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  1. Board of Steamship Inspection Scale of Fees - C.R.C., c. 1405 (Section 31)
    •  (1) In addition to any other fees payable, the fee payable for the inspection of a ship, other than an oil tanker or a barge that carries oil in bulk, leading to the issuance of an International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate, a Canadian Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate or a Certificate of Compliance (Oil), for a ship of the gross tonnage set out in column I of an item of the table to this subsection, is the applicable fee set out in column II, III or IV of the item.


      Fees for Ships Other Than Oil Tankers and Barges that Carry Oil in Bulk

    • (2) In addition to any other fees payable, the fee payable for the inspection of an oil tanker or a barge that carries oil in bulk under Annex I of the Pollution Convention, leading to the issuance of an International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate, a Canadian Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate or a Certificate of Compliance (Oil), for a ship having the gross tonnage set out in column I of an item of the table to this subsection, is the applicable fee set out in column II, III or IV of the item.


      Fees for Oil Tankers and Barges that Carry Oil in Bulk


  2. Board of Steamship Inspection Scale of Fees - C.R.C., c. 1405 (Section 32)
    • [...]

    • (4) Where more than four copies of a plan or technical document set out in column I of an item of the table to this section are submitted for examination, the fee payable for each additional copy is one quarter of the fee set out in column II of the item.


      Column I Column II
      Item Plan or Technical Document Fee ($)
      1 Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan 200
      2 Crude Oil Washing Manual 300
      5 Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System Manual 200


  3. Board of Steamship Inspection Scale of Fees - C.R.C., c. 1405 (Section 12)
    •  (1) The fee payable for each annual, quadrennial or quinquennial inspection of a non-self-propelled ship that is subject to annual inspections, subsequent to the first inspection, is

      • [...]

      • (c) for an unmanned, non-self-propelled ship, including deck cargo barges and barges that carry oil in bulk, having a gross tonnage set out in column I of an item of Table II to section 11, one half of the fee set out in column II of the item.

    • (2) The fee payable for each quadrennial or quinquennial inspection of a non-self-propelled ship that is not subject to annual inspections, subsequent to the first inspection, is

      • [...]

      • (c) for an unmanned, non-self-propelled ship, including deck cargo barges and barges that carry oil in bulk, having a gross tonnage set out in column I of an item of Table II to section 11, one half of the fee set out in column II of the item.


  4. Board of Steamship Inspection Scale of Fees - C.R.C., c. 1405 (Section 10.1)
    •  (1) The fee payable for the re-inspection of a ship of less than 25 tons gross tonnage that was registered in Canada, then registered elsewhere than in Canada and is then again registered in Canada, is an amount equal to $286 plus:

      • [...]

      • (c) for an unmanned, non-self-propelled ship, including deck cargo barges and barges that carry oil in bulk, having a gross tonnage set out in column I of an item of Table II to section 11, three quarters of the fee set out in column II of the item.

    • (2) The fee payable for the re-inspection of a ship of 25 tons gross tonnage or more that was registered in Canada, then registered elsewhere than in Canada and is then again registered in Canada, is an amount equal to $1,152 plus:

      • [...]

      • (c) for an unmanned, non-self-propelled ship, including deck cargo barges and barges that carry oil in bulk, having a gross tonnage set out in column I of an item of Table II to section 11, three quarters of the fee set out in column II of the item.


  5. Board of Steamship Inspection Scale of Fees - C.R.C., c. 1405 (Section 10)
    •  (1) The fee payable for the first inspection of a ship of less than 25 tons, gross tonnage, is an amount equal to $286 plus:

      • [...]

      • (c) for an unmanned, non-self-propelled ship, including deck cargo barges and barges that carry oil in bulk, having a gross tonnage set out in column I of an item of Table II to section 11, the fee set out in column II of the item.

    • (2) The fee payable for the first inspection of a ship of 25 tons, gross tonnage, or more, is an amount equal to $1,152 plus:

      • [...]

      • (c) for an unmanned, non-self-propelled ship, including deck cargo barges and barges that carry oil in bulk, having a gross tonnage set out in column I of an item of Table II to section 11, the fee set out in column II of the item.


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