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  1. Selkirk Marine Railway Dry Dock Regulations, 1989 - SOR/89-331 (SCHEDULE I : Application for the Use of the Marine Railway Dry Dock at Selkirk, Manitoba)


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      Engines: Steam, Gasoline or Oil
      Fuel: Coal or Oil
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    • Does this vessel carry, or did it carry on its last voyage, any oil with a flash-point below 23°C?


    • Is there any oil escaping from the vessel? (If so, to what extent?)



  2. Selkirk Marine Railway Dry Dock Regulations, 1989 - SOR/89-331 (Section 16)
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    • (2) Subject to subsection (3), where a vessel that has been authorized to enter the dry dock in accordance with subsection 4(2) carried on its last voyage any oil with a flash-point below 23°C, the vessel shall not enter the dry dock until the agent submits to the Superintendent a certificate issued by a marine chemist in accordance with the Gas Hazard Control Standards.

    • (3) Subsection (2) does not apply in respect of a vessel carrying, in a bunker or tank, oil intended for consumption on board the vessel if no work is to be done to the bunker or tank or to the fuelling or ventilation pipes of the bunker or tank or in the area immediately surrounding the bunker or tank or the fuelling or ventilation pipes of the bunker or tank.

  3. Selkirk Marine Railway Dry Dock Regulations, 1989 - SOR/89-331

    Explosive Material and Oil Carried on Board Vessels

  4. Selkirk Marine Railway Dry Dock Regulations, 1989 - SOR/89-331 (Section 15)

     Before a vessel leaves the dry dock, the agent shall

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    • (b) remove from the dry dock and dry dock property, including gutters, water tunnels, sumps, valves, pumps and other dock equipment contained therein, any oil and any residue that have escaped from the vessel;

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