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  1. Newfoundland Rules of Practice Respecting Reduction in the Number of Years of Imprisonment Without Eligibility for Parole - SOR/89-297 (Section 9)
    • [...]

    • (3) Where the judge makes an order pursuant to paragraph (1)(d), section 527 of the Criminal Code applies with such modifications as the circumstances require.

  2. Newfoundland Rules of Practice Respecting Reduction in the Number of Years of Imprisonment Without Eligibility for Parole - SOR/89-297 (Section 2)

     In these Rules,


    applicant means a person who makes an application and includes, according to the context, counsel acting for that person;(requérant)


    application means an application made by an applicant pursuant to subsection 745(1) of the Criminal Code; (demande)

    Attorney General

    Attorney General means the Attorney General of Newfoundland and includes counsel acting for the Attorney General; (procureur général)


    judge means, in respect of an application, the judge of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, Trial Division, designated by the Chief Justice, pursuant to subsection 745(2) of the Criminal Code, to empanel a jury. (juge)

  3. Newfoundland Rules of Practice Respecting Reduction in the Number of Years of Imprisonment Without Eligibility for Parole - SOR/89-297 (Section 10)

     A jury referred to in subsection 745(2) of the Criminal Code shall be empanelled in accordance with Part XX of that Code with such modifications as the circumstances require.

  4. Newfoundland Rules of Practice Respecting Reduction in the Number of Years of Imprisonment Without Eligibility for Parole - SOR/89-297

    The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland, Trial Division, pursuant to subsection 745(5) of the Criminal Code, hereby makes the annexed Newfoundland Rules of Practice respecting applications and hearings concerning a reduction in the number of years of imprisonment without eligibility for parole.


  5. Newfoundland Rules of Practice Respecting Reduction in the Number of Years of Imprisonment Without Eligibility for Parole - SOR/89-297 (Section 15)

     Where, at any time before or after the commencement of the hearing of an application, the judge determines that subsection 745(1) of the Criminal Code does not apply to the applicant, the judge shall dismiss the application and discharge the jury.

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