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  1. Nova Scotia Offshore Area Petroleum Geophysical Operations Regulations - SOR/95-144 (Section 10)

     Subject to any other applicable law, every operator shall ensure that all refuse produced as a result of a geophysical operation is handled in the following manner:

    • (a) all fuel, oil, oily material or lubricants are collected in a closed system that is designed for that purpose;

    • (b) all oil or oily material that is not burned on a vessel or platform and all non-combustible material is transported in a suitable container to, and disposed of at, a suitable waste disposal facility on land; and

  2. Nova Scotia Offshore Area Petroleum Geophysical Operations Regulations - SOR/95-144 (Section 11)

     Where an operator who is conducting a geophysical operation uses or intends to use an air gun as a seismic energy source, the operator shall ensure that

    • (a) all air gun components are maintained in good operating condition and are kept free from dirt, oil and excess grease;

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