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  1. Response Organizations Regulations - SOR/95-405 (Section 3)
    • [...]

    • (2) A response organization’s response plan shall include the following information:

      • [...]

      • (b) the total quantity of oil in respect of which the response organization is to be certified in accordance with the tiered response capabilities set out in section 2 of the Response Organizations Standards;

      • (c) the name of each person included in the personnel who is available for a response to an oil spill;

      • (d) the name of each person to be notified in the event of an oil spill;

      • (e) the name of each person included in the personnel who has received basic oil spill response training or any other training in relation to an oil spill;

      • (f) a description of the training that the response organization provides to its personnel in preparation for the responsibilities that they might be requested to undertake in response to an oil spill;

      • (g) a description of the training that the response organization provides to its employees and to volunteers whom it might use to respond at short notice to an oil spill;

      • (h) a description of the oil spill exercise programme established to evaluate the effectiveness of all aspects of the procedures, equipment and resources that are identified in the plan, including exercises to be coordinated with ships, oil handling facilities or the Canadian Coast Guard, as the case may be;

      • [...]

      • (k) a list of the equipment for scaring off birds from an oil spill location and of the measures available in support of the wildlife rehabilitation activities of other parties;

      • (l) a description of the measures that the response organization will take, in response to an oil spill, to protect and treat areas of environmental sensitivities within the affected operating environment;

      • (m) a description of the treatment and recovery procedures that will be implemented in response to an oil spill;

      • (n) a description of the procedures that will be implemented for notifying the persons referred to in paragraph (d) in the event of an oil spill;

      • (o) a description of the measures that the response organization will take, in conformity with federal and provincial regulations relating to health and safety, to protect the health and safety of its personnel, of volunteers and of other individuals who are involved, at the request of the response organization, in a response to an oil spill; and


  2. Response Organizations Regulations - SOR/95-405 (Section 2)

     In these Regulations,


    oil has the same meaning as in subsection 660.2(1) of the Act; (hydrocarbures)

    Oil Handling Facilities Standards

    Oil Handling Facilities Standards[Repealed, SOR/2019-252, s. 16]

    sheltered waters

    sheltered waters means waters where on-water recovery operations for spilled oil can be carried out effectively without significant disruption by environmental conditions; (eaux abritées)


    treat means to carry out an activity, in a manner that has the least detrimental impact possible on the environment, for the purpose of restoring an operating environment in which an oil pollution incident has occurred to its condition before the incident; (traiter)

    unsheltered waters

    unsheltered waters means waters where on-water recovery operations for spilled oil may be significantly disrupted by environmental conditions. (eaux ouvertes)


  3. Response Organizations Regulations - SOR/95-405 (Section 4)
    •  (1) The procedures to be implemented with respect to a spill of a specified quantity of oil in a geographical area include the following:

      • (a) the response to the oil spill is within the time set out in section 3 of the Response Organizations Standards;

    • (2) The equipment and resources for use with respect to a spill of a specified quantity of oil in a geographical area include the following:

      • (a) equipment that is appropriate for responding to the oil spill; and

  4. Response Organizations Regulations - SOR/95-405

    His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Transport, pursuant to paragraph 657(1)(f) and subsection 660.9(1)Footnote * of the Canada Shipping Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations respecting the procedures, equipment and resources of response organizations and oil handling facilities for use in respect of an oil pollution incident, effective August 15, 1995.


  5. Response Organizations Regulations - SOR/95-405

    Oil Spill Exercise Programme

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