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  1. Newfoundland Offshore Area Petroleum Geophysical Operations Regulations - SOR/95-334 (Section 25)
    •  (1) Subject to subsection (3), within 12 months after the date of termination of a geophysical operation, every operator shall submit to the Chief Conservation Officer a report that includes

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      • (e) a summary of significant dates, the number of members of the complement, the number of members of the geophysical crew, the type and number of each type of equipment used, the production data, the total distance surveyed, the downtime per day, and the number of kilometres of data recorded per day;

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      • (i) shotpoint maps, track plots, flight lines with numbered fiducial points, gravity station maps and, for seabed surveys, location maps for core holes, grab samples and seabed photographs;

  2. Newfoundland Offshore Area Petroleum Geophysical Operations Regulations - SOR/95-334 (Section 15)

     Where a helicopter is used in a geophysical operation, the operator shall ensure that

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    • (b) an immersion suit that complies with the Canadian General Standards Board Standard CAN/CGSB-65.17-M88, Helicopter Passenger Transportation Suit System, published in January 1988, as amended from time to time, is worn by every member of the geophysical crew who is on a flight to or from the vessel or platform from which the operation is conducted.

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