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  1. Proclamation Giving Notice that the Protocol Amending the Convention between Canada and Australia Came into Force on December 18, 2002 - SI/2003-119



    Article 6 of the Convention shall be deleted and replaced by the following:


    • [...]

    • 2 For the purposes of this Convention, the term “real property” in relation to a Contracting State, shall have the meaning which it has under the law of that State and shall include:

      • (a) 
        a lease of land and any other interest in or over land, whether improved or not, including a right to explore for mineral, oil or gas deposits or other natural resources, and a right to mine those deposits or resources; and
      • (b) 
        a right to receive variable or fixed payments either as consideration for or in respect of the exploitation of, or the right to explore for or exploit, mineral, oil or gas deposits, quarries or other places of extraction or exploitation of natural resources.
    • 3 Any interest or right referred to in paragraph 2 shall be regarded as situated where the land, mineral, oil or gas deposits, quarries or natural resources, as the case may be, are situated or where the exploration may take place.


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