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  1. Defence Services Pension Continuation Act - R.S.C. 1970, c. D-3 (Section 36)
    Marginal note:Royal Canadian Navy

     This Act, subject to the modifications set out in this Part, applies with respect to the Royal Canadian Navy.


  2. Defence Services Pension Continuation Act - R.S.C. 1970, c. D-3 (Section 28)
    Marginal note:Compassionate allowance
    • [...]

    • Marginal note:If no pension to survivor

      (2) If no pension is payable to a survivor under this Act, the allowance shall be double that fixed by subsection (1).


  3. Defence Services Pension Continuation Act - R.S.C. 1970, c. D-3 (Section 23)
    Marginal note:Obtaining pension by fraud

     Every militiaman who obtains a pension under this Act by any false representation or false evidence, or by personation, or by malingering or feigning disease or infirmity, or by maiming or injuring himself, or causing himself to be maimed or injured, or otherwise producing disease or infirmity, or by any other fraudulent conduct, is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a period not exceeding twelve months, or to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, and shall forfeit the pension obtained.


  4. Defence Services Pension Continuation Act - R.S.C. 1970, c. D-3 (Section 21)
    Marginal note:Infirmity contributed to by militiaman

     When a pension is granted to a militiaman on account of infirmity of mind or body, and such infirmity is certified by a medical board constituted as aforesaid, to have been brought about or contributed to by his own fault, or by his vicious habits, and such militiaman is entitled under this Act to a pension of a fixed amount, the Governor in Council may grant to him a less amount of pension than the amount to which he would otherwise have been entitled.


  5. Defence Services Pension Continuation Act - R.S.C. 1970, c. D-3 (Section 16)
    Marginal note:Militiaman required to retire

     When any militiaman has completed a service of twenty years, the Defence Council, upon the recommendation of such a board, may require him to retire upon the terms as to pensions prescribed by this Act.


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