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  1. Petroleum Refinery Liquid Effluent Regulations - C.R.C., c. 828 (Section 2)
    •  (1) In these Regulations,

      crude oil

      crude oil means virgin or naturally occurring unrefined petroleum and any hydrocarbons or mixture of hydrocarbons similar in composition to petroleum brought into a refinery for processing, but does not include hydrocarbons and residual fuels brought into a refinery primarily to meet the fuel requirements of that refinery or primarily for direct blending into finished products; (pétrole brut)

      oil and grease

      oil and grease means the oil and grease that results from the operation of a refinery, that is contained in liquid effluent or once-through cooling water from that refinery and that is determined to be present therein by the test method referred to in item 1 of the table to Schedule IV; (huiles et graisses)

      reference crude rate

      reference crude rate means the quantity of crude oil, expressed in thousand barrels per day, that, in accordance with section 6, has been declared by the owner of a refinery to be the reference crude rate of the refinery; (taux de référence de brut)


      refinery means facilities intended primarily for the separation and conversion of crude oil into products, including liquified petroleum gas, gasolines, naphthas, heating oils, fuel oils, asphalts, lubricating oils and greases, benzene, toluene, xylene, hydrogen, sulphur and coke, and includes blending, shipping and packaging facilities located on the refinery property and all properties developed for the operation of those facilities, but does not include facilities associated with the processing of natural gas or the production of synthetic petroleum originating from coal or bituminous sands; (raffinerie)

      stream day crude rate

      stream day crude rate means the rate, in barrels per day, at which crude oil is processed in a refinery; (taux de brut par jour de fonctionnement effectif)

  2. Petroleum Refinery Liquid Effluent Regulations - C.R.C., c. 828 (SCHEDULE I)


    Amounts To Be Used in Calculating Authorized Deposits of Deleterious Substances

    Column I Column II Column III Column IV
    Item Name of Deleterious Substance Monthly amount in pounds per 1,000 barrels of crude oil One day amount in pounds per 1,000 barrels of crude oil Maximum daily amount in pounds per 1,000 barrels of crude oil
    1 Oil and Grease 3.0 5.5 7.5

  3. Petroleum Refinery Liquid Effluent Regulations - C.R.C., c. 828 (SCHEDULE II)


    Amounts To Be Used in Calculating Additional Authorized Deposits of Deleterious Substances when Storm Water is Being Discharged and Limits of Deposits Authorized

    Column I Column II Column III
    Item Name of Deleterious Substance Pounds per 10,000 Canadian Gallons of Storm Water Pounds per month per 1,000 barrels of crude oil per day
    1 Oil and Grease 1.0 25.0

  4. Petroleum Refinery Liquid Effluent Regulations - C.R.C., c. 828 (Section 3)

     These Regulations apply to every refinery that has not commenced the processing of crude oil prior to November 1, 1973 and that commences the processing of crude oil on or after that date.

  5. Petroleum Refinery Liquid Effluent Regulations - C.R.C., c. 828 (SCHEDULE IV : Measurement and Calculation of Actual Deposit of a Deleterious Substance Prescribed in Paragraph 4(a), (b), (c), (d) or (e) of Regulations)



    Analytical Test Methods for Determining Presence and Concentrations of Deleterious Substances in Liquid Effluent and Once-Through Cooling Water

    Column I Column II Column III
    Item Name of Deleterious Substance Test Method Remarks
    1 Oil and grease APHAFootnote *, Section 137 In 4 (a)Footnote ** use petroleum ether as the solvent; in 4 (c)Footnote ** dry on a steam bath at 100 °C.


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