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  1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information Production Order - SOR/2018-214 (Section 91)
    Marginal note:Covered industrial activities
    •  (1) This Part applies to a regulated facility that is engaged in the processing of crude oil, including bitumen, heavy crude oil, light crude oil and synthetic crude oil, or secondary petroleum products and that has a combined annual volume of gasoline, diesel fuel and lubricant basestock produced that is greater than 40% of its annual volume of liquid petroleum products produced.


  2. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information Production Order - SOR/2018-214 (Section 87)
    Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

     This Part applies to bitumen and other crude oil regulated facilities engaged in

    • (a) the extraction, processing and production of bitumen or any other heavy crude oil having a density equal to or greater than 940 kg/m3 at 15°C; and

    • (b) the extraction, processing and production of light crude oil having a density of less than 940 kg/m3 at 15°C.

  3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information Production Order - SOR/2018-214 (Section 90)
    Marginal note:Production

     Production by the regulated facility must be quantified in barrels of combined bitumen and heavy crude oil and in barrels of light crude oil, separately.

  4. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information Production Order - SOR/2018-214 (Section 28)
    Marginal note:Covered industrial activities

     This Part applies to regulated facilities at which bitumen or heavy oil is upgraded in order to produce synthetic crude oil.

  5. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information Production Order - SOR/2018-214 (Section 1)
    Marginal note:Definitions
    •  (1) The following definitions apply in this Order.

      Directive 017

      Directive 017  means the directive entitled Directive 017: Measurement Requirements for Oil and Gas Operations, published by Alberta Energy Regulator on March 31, 2016. (Directive 017)

      Directive PNG017

      Directive PNG017  means the directive entitled Directive PNG017: Measurement Requirements for Oil and Gas Operations, published by Government of Saskatchewan on August 1, 2017. (Directive 017)


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