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  1. Calculation of Interest Regulations - SOR/87-631 (Section 5)
    •  (1) Where reinstatement of a person referred to in paragraph 11(1)(c) or 11(2)(a) of the Act is made, interest accrues from the later of


    • [...]

    • (3) Where reinstatement of a person is made pursuant to membership rules made pursuant to section 10 of the Act, interest accrues from the later of


  2. Calculation of Interest Regulations - SOR/87-631 (Section 7)

     For the purposes of section 6, the effective date on which an amount is applied shall be

    • (a) where the amount is withheld pursuant to subsection 64.1(1) of the Act, the date that the person would have been entitled to receive the amount but for that subsection; and

    • (b) where the amount is repaid pursuant to subsection 64.1(2) of the Act, the date that the amount is received by the band.

  3. Calculation of Interest Regulations - SOR/87-631 (Section 4)

     For the purpose of subsections 64.1(1) and (2) of the Act, interest shall be calculated

    • [...]

    • (d) from the date referred to in section 5.

  4. Calculation of Interest Regulations - SOR/87-631 (Section 2)

     In these Regulations,


    Act means the Indian Act; (Loi)

    principal amount outstanding

    principal amount outstanding means the amount received by a person under paragraph 15(1)(a) of the Act, as it read immediately prior to April 17, 1985, or under any former provision of the Act relating to the same subject-matter as that paragraph, less the sum of one thousand dollars and less the amounts withheld under subsection 64.1(1) of the Act and the amounts repaid under subsection 64.1(2) of the Act in respect of that person; (capital à rembourser)


    reinstatement means the entering of the name of a person referred to in subsection 64.1(1) or (2) of the Act in a Band List. (réintégration)

  5. Calculation of Interest Regulations - SOR/87-631

    Her Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, pursuant to subsection 64.1(3)Footnote * of the Indian Act, is pleased hereby to make the annexed Regulations prescribing the manner of determining interest for the purpose of subsections 64.1(1) and (2) of the Indian Act, effective November 1, 1987.


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