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  1. Canada Oil and Gas Diving Regulations - SOR/88-600

    Whereas a copy of the proposed Regulations respecting the safety of diving operations conducted in connection with the exploration or drilling for or the production, conservation, processing or transportation of oil or gas, substantially in the form annexed hereto, was published in the Canada Gazette Part I on July 9, 1988 and a reasonable opportunity was thereby afforded to interested persons to make representations to the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources or the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development with respect thereto;

    Therefore, Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources and the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, pursuant to sections 12Footnote * and 57 of the Oil and Gas Production and Conservation Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations respecting the safety of diving operations conducted in connection with the exploration or drilling for or the production, conservation, processing or transportation of oil and gas.


  2. Canada Oil and Gas Diving Regulations - SOR/88-600 (Section 2)

     In these Regulations,


    Act means the Oil and Gas Production and Conservation Act; (Loi)

    diving program

    diving program means any work or activity related to the exploration or drilling for or the production, conservation, processing or transportation of oil or gas that involves a diving operation; (programme de plongée ou programme)


    installation means any fixed offshore structure used in connection with the exploration or drilling for or the production, conservation, processing or transportation of oil or gas; (installation)

  3. Canada Oil and Gas Diving Regulations - SOR/88-600 (SCHEDULE VI : Recommendation for Category Diving Supervisor’s Certificate)


    This is to certify that , born on , 19 at , presently working for , as a Category , is familiar with all the aspects of diving practice and supervision of that category , as specified under the Canada Oil and Gas Diving Regulations. Therefore, I/we, the undersigned, have no hesitation in recommending this applicant as a category diving supervisor and, to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, I/we state that I/we know the applicant sufficiently and that I am/we are not aware of any reason why the applicant should not be granted the above-mentioned status.


  4. Canada Oil and Gas Diving Regulations - SOR/88-600 (Section 62)
    • [...]

    • (4) Where a diver becomes aware of any oil or other contaminant in waters in which a diving operation is being conducted, the diver shall forthwith inform the supervisor of the diving operation of the contaminant.

  5. Canada Oil and Gas Diving Regulations - SOR/88-600 (Section 49)
    • [...]

    • (5) Where a diving supervisor becomes aware of any oil or other contaminant in waters in which a diving operation supervised by the supervisor is being conducted, that supervisor shall take all necessary steps to avoid any contamination of any diver in the water and of the ambient atmosphere in any compression chamber used in the diving operation.

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