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  1. Hull Inspection Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1432 (Section 24)
    •  (1) At a quadrennial or quinquennial inspection of a ship not over five years old, the following requirements shall apply:

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      • (j) double bottom tanks that are not used for the carriage of oil fuel shall be tested by a head of water to the light water line, but in no case less than 2.44 m above the inner bottom; in the case of Great Lakes cargo ships, the testing of tank tops may be waived at the discretion of the inspector, having regard to the voyages the ship makes;

      • (k) double bottom compartments used for the carriage of oil fuel shall be tested by a head of water or oil extending to the load water line, or by a head sufficient to give the maximum pressure that they may be required to bear at any time, whichever is the greater;

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      • (o) deep tanks constructed for carrying oil or oil and fresh water, but not used solely for that purpose, and peak tanks used for carrying oil fuel, shall be inspected and tested by a head of water or oil sufficient to give the maximum pressure that can be experienced in service, or 2.44 m, whichever is the greater;

      • (p) double bottom and deep tanks used exclusively for oil fuel or for oil fuel and fresh water, and oil fuel bunkers, need not be examined internally if after a general inspection and testing as required by paragraphs (k) or (o) their condition is found to be satisfactory;

    • (2) Oil tankers are subject to the following additional requirements:

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      • (c) each oil compartment and cofferdam, except in a case where the cofferdam between the engine room and the cargo tanks is used as a pump room, shall be tested by being filled with water to the top of the hatchway in the expansion trunk or cofferdam; provided that the tanks may be filled to the light water line when the ship is in dry dock and the remainder of the test carried out afloat; the centre line bulkhead need not be tested independently. Where a pump room forms the cofferdam between cargo tanks and the machinery space, the inspector shall be satisfied that the integrity of the engine room bulkhead is being maintained; and


  2. Hull Inspection Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1432 (Section 26)

     At a quadrennial or quinquennial inspection of a ship over 10 years old but not over 24 years old, in addition to the requirements of sections 24 and 25, the following requirements shall apply:

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    • (e) subject to paragraph (f), all tanks that are used exclusively for oil fuel, oil fuel and fresh water or lubricating oil, and all cofferdams adjacent to such tanks, shall be thoroughly cleaned, gas-freed and examined internally, except that

      • (i) in the case of a ship not more than 15 years old, its tanks, other than peak tanks, that are used exclusively for oil fuel, oil fuel and fresh water or lubricating oil need not all be examined internally if, after a general inspection and testing and after an internal examination of one double bottom tank forward, one double bottom tank aft and one deep tank, the inspector finds their condition to be satisfactory, and

      • (ii) in the case of a ship more than 15 but not more than 20 years old, only one oil fuel double bottom tank amidships, one forward and one aft, and one deep tank need be examined internally, and such tanks should be selected so that as many different tanks as possible are examined internally before the ship is 20 years old;

    • (f) in the case of a ship referred to in subsection 18(2) where the interval between periodical inspections is five years, oil fuel bunkers shall be gas-freed, thoroughly cleaned and examined internally when the ship is 15 years old, except that where, upon external examination, an inspector finds the condition of the bunkers to be satisfactory, the gas-freeing, cleaning and internal examination is not necessary;

  3. Hull Inspection Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1432 (Section 25)

     At a quadrennial or quinquennial inspection of a ship over five years old but not over 10 years old, in addition to the requirements of section 24, the following requirements shall apply:

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    • (c) all tanks that are used exclusively for oil fuel or oil fuel and fresh water, and all cofferdams adjacent to such tanks, shall be thoroughly cleaned, gas-freed and examined internally, except that

      • (i) in the case of double bottom tanks used exclusively for oil fuel or oil fuel and fresh water, where the foremost such tank has been thoroughly cleaned, gas-freed, inspected internally and found satisfactory to the inspector, the cleaning, gas-freeing and internal examination of the other double bottom tanks used for such purpose shall not be necessary where, upon a general external examination, the inspector finds their condition to be satisfactory, and

      • (ii) in the case of tanks used exclusively for oil fuel or oil fuel and fresh water, other than double bottom and peak tanks, the cleaning, gas-freeing and internal examination of those tanks shall not be necessary where, upon external examination, the inspector finds their condition to be satisfactory;

    • (d) lubricating oil tanks need not be examined internally where, upon external examination, the inspector finds their condition to be satisfactory;


  4. Hull Inspection Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1432 (Section 7)
    •  (1) Before a new ship is launched, the compartments within the main hull shall be subjected to hose or pressure tests as follows:

      • (a) double bottoms that are not to be used for the carriage of oil: a head of water which shall be equal to the maximum head that can be experienced in service;

      • (b) deep tanks and peak tanks used for the carriage of water, and deep tanks and double bottom tanks arranged for the carriage of oil fuel: a head of water equal to the maximum head to which the tanks can be subjected in service but not less than 2.44 m above the crown of the tanks where the moulded depth to the strength deck exceeds 4.88 m, and 0.91 m where the moulded depth does not exceed 3.05 m; intermediate heads may be obtained by interpolation between 4.88 m and 3.05 m;


  5. Hull Inspection Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1432 (Section 27)
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    • (2) Where the interval between periodical inspections of a ship referred to in subsection 18(2) is five years,

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      • (b) the oil fuel bunkers shall be gas-freed, thoroughly cleaned and examined internally at the first quinquennial inspection after the ship is 24 years old, after the next 10 years, after the next nine years, and every eight years thereafter, except that where, upon external examination, the inspector finds the condition of the bunkers to be satisfactory, the gas-freeing, cleaning and internal examination is not necessary.


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