Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Radiocommunication Regulations

Version of section 55 from 2021-04-01 to 2025-02-04:

 For the purposes of this Part,

broadband personal communications services radio frequencies

broadband personal communications services radio frequencies[Repealed, SOR/2021-40, s. 5]

cellular mobile radio frequencies

cellular mobile radio frequencies[Repealed, SOR/2021-40, s. 5]

congestion zone

congestion zone means the geographical area where a station is located and is described as a low congestion zone, a medium congestion zone or a high congestion zone; (zone d’encombrement)

coverage area

coverage area means the geographic area over which a radio signal is propagated as is determined by the terrain, antenna height, effective radiated power, frequency, or other technical characteristics that may affect the path or field strength level of the signal; (zone de couverture)

high congestion zone

high congestion zone means, in respect of a regional area set out in column I of an item of Schedule V, the area bounded by the geographical coordinates set out in columns II to X of that item; (zone d’encombrement intense)


link means the spectrum dedicated to an assigned radio frequency that is used to communicate between two stations; (liaison)

low congestion zone

low congestion zone means any area that is not a medium congestion zone or a high congestion zone; (zone d’encombrement faible)

medium congestion zone

medium congestion zone means, in respect of a regional area set out in column I of an item of Schedule VI, the area bounded by the geographical coordinates set out in columns II to XI of that item, but does not include any area that is included in a high congestion zone; (zone d’encombrement moyen)

metropolitan area

metropolitan area means, in respect of a metropolitan area set out in column I of an item of Schedule IV, the geographical area bounded by the north latitude in the range between the limits set out in columns II and III of that item and the west longitude in the range between the limits set out in columns IV and V of that item; (région métropolitaine)

narrowband personal communications services radio frequencies

narrowband personal communications services radio frequencies means the transmit and receive frequencies in the radio frequency bands 901 MHz to 902 MHz, 930 MHz to 931 MHz and 940 MHz to 941 MHz; (radiofréquences des services de communications personnelles à bande étroite)

necessary bandwidth

necessary bandwidth means the width of a radio frequency band required to ensure accurate and optimum transmission of information; (largeur de bande nécessaire)

other area

other area means a geographical area in Canada other than a metropolitan area; (autre région)

public cordless telephone radio frequencies

public cordless telephone radio frequencies[Repealed, SOR/2014-34, s. 7]

radio licence fee

radio licence fee[Repealed, SOR/2014-34, s. 7]

remote area

remote area means any area not identified as an “Urban area” or “Rural area” on the Map of Radiocommunication Areas, published by the Department of Industry in February, 2021; (région éloignée)

rural area

rural area means any area identified as a “Rural area” on the Map of Radiocommunication Areas, published by the Department of Industry in February, 2021; (région rurale)

urban area

urban area means any area identified as an “Urban area” on the Map of Radiocommunication Areas, published by the Department of Industry in February, 2021. (région urbaine)

  • Err.(F), Vol. 140, No. 12
  • SOR/2014-34, s. 7
  • SOR/2021-40, s. 5

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