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  1. Canada – Nova Scotia Offshore Marine Installations and Structures Occupational Health and Safety Transitional Regulations - SOR/2015-2 (Section 271)

     A physician who has specialized knowledge in the treatment of the health and safety problems that may be encountered in the oil and gas industry must be readily available at all times for medical consultation.

  2. Canada – Nova Scotia Offshore Marine Installations and Structures Occupational Health and Safety Transitional Regulations - SOR/2015-2 (Section 246)

     The floor, cab and other occupied parts of materials handling equipment must be kept free of any grease, oil, materials, tools or equipment that may cause a hazard to an employee.

  3. Canada – Nova Scotia Offshore Marine Installations and Structures Occupational Health and Safety Transitional Regulations - SOR/2015-2 (Section 33)

     The working surface of a temporary structure used by an employee must, if reasonably practicable, be kept free of grease, oil or other slippery substance and of any material or object that may cause an employee to slip or trip.

  4. Canada – Nova Scotia Offshore Marine Installations and Structures Occupational Health and Safety Transitional Regulations - SOR/2015-2 (Section 16)
    • [...]

    • (2) The floor in a workplace must, to the extent reasonably practicable, be kept free from oil, grease or any other slippery substance.

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