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  1. Anhydrous Ammonia Bulk Storage Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1146 (Section 74)

     The principal hazards associated with the handling of anhydrous ammonia are as follows:

    • (a) mixtures of air and anhydrous ammonia consisting of 16 to 25 per cent by volume of anhydrous ammonia are flammable and may ignite at a temperature as low as 1204°F in the presence of iron. For outdoor installations, this condition is not likely to be obtained except as a result of a tank or pipeline rupture. However, serious fires and explosions have occurred in which anhydrous ammonia was a contributing factor. Anhydrous ammonia becomes slightly unstable at 840-930°F and dissociates into hydrogen and nitrogen. The presence of small quantities of oil or other combustible material in anhydrous ammonia will increase the fire hazard;

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