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  1. Ships’ Stores Regulations - SOR/96-40 (SCHEDULE)



    Column I Column II
    Item Class of Conveyances Class of Goods


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    • (b) boiler compounds, fuel oil treatment preparations and filter sponges

    • [...]

    • (m) smoke abatement and oil slick dispersant preparations


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    • (b) boiler compounds, fuel oil treatment preparations and filter sponges

    • [...]

    • (m) smoke abatement and oil slick dispersant preparations


    • [...]

    • (b) boiler compounds, fuel oil treatment preparations and filter sponges

    • [...]

    • (m) smoke abatement and oil slick dispersant preparations


    • [...]

    • (b) boiler compounds, fuel oil treatment preparations and filter sponges

    • [...]

    • (m) smoke abatement and oil slick dispersant preparations


    • [...]

    • (b) boiler compounds, fuel oil treatment preparations and filter sponges

    • [...]

    • (m) smoke abatement and oil slick dispersant preparations


    • (a) boiler compounds, fuel oil treatment preparations and filter sponges

    • [...]

    • (l) smoke abatement and oil slick dispersant preparations


    • (a) boiler compounds, fuel oil treatment preparations and filter sponges

    • [...]

    • (j) smoke abatement and oil slick dispersant preparations


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