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  1. Remote Sensing Space Systems Act - S.C. 2005, c. 45 (Section 17)
    Marginal note:Designation of inspectors
    •  (1) The Minister may designate as inspectors for the purposes of this Act persons or classes of persons that the Minister considers qualified.

  2. Remote Sensing Space Systems Act - S.C. 2005, c. 45 (Section 3)
    Marginal note:Power of Governor in Council

     The Governor in Council may designate a member of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada to be the Minister for the purposes of this Act.

  3. Remote Sensing Space Systems Act - S.C. 2005, c. 45 (Section 28)
    Marginal note:Failure to act

     A person who neither pays the penalty nor makes representations in accordance with the notice of violation is considered to have committed the violation, and the enforcement officer shall impose the penalty proposed and notify the person of it.

  4. Remote Sensing Space Systems Act - S.C. 2005, c. 45 (Section 27)
    Marginal note:Making of representations
    • [...]

    • Marginal note:Agreement ends proceedings

      (3) Entry into a compliance agreement ends the violation proceedings and precludes any further violation or offence proceedings in relation to the act or omission in question.

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