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  1. Withdrawal of Certain Lands (North and South Baffin, Kitikmeot East and West and Keewatin, N.W.T.) from Disposal Order - SI/92-139

    His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, and for the reason that the lands are required to facilitate the settlement of native land claims, pursuant to paragraph 23(a) of the Territorial Lands Act, is pleased hereby:

    • [...]

    • (b) to order the withdrawal from disposal of the lands described in schedules “I”, “II”, “III”, “IV” and “V” hereto, for the period terminating on June 30, 1995, or on the date of coming into force of the legislation ratifying the land claims Agreement between the Inuit of the Nunavut Settlement Area and Her Majesty in right of Canada, whichever comes first, without prejudice to the following interests, including any renewals, replacements, extensions or transfers thereof:

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