Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Air Travellers Security Charge Act

Version of section 74 from 2006-06-22 to 2024-06-20:

Marginal note:Certificates

  •  (1) Any amount payable by a person (in this section referred to as the “debtor”) under this Act that has not been paid as and when required under this Act may be certified by the Minister as an amount payable by the debtor.

  • Marginal note:Registration in court

    (2) On production to the Federal Court, a certificate in respect of a debtor shall be registered in the Court and when so registered has the same effect, and all proceedings may be taken on the certificate, as if it were a judgment obtained in the Court against the debtor for a debt in the amount certified plus interest on the amount as provided under this Act to the day of payment and, for the purposes of those proceedings, the certificate is deemed to be a judgment of the Court against the debtor for a debt due to Her Majesty and enforceable as such.

  • Marginal note:Costs

    (3) All reasonable costs and charges incurred or paid for the registration in the Federal Court of a certificate or in respect of any proceedings taken to collect the amount certified are recoverable in like manner as if they had been included in the amount certified in the certificate when it was registered.

  • Marginal note:Charge on property

    (4) A document issued by the Federal Court evidencing a registered certificate in respect of a debtor, a writ of that Court issued pursuant to the certificate or any notification of the document or writ (which document, writ or notification is in this section referred to as a “memorial”) may be filed, registered or otherwise recorded for the purpose of creating a charge, lien or priority on, or a binding interest in, property in a province, or any interest in such property, held by the debtor, in the same manner as a document evidencing

    • (a) a judgment of the superior court of the province against a person for a debt owing by the person, or

    • (b) an amount payable or required to be remitted by a person in the province in respect of a debt owing to Her Majesty in right of the province

    may be filed, registered or otherwise recorded in accordance with the law of the province to create a charge, lien or priority on, or a binding interest in, the property or interest.

  • Marginal note:Creation of charge

    (5) If a memorial has been filed, registered or otherwise recorded under subsection (4),

    • (a) a charge, lien or priority is created on, or a binding interest is created in, property in the province, or any interest in such property, held by the debtor, or

    • (b) such property or interest in the property is otherwise bound,

    in the same manner and to the same extent as if the memorial were a document evidencing a judgment referred to in paragraph (4)(a) or an amount referred to in paragraph (4)(b), and the charge, lien, priority or binding interest created is subordinate to any charge, lien, priority or binding interest in respect of which all steps necessary to make it effective against other creditors were taken before the time the memorial was filed, registered or otherwise recorded.

  • Marginal note:Proceedings in respect of memorial

    (6) If a memorial is filed, registered or otherwise recorded in a province under subsection (4), proceedings may be taken in the province in respect of the memorial, including proceedings

    • (a) to enforce payment of the amount evidenced by the memorial, interest on the amount and all costs and charges paid or incurred in respect of

      • (i) the filing, registration or other recording of the memorial, and

      • (ii) proceedings taken to collect the amount,

    • (b) to renew or otherwise prolong the effectiveness of the filing, registration or other recording of the memorial,

    • (c) to cancel or withdraw the memorial wholly or in respect of any of the property or interests affected by the memorial, or

    • (d) to postpone the effectiveness of the filing, registration or other recording of the memorial in favour of any right, charge, lien or priority that has been or is intended to be filed, registered or otherwise recorded in respect of any property or interest affected by the memorial,

    in the same manner and to the same extent as if the memorial were a document evidencing a judgment referred to in paragraph (4)(a) or an amount referred to in paragraph (4)(b), except that, if in any such proceeding or as a condition precedent to any such proceeding, any order, consent or ruling is required under the law of the province to be made or given by the superior court of the province or by a judge or official of the court, a like order, consent or ruling may be made or given by the Federal Court or by a judge or official of the Federal Court and, when so made or given, has the same effect for the purposes of the proceeding as if it were made or given by the superior court of the province or by a judge or official of the court.

  • Marginal note:Presentation of documents

    (7) If

    • (a) a memorial is presented for filing, registration or other recording under subsection (4), or a document relating to the memorial is presented for filing, registration or other recording for the purpose of any proceeding described in subsection (6), to any official of a property registry system of a province, or

    • (b) access is sought to any person, place or thing in a province to make the filing, registration or other recording,

    the memorial or document shall be accepted for filing, registration or other recording or the access shall be granted, as the case may be, in the same manner and to the same extent as if the memorial or document relating to the memorial were a document evidencing a judgment referred to in paragraph (4)(a) or an amount referred to in paragraph (4)(b) for the purpose of a like proceeding, except that, if the memorial or document is issued by the Federal Court or signed or certified by a judge or official of the Court, any affidavit, declaration or other evidence required under the law of the province to be provided with or to accompany the memorial or document in the proceedings is deemed to have been provided with or to have accompanied the memorial or document as so required.

  • Marginal note:Sale, etc.

    (8) Despite any law of Canada or of a province, a sheriff or other person shall not, without the written consent of the Minister, sell or otherwise dispose of any property or publish any notice or otherwise advertise in respect of any sale or other disposition of any property pursuant to any process issued or charge, lien, priority or binding interest created in any proceeding to collect an amount certified in a certificate made under subsection (1), interest on the amount or costs, but if that consent is subsequently given, any property that would have been affected by such a process, charge, lien, priority or binding interest if the Minister’s consent had been given at the time the process was issued or the charge, lien, priority or binding interest was created, as the case may be, shall be bound, seized, attached, charged or otherwise affected as it would be if that consent had been given at the time the process was issued or the charge, lien, priority or binding interest was created, as the case may be.

  • Marginal note:Completion of notices, etc.

    (9) If information required to be set out by any sheriff or other person in a minute, notice or document required to be completed for any purpose cannot, because of subsection (8), be so set out without the written consent of the Minister, the sheriff or other person shall complete the minute, notice or document to the extent possible without that information and, when that consent of the Minister is given, a further minute, notice or document setting out all the information shall be completed for the same purpose, and the sheriff or other person, having complied with this subsection, is deemed to have complied with the Act, regulation or rule requiring the information to be set out in the minute, notice or document.

  • Marginal note:Application for an order

    (10) A sheriff or other person who is unable, because of subsection (8) or (9), to comply with any law or rule of court is bound by any order made by a judge of the Federal Court, on an ex parte application by the Minister, for the purpose of giving effect to the proceeding, charge, lien, priority or binding interest.

  • Marginal note:Deemed security

    (11) If a charge, lien, priority or binding interest created under subsection (5) by filing, registering or otherwise recording a memorial under subsection (4) is registered in accordance with subsection 87(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, it is deemed

    • (a) to be a claim that is secured by a security and that, subject to subsection 87(2) of that Act, ranks as a secured claim under that Act; and

    • (b) to also be a claim referred to in paragraph 86(2)(a) of that Act.

  • Marginal note:Details in certificates and memorials

    (12) Despite any law of Canada or of the legislature of a province, in any certificate in respect of a debtor, any memorial evidencing a certificate or any writ or document issued for the purpose of collecting an amount certified, it is sufficient for all purposes

    • (a) to set out, as the amount payable by the debtor, the total of amounts payable by the debtor without setting out the separate amounts making up that total;

    • (b) to refer to the rate of interest to be charged on the separate amounts making up the amount payable in general terms as interest at the prescribed rate under this Act applicable from time to time on amounts payable to the Receiver General, without indicating the specific rates of interest to be charged on each of the separate amounts or to be charged for any period; and

    • (c) to refer to the penalty calculated under section 53 to be charged on the separate amounts making up the amount payable in general terms as a penalty under that section on amounts payable to the Receiver General.

  • 2002, c. 9, s. 5 “74”
  • 2006, c. 4, s. 112

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