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  1. National Energy Board Export and Import Reporting Regulations - SOR/95-563 (Section 2)

     In these Regulations,


    order means an order authorizing the exportation, importation, exportation for subsequent importation or importation for subsequent exportation of gas or authorizing the exportation of oil issued by the Board under the National Energy Board Act Part VI (Oil and Gas) Regulations; (ordonnance)

    refined petroleum products

    refined petroleum products means

    • (a) oil recovered by the processing of oil sands,

    • [...]

    • (c) oil for use as a component in the blending of gasoline-type fuels referred to in paragraph (b),

    • (d) middle distillates, including the products commercially known as kerosene, stove oil, diesel fuel, furnace oil, diesel oil, gas oil, distillate heating oil, engine distillates and Nos. 1, 2, and 3 fuel oils,

    • (e) heavy fuels oils, including Nos. 4, 5 and 6 fuel oils, bunker “C” oil, “C” grade oil, residual fuel oil, heavy bunker oil, intermediate and thin bunker fuels and any blend of heavy fuel oils, and

    • (f) partially processed oil, whether commingled with crude oil or equivalent hydrocarbons or not. (produits pétroliers raffinés)


  2. National Energy Board Export and Import Reporting Regulations - SOR/95-563 (Section 7)

     Every holder of a licence or an order for the exportation of oil shall submit to the Board, on or before the last day of each month, a return for the previous month that contains, for each licence and order, the following information:

    • [...]

    • (b) in the case of oil other than refined petroleum products,

      • (i) the crude oil stream exported,

      • (ii) the consignee and destination of the oil within the importing country,

      • [...]

      • (vi) the export price of the oil at the point of sale, expressed in Canadian currency, and


  3. National Energy Board Export and Import Reporting Regulations - SOR/95-563


  4. National Energy Board Export and Import Reporting Regulations - SOR/95-563

    His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Natural Resources, pursuant to subsection 129(1)Footnote * of the National Energy Board Act, is pleased hereby to approve the annexed Regulations respecting the returns and information to be submitted by persons exporting oil, gas or electricity or importing gas, made by the National Energy Board on October 31, 1995.


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