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  1. Cannabis Regulations - SOR/2018-144 (Section 127)
    Marginal note:Cannabis oil — not in discrete units

     In the case of cannabis oil — or a cannabis accessory that contains cannabis oil — that is not in discrete units, the label of any container in which the cannabis product is packaged must also include the following information:

    • (a) the net weight, in grams, and net volume, in millilitres, of cannabis oil;

    • (b) the concentration of THC, in milligrams per millilitre, in the cannabis oil, preceded by “THC”;

    • (c) the concentration of THC, in milligrams per millilitre, that the cannabis oil could yield, taking into account the potential to convert THCA into THC, preceded by “Total THC”;

    • [...]

    • (e) the concentration of CBD, in milligrams per millilitre, that the cannabis oil could yield, taking into account the potential to convert CBDA into CBD, preceded by “Total CBD”;

    • (f) the carrier oil used;

    • (g) the name of any food allergen, within the meaning of subsection B.01.010.1(1) of the Food and Drug Regulations, that is contained in the cannabis oil; and

    • (h) in the case of cannabis oil that is not intended for oral administration, the warning “DO NOT SWALLOW / NE PAS AVALER”.

  2. Cannabis Regulations - SOR/2018-144 (Section 225)
    Marginal note:Inventory — cannabis oil
    •  (1) A holder of a licence must retain, for each lot or batch of cannabis oil that they produce, a document that contains the following information:

      • (a) the date on which the cannabis oil is produced and its net weight or volume on that date;

      • (b) if applicable, the date on which the cannabis oil is put into a discrete unit form, the net weight or volume of the oil in each unit and the number of units; and

      • (c) in respect of the cannabis that was used to produce the cannabis oil, its description, its net weight or volume, its lot or batch number and the date on which it was produced.

    • Marginal note:Packaging

      (2) A holder of a licence must retain, for each lot or batch of cannabis oil that they package, a document that contains the following information:

      • (a) a description of the cannabis oil, including the brand name, if applicable;

      • (b) the date on which the cannabis oil is packaged and its net weight or volume on that date; and

  3. Cannabis Regulations - SOR/2018-144 (Section 126)
    Marginal note:Cannabis oil — discrete unit

     In the case of cannabis oil — or a cannabis accessory that contains cannabis oil — that is in discrete units, the label of any container in which the cannabis product is packaged must also include the following information:

    • (a) the net weight, in grams, and net volume, in millilitres, of cannabis oil;

    • [...]

    • (c) the net weight, in grams, and net volume, in millilitres, of cannabis oil in each unit;

    • [...]

    • (h) the carrier oil used;

    • (i) the name of any food allergen, within the meaning of subsection B.01.010.1(1) of the Food and Drug Regulations, that is contained in the cannabis oil; and

    • (j) in the case of cannabis oil that is not intended for oral administration, the warning “DO NOT SWALLOW / NE PAS AVALER”.

  4. Cannabis Regulations - SOR/2018-144 (Section 102)
    Marginal note:Maximum yield quantity — Activation of accessory

     Each activation of a cannabis accessory that dispenses cannabis oil and that is packaged with a cannabis product that is cannabis oil or of a cannabis accessory that contains the oil, if the oil is intended to be taken by ingestion, must not dispense more than a maximum yield quantity of 10 mg of THC, taking into account the potential to convert THCA into THC.

  5. Cannabis Regulations - SOR/2018-144 (Section 93)
    Marginal note:Substances
    • [...]

    • Marginal note:Cannabis oil

      (3) Despite subsection (1), cannabis oil may contain the carrier oil, residues of the solvents listed in the document entitled Limits for Residual Solvents in Cannabis Products, as amended from time to time and published by the Government of Canada on its website that do not exceed the limits established in that document and other substances that are necessary to maintain the oil’s quality and stability.

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