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  1. Canadian Forces Base Shearwater Airfield Zoning Regulations - C.R.C., c. 78 (SCHEDULE)



    Premising that the bearings hereinafter mentioned are astronomical and are referred to the centre line of strip 16R-34L, Canadian Forces Base Shearwater Airfield, Shearwater, Eastern Passage, Province of Nova Scotia, as North forty-one degrees fifty-one minutes West (N. 41°51′ W.):

    BEGINNING at the intersection of the centre line of Runway 16R-34L with the 34L end of said Runway; THENCE, following the said centre line North forty-one degrees fifty-one minutes West (N. 41°51′ W.) a distance of eight hundred and fifty feet (850′) to a point; THENCE, North forty-eight degrees nine minutes East (N. 48°09′ E.) a distance of one thousand and seven hundred feet (1,700′) to a point henceforth designated as the airport reference point, said airport reference point being also at a distance of four thousand one hundred and twelve feet and three tenths (4,112.3′) measured along a line having a bearing North ten degrees twenty-two minutes East (N. 10°22′ E.) from a concrete monument at the intersection of the Southerly boundary of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way with the property line between the lands of Gilbert Horne and the lands of Texaco Oil Company, the said airport reference point having an assigned elevation of one hundred and forty-eight feet (148′) above sea level.


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