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  1. Muskowekwan First Nation Solution Potash Mining Regulations - SOR/2017-47 (SCHEDULE 3 : Incorporated Laws)


    • [...]

    • The Oil and Gas Conservation Act, R.S.S. 1978, c. O-2, other than subsection 17.041(7)
    • The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 2012, R.R.S. 1978, c. O-2, Reg. 6

  2. Muskowekwan First Nation Solution Potash Mining Regulations - SOR/2017-47

    The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 2012

  3. Muskowekwan First Nation Solution Potash Mining Regulations - SOR/2017-47

    The Oil and Gas Conservation Act

  4. Muskowekwan First Nation Solution Potash Mining Regulations - SOR/2017-47 (Section 37)
    Marginal note:Adaptation to portion of section 5
    •  (1) The portion of section 5 of The Subsurface Mineral Conservation Regulations before paragraph (a) is to be read as follows:

      5 Notwithstanding sections 112 and 113 of The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 2012, any information with respect to the Prairie Evaporite that is required to be submitted for a well drilled pursuant to a well licence within the project lands remains confidential until the earlier of:

  5. Muskowekwan First Nation Solution Potash Mining Regulations - SOR/2017-47 (Section 29)
    Marginal note:Adaptation to paragraph 2(bb)

     In the definition person in paragraph 2(bb) of The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 2012, a reference to “government” is to be read to exclude the Government of Canada.

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