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  1. Large Fishing Vessel Inspection Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1435 (Section 25)
    •  (1) Every fishing vessel shall be provided with one or more pumps with sufficient hydrants and fire hose whereby a powerful jet of water can be rapidly directed into any part of the vessel and the pumps, hydrants, hose and nozzles shall comply with the following requirements:

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      • (d) fire pumps shall be so connected that they cannot be used for pumping oil;

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    • (4) Every fishing vessel propelled by internal combustion engines shall be equipped in the machinery spaces with

      • (a) two 9 L foam fire extinguishers or equivalent fire extinguishers, where the engines use oil having a flashpoint (Pensky-Marten, closed cup) of not less than 52°C; or

      • (b) three 9 L foam fire extinguishers or equivalent fire extinguishers, where the engines use oil having a flashpoint (Pensky-Marten, closed cup) of less than 52°C; and

      • (c) if the vessel is equipped with an oil fired boiler, one 9 L foam fire extinguisher or equivalent fire extinguisher for each burner, which extinguisher shall be stowed adjacent to the boiler.

    • (5) Every fishing vessel propelled by steam engines and equipped with oil fired boilers shall be equipped in the boiler room with

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      • (b) a receptacle containing an adequate quantity of sand or other dry material suitable for quenching oil fires and a scoop for distributing that material.


  2. Large Fishing Vessel Inspection Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1435 (Section 15)
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    • (3) Each fuel tank shall be provided with a suitable means for ascertaining the level of the oil therein and if sounding pipes are fitted they shall be led to an accessible position on a deck above the load water line, but where this arrangement is not practicable, short sounding pipes may be fitted in the machinery spaces if they are led to readily accessible positions above the platforms and fitted with self-closing cocks or valves.

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    • (11) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (10), where a new or existing fishing vessel is equipped with an oil fired power boiler for main or auxiliary steam, the provisions of subsection (8) shall apply to every fuel tank outlet valve or cock.

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    • (13) Means shall be provided to prevent the movement of oil fuel tanks when the fishing vessel is in a seaway.

    • (14) Fuel tanks that are not separate from the hull shall be considered as part of the hull, taking into consideration the strength requirements of the vessel and the possibility of contamination of oil fuel with water, but the standards of construction and testing shall not be less than those given in this section for fuel tanks that are separate from the hull.


  3. Large Fishing Vessel Inspection Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1435 (Section 24)
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    • (9) Subject to subsection (10), there shall be stowed in each lifeboat, boat, dory or skiff required by this section

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      • (g) one storm lantern with sufficient oil to burn for at least 7 hours and a watertight can of matches;

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      • (j) one sea anchor, oil bag and 4.5 L can of vegetable oil except that such equipment is not required for a dory.


  4. Large Fishing Vessel Inspection Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1435 (Section 12)
    •  (1) Boilers, boiler mountings, main steam pipes, main feed pipes, evaporators, feed heaters, boiler feed systems, main shafting, main engines and oil fuel systems shall be constructed and inspected during construction as required by the Marine Machinery Regulations.


  5. Large Fishing Vessel Inspection Regulations - C.R.C., c. 1435 (Section 27)


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