (8) Cream cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients) (8) 0.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.035, B.08.037, B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.041.3, B.08.041.4, B.08.041.6, B.08.041.7 and B.08.041.8
    S.1 Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate (1) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (1) 3.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    S.2A Sodium Aluminum Phosphate (1) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (1) 3.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    (2) Cottage cheese; Creamed cottage cheese; Ice cream; Ice cream mix; Ice milk; Ice milk mix (2) 0.5%
    (6) Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients) (6) 0.5%
    (7) Cream cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients) (7) 0.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.035, B.08.037, B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.041.3, B.08.041.4, B.08.041.6, B.08.041.7 and B.08.041.8
    S.6 Sodium Citrate (1) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (1) 4.0%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    S.8 Sodium Gluconate (1) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (1) 4.0%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    (6) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (6) 3.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    (2) Cottage cheese; Creamed cottage cheese (2) 0.5%
    (6) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (6) 3.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    S.12 Sodium Phosphate, monobasic (1) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (1) 3.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    S.13 Sodium Phosphate, tribasic (1) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (1) 3.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    S.14 Sodium Potassium Tartrate (1) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (1) 4.0%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    S.15 Sodium Pyrophosphate, tetrabasic (1) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (1) 3.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    S.16 Sodium Tartrate (1) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (1) 4.0%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3 and B.08.041.4
    (2) Cottage cheese; Creamed cottage cheese; Ice cream; Ice cream mix; Ice milk; Ice milk mix (2) 0.5%
    (7) Cream cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (7) 0.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.035, B.08.037, B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.041.3, B.08.041.4, B.08.041.6, B.08.041.7 and B.08.041.8
    (2) Cottage Cheese; Creamed Cottage Cheese (2) 0.5% or, if used in combination with other stabilizing agents, the total amount of the combined stabilizers shall not exceed 0.5%
    (4) Cream cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients) (4) 0.5%, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.035, B.08.037, B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.041.3, B.08.041.4, B.08.041.6, B.08.041.7 and B.08.041.8



    Food Additives That May Be Used as Food Enzymes

    Item No. Column I Column II Column III Column IV
    Additive Permitted Source Permitted in or Upon Maximum Level of Use
    A.02 Aminopeptidase Lactococcus lactis (1) Cheddar cheese; (naming the variety) Cheese (1) Good Manufacturing Practice
    B.1 Bovine Rennet Aqueous extracts from the fourth stomach of adult bovine animals, sheep and goats Cheddar cheese; Cottage cheese; Cream cheese; Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); (naming the variety) Cheese Good Manufacturing Practice
    (i) Chymosin A Escherichia coli K-12, GE81 (pPFZ87A) (1) Cheddar cheese; (naming the variety) cheese; Cottage cheese; Cream cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Sour cream (1) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (ii) Chymosin B Aspergillus niger var. awamori, GCC0349 (pGAMpR); Kluyveromyces marxianus var. lactis, DS1182 (pKS105) (1) Cheddar cheese; (naming the variety) cheese; Cottage cheese; Cream cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Sour cream (1) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (3) Cheddar cheese; (naming the variety) Cheese; Processed cheddar cheese (3) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (2) Cheddar cheese; (naming the variety) Cheese (2) Good Manufacturing Practice
    L.4 Lysozyme Egg-white Cheddar cheese; (naming the variety) Cheese Good Manufacturing Practice
    M.1 Milk coagulating enzyme Rhizomucor miehei (Cooney and Emerson) (previous name: Mucor miehei (Cooney and Emerson)) or Mucor pusillus Lindt by pure culture fermentation process or Aspergillus oryzae RET-1 (pBoel777) (1) Cheddar cheese; Cottage cheese; (naming the variety) Cheese; Sour cream (1) Good Manufacturing Practice
    Endothia parasitica by pure culture fermentation processes (1) Emmentaler (Emmental, Swiss) Cheese (1) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (2) Parmesan Cheese (2) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (3) Romano Cheese (3) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (4) Mozzarella (Scamorza) Cheese (4) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (5) Part Skim Mozzarella (Part Skim Scamorza) Cheese (5) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (2) Cheddar cheese; Cottage cheese; Cream cheese; Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); (naming the variety) Cheese (2) Good Manufacturing Practice
    Aspergillus oryzae (pPFJo142) Cheddar cheese; (naming the variety) Cheese Good Manufacturing Practice
    (7) Industrial spray-dried cheese powder (7) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (12) Cheddar cheese; Cheddar cheese for processing (granular curd cheese; Stirred curd cheese; Washed curd cheese); Colby cheese (12) Good Manufacturing Practice
    Micrococcus caseolyticus var. (1) (naming the variety) Cheese (1) Good Manufacturing Practice
    R.1 Rennet Aqueous extracts from the fourth stomach of calves, kids or lambs (1) Cheddar cheese; Cottage cheese; Cream cheese; Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); (naming the variety) Cheese; Sour cream (1) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (3) Unstandardized cheese products (3) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (4) Unstandardized processed cheese products (4) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (5) Unstandardized cream cheese products (5) Good Manufacturing Practice



    Food Additives That May Be Used as Firming Agents

    Item No. Column I Column II Column III
    Additive Permitted in or Upon Maximum Level of Use
    (3) (naming the variety) cheese; Cheddar cheese (3) 0.02% of the milk and milk products used
    (4) Cottage cheese (4) Good Manufacturing Practice



    Miscellaneous Food Additives

    Item No. Column I Column II Column III Column IV
    Additive Permitted in or Upon Purpose of Use Maximum Level of Use
    (4) Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredient); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (4) To improve colour, texture, consistency and spreadability (4) 1.0%
    (3) Cottage Cheese; Creamed Cottage Cheese (3) To extend durable life (3) Good Manufacturing Practice
    N.1 Nitrogen (1) Cream cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients) (1) To improve spreadability (1) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (2) Cheese and turnips (2) Coating (2) Good Manufacturing Practice in accordance with section B.01.047



    Food Additives That May Be Used as pH Adjusting Agents, Acid-Reacting Materials and Water Correcting Agents

    Item No. Column I Column II Column III
    Additive Permitted in or Upon Maximum Level of Use
    A.1 Acetic Acid (1) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); (naming the variety) Whey cheese (1) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (2) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); (naming the variety) Whey cheese (2) Good Manufacturing Practice
    C.13A Carbon Dioxide (Naming the variety) Cheese Good Manufacturing Practice
    (5) Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cottage cheese; Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Creamed cottage cheese; Ice cream mix; Ice milk mix; (naming the variety) Whey cheese; Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Sherbet (5) Good Manufacturing Practice
    L.1 Lactic Acid (1) Ale; Baking powder; Beer; Bread; Cider; Cottage cheese; Creamed cottage cheese; Dried egg-white (dried albumen); Dried whole egg; Dried yolk; French dressing; Frozen egg-white (frozen albumen); Frozen whole egg; Frozen yolk; Ice cream mix; Ice milk mix; Liquid egg-white (liquid albumen); Liquid whole egg; Liquid yolk; Malt liquor; Mayonnaise; Olives; Pickles; Porter; Relishes; Salad dressing; Sherbet; Stout (1) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (4) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); (naming the variety) Whey cheese (4) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (3) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); (naming the variety) Whey cheese (3) Good Manufacturing Practice
    P.1 Phosphoric Acid (1) Ale; Beer; Cottage Cheese; Creamed cottage cheese; Gelatin; Light beer; Malt liquor; Mono-glycerides and mono- and diglycerides; Porter; Stout (1) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (2) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); (naming the variety) Whey cheese (2) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (3) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); (naming the variety) Whey cheese (3) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (2) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); (naming the variety) Whey cheese (2) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (3) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); (naming the variety) Whey cheese (3) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (3) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); (naming the variety) Whey cheese (3) Good Manufacturing Practice
    S.9 Sodium Citrate (1) Apple (or rhubarb) and (naming the fruit) jam; Cottage cheese; Cream; Creamed cottage cheese; Ice cream mix; Ice milk mix; (naming the fruit) Jam; (naming the fruit) Jam with pectin; (naming the fruit) Jelly; (naming the fruit) Jelly with pectin; (naming the citrus fruit) Marmalade; (naming the citrus fruit) Marmalade with pectin; Pineapple marmalade or Fig marmalade; Pineapple marmalade with pectin or Fig marmalade with pectin; Sherbet (1) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (6) (Naming the variety) Whey cheese; Whey cheese (6) Good Manufacturing Practice
    (3) Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); (naming the variety) Whey cheese (3) Good Manufacturing Practice


    PART I

    Food Additives That May Be Used as Class I Preservatives

    Item No. Column I Column II Column III
    Additive Permitted in or Upon Maximum Level of Use
    (4) Ripened cheese, containing not more than 68% moisture on a fat free basis during manufacture of which the lactic acid fermentation and salting is completed later than 12 hours after coagulation of the curd by food enzymes and where the added salt is applied externally to the cheese as dry salt or in the form of brine (4) If used singly or in combination with sodium nitrate, the total not to exceed 200 p.p.m. (based in milk). Residue in the finished cheese not to exceed 50 p.p.m.
    (5) Mold ripened cheese packed in hermetically sealed containers (5) If used singly or in combination with sodium nitrate, the total not to exceed 200 p.p.m. (based in milk). Residue in the finished cheese not to exceed 50 p.p.m.
    (4) Ripened cheese, containing not more than 68% moisture on a fat free basis during manufacture of which the lactic acid fermentation and salting is completed later than 12 hours after coagulation of the curd by food enzymes and where the added salt is applied externally to the cheese as dry salt or in the form of brine (4) If used singly or in combination with potassium nitrate, the total not to exceed 200 p.p.m. (based in milk). Residue in the finished cheese not to exceed 50 p.p.m.
    (5) Mold ripened cheese packed in hermetically sealed containers (5) If used singly or in combination with potassium nitrate, the total not to exceed 200 p.p.m. (based in milk). Residue in the finished cheese not to exceed 50 p.p.m.
    W.1 Wood Smoke (1) (naming the variety) Cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients) (1) Good Manufacturing Practice


    Food Additives That May Be Used as Class III Preservatives

    Item No. Column I Column II Column III
    Additive Permitted in or Upon Maximum Level of Use
    N.1 Natamycin (1) The surface of (naming the variety) cheese and cheddar cheese (1) 20 p.p.m. in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.033 and B.08.034
    (2) The surface of grated or shredded (naming the variety) cheese and grated or shredded cheddar cheese (2) 10 p.p.m. in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.033 and B.08.034
    (2) (naming the variety) Cheese; Cheddar cheese; Cream cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients) (2) 2,000 p.p.m. or 3,000 p.p.m., as the case may be, in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.033, B.08.034, B.08.035, B.08.037, B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3, B.08.041.4, B.08.041.5, B.08.041.6, B.08.041.7 and B.08.041.8
    (2) (naming the variety) Cheese; Cheddar cheese; Cream cheese; Cream cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cream cheese spread; Cream cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Processed (naming the variety) cheese; Processed (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese food; Processed cheese food with (naming the added ingredients); Processed cheese spread; Processed cheese spread with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese; Cold-pack (naming the variety) cheese with (naming the added ingredients); Cold-pack cheese food; Cold-pack cheese food with (naming the added ingredients) (2) 3,000 p.p.m. in accordance with the requirements of sections B.08.033, B.08.034, B.08.035, B.08.037, B.08.038, B.08.039, B.08.040, B.08.041, B.08.041.1, B.08.041.2, B.08.041.3, B.08.041.4, B.08.041.5, B.08.041.6, B.08.041.7 and B.08.041.8


  2. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.08.041.5)
    •  (1) [S]. Cold-Pack (naming the variety) Cheese

      • (a) shall

        • (i) subject to subparagraph (ii), be the product made by comminuting and mixing the named variety or varieties of cheese, other than cream cheese, cottage cheese or whey cheese, into a homogeneous mass without the aid of heat,

        • (ii) in the case of cold-pack cheddar cheese, be the product made by comminuting and mixing one or more of the following:

          • (A) cheddar cheese,

          • (B) stirred curd cheese,

          • (C) granular curd cheese, or

          • (D) washed curd cheese


        • (iii) contain, where it is made from

          • (A) one variety of cheese, not more moisture and not less milk fat than the maximum moisture content and minimum fat content permitted for that variety, or

          • (B) more than one variety of cheese, not more moisture and not less milk fat than the average maximum moisture content and the average minimum fat content permitted for those varieties; and

    • (2) Only a cheese to which wood smoke has been added as permitted in subsection (1) may be described by the term “smoked” on a label.

    • (3) Where a cheese is labelled as permitted in subsection (2), the word “smoked” shall be shown on the principal display panel.


  3. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.08.041)
    •  (1) [S]. Processed (naming the variety) Cheese with (naming the added ingredients)

      • (a) shall

        • (i) be the product made by comminuting and mixing the named variety or varieties of cheese, other than cream cheese, cottage cheese or whey cheese, into a homogeneous mass with the aid of heat,

        • (ii) contain the named added ingredients which shall be one or more of the following ingredients in amounts sufficient to differentiate the product from processed (naming the variety) cheese but not in amounts so large as to change the basic nature of the product:

          • (A) flavouring preparations other than such preparations that resemble the flavour of the varieties of cheese used in the product,

        • (iii) have, where it is made from

          • (A) one variety of cheese, in which the maximum amount of moisture permitted is less than 40 per cent, or

          • (B) more than one variety of cheese, in which the average maximum amount of moisture permitted is less than 40 per cent,


        • (iv) have, where it is made from

          • (A) one variety of cheese, in which the maximum amount of moisture permitted is 40 per cent or more, or

          • (B) more than one variety of cheese, in which the average maximum amount of moisture permitted is 40 per cent or more,


    • (2) Only a cheese to which wood smoke has been added as permitted in subsection (1) may be described by the term “smoked” on a label.

    • (3) Where a cheese is labelled as permitted in subsection (2), the word “smoked” shall be shown on the principal display panel.


  4. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.08.040)
    •  (1) [S]. Processed (naming the variety) Cheese

      • (a) shall

        • (i) subject to subparagraph (ii), be the product made by comminuting and mixing the named variety or varieties of cheese, other than cream cheese, cottage cheese or whey cheese, into a homogeneous mass with the aid of heat,

        • (ii) in the case of processed cheddar cheese, be the product made by comminuting and mixing one or more of the following:

          • (A) cheddar cheese,

          • (B) stirred curd cheese,

          • (C) granular curd cheese, or

          • (D) washed curd cheese


        • (iii) have, where it is made from

          • (A) one variety of cheese, in which the maximum amount of moisture permitted is less than 40 per cent, or

          • (B) two or more varieties of cheese, in which the average maximum amount of moisture permitted is less than 40 per cent,


        • (iv) subject to subparagraph (v), have, where it is made from

          • (A) one variety of cheese, in which the maximum amount of moisture permitted is 40 per cent or more, or

          • (B) more than one variety of cheese, in which the average maximum amount of moisture permitted is 40 per cent or more,


        • (v) in the case of processed skim milk cheese, contain not more than


      • (b) may contain

        • [...]

        • (iii) in the case of processed skim milk cheese, added skim milk powder, buttermilk powder and whey powder,

    • (2) Only a cheese to which wood smoke has been added as permitted in subsection (1) may be described by the term “smoked” on a label.

    • (3) Where a cheese is labelled as permitted in subsection (2), the word “smoked” shall be shown on the principal display panel.


  5. Food and Drug Regulations - C.R.C., c. 870 (Section B.08.034)
    •  (1) [S]. Cheddar Cheese

      • (a) shall

        • (i) be the product that is made by coagulating milk, milk products or a combination of those things with the aid of bacteria to form a curd and subjecting the curd to the cheddar process or any process other than the cheddar process that produces a cheese having the same physical, chemical and organoleptic properties as those of cheese produced by the cheddar process,

        • (i.1) have a casein content that is derived from milk or from ultrafiltered milk, partly skimmed milk, ultrafiltered partly skimmed milk, skim milk, ultrafiltered skim milk or cream, rather than from other milk products, that is at least 83 per cent of the total protein content of the cheese,

      • (b) may contain

        • [...]

        • (ii) flavouring preparations other than cheese flavouring,

        • [...]

        • (vii) the following preservatives:

          • [...]

          • (D) natamycin applied to the surface of the cheese in an amount that does not exceed 20 parts per million or, if the cheese is grated or shredded, 10 parts per million, and

        • (viii) in the case of grated or shredded cheddar cheese, calcium silicate, microcrystalline cellulose or cellulose, or a combination of them, as an anticaking agent, the total amount not to exceed 2.0 per cent; and

      • (c) shall not be labelled or advertised as cheddar cheese that has been aged unless


    • (1.1) Cheddar cheese may contain more than the maximum percentage of moisture set out in clause (1)(a)(ii)(A) and less than the minimum percentage of milk fat set out in clause (1)(a)(ii)(B) if

      • [...]

      • (b) the cheese has the characteristic flavour and texture of cheddar cheese.

    • (1.2) The reference to “83 per cent” in subparagraph (1)(a)(i.1) shall be read as “78 per cent” if

      • [...]

      • (b) the cheese has the characteristic flavour and texture of cheddar cheese.

    • (2) No person shall, in the manufacture of the cheddar cheese, use any enzyme other than


    • [...]

    • (3) Where a flavouring preparation is added to a cheese as permitted in subsection (1), the words “with (naming the flavouring preparation)” shall be added to the common name in any label.

    • (4) Only a cheese to which wood smoke has been added as permitted in subsection (1) may be described by the term “smoked” on a label.

    • (5) Where a cheese is labelled as permitted in subsection (4), the word “smoked” shall be shown on the principal display panel.


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