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  1. Regulations Amending the Fort McKay First Nation Oil Sands Regulations - SOR/2023-280 (SCHEDULE)



    • [...]

    • Oil and Gas Conservation Act, RSA 2000, c. O-6, and the regulations made under it
    • Oil Sands Conservation Act, RSA 2000, c. O-7, and the regulations made under it



    Definition of Act



    Definition of Act


    Definition of Act


    Definition of Act


    43 The Act applies to

    • (a) transmission lines that are used for oil sands mining activities on the project lands; and


    PART 8Adaptations to the Oil and Gas Conservation Act of Alberta and to the Regulations Made Under It

    Definition of Act

    47 In this Part, Act means the Oil and Gas Conservation Act of Alberta, RSA 2000, c. O-6.

    DIVISION 1Adaptations to the Oil and Gas Conservation Act of Alberta


    DIVISION 2Adaptations to the Oil and Gas Conservation Rules of Alberta


    PART 9Adaptations to the Oil Sands Conservation Act of Alberta

    Definition of Act

    53 In this Part, Act means the Oil Sands Conservation Act of Alberta, RSA 2000, c. O-7.


    Definition of Act


    Marginal note:Application

    59 The Act applies to pipelines that are used for, or in connection with, oil sands mining activities on the project lands.


    Definition of Act


  2. Regulations Amending the Fort McKay First Nation Oil Sands Regulations - SOR/2023-280 (Section 1)
    •  (1) The definitions federal Minister and project lands in subsection 1(1) of the Fort McKay First Nation Oil Sands RegulationsFootnote 1 are replaced by the following:


      project lands

      project lands  means the lands in Alberta in Theoretical Township 96, Range 9, West of the 4th Meridian that are part of the Fort McKay Indian Reserve No. 174C and are shown on the Plan Showing Survey of Fort McKay Settlement (Oil Sands Lands) recorded in the Canada Lands Surveys Records under number 90264 and registered at the Land Titles Office in Edmonton under number 052 2726, containing 3381.48 hectares (8355.8 acres) more or less and more particularly described as follows:


  3. Regulations Amending the Fort McKay First Nation Oil Sands Regulations - SOR/2023-280

    Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indigenous Services, makes the annexed Regulations Amending the Fort McKay First Nation Oil Sands Regulations under section 3Footnote a of the FIRST NATIONS COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACTFootnote b.


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