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  1. Canal Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1564 (Section 49)
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    • (3) A vessel employed in carrying explosives or dangerous or flammable goods such as fuel oil, crude oil or gasoline, shall, whether loaded, partly loaded or empty, fulfil all requirements of the Chief, Superintending Engineer or Superintendent while in canal waters.

    • (4) On oil tankers and similar vessels that carry flammable liquids there shall be provided and placed, when docking or locking, a sufficient number of timber fenders between the vessel’s hull and the dock or lock wall to prevent any metallic portion of such vessel from touching the side of the lock or dock wall.

  2. Canal Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1564 (Section 53)

     No person shall deposit oil, oil sludge or other flammable or dangerous substance, garbage, ashes, paper, ordure, litter or other materials in canal waters or on canal property.

  3. Canal Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1564

    Explosives, Dangerous Cargo and Oil Products

  4. Canal Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1564 (Section 47)
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    • (2) No person shall authorize or do any repair work other than minor machinery repairs on any oil tanker while such tanker is in any canal or is dry docked on canal lands without the written permission of the Superintending Engineer or Superintendent, which permission shall be granted only on presentation of a certificate from a qualified chemical inspection company stating that the vessel is gas-free and safe for the work proposed.

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