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  1. CCRFTA Rules of Origin Regulations - SOR/2002-395 (SCHEDULE I : Specific Rules of Origin)



    Chapter 12 Oil Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits; Miscellaneous Grains, Seeds and Fruit; Industrial or Medicinal Plants; Straw and Fodder

    SECTION IIIAnimal or Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Cleavage Products; Prepared Edible Fats; Animal or Vegetable Waxes(chapter 15)

    Chapter 15 Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils and Their Cleavage Products; Prepared Edible Fats; Animal or Vegetable Waxes


    Chapter 27 Mineral Fuels, Mineral Oils and Products of Their Distillation; Bituminous Substances; Mineral Waxes


    Chapter 33 Essential Oils and Resinoids; Perfumery, Cosmetic or Toilet Preparations


  2. CCRFTA Rules of Origin Regulations - SOR/2002-395 (Section 8)

     Except in the case of sets or as provided in Schedule 1, a good is not an originating good merely by reason of

    • [...]

    • (e) the removal of dust or damaged parts from, oiling, or applying anti-rust paint or protective coatings to, the good;

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