Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Version of document from 2003-06-19 to 2003-06-30:

Budget Implementation Act, 2003

S.C. 2003, c. 15

Assented to 2003-06-19

An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on February 18, 2003

Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Short Title

Marginal note:Short title

 This Act may be cited as the Budget Implementation Act, 2003.

PART 1Diagnostic and Medical Equipment

Marginal note:Payments to trust — equipment and training

  •  (1) The Minister of Finance may make direct payments, in an aggregate amount of not more than $1.5 billion, to a trust established to provide the provinces with funding for the purposes of acquiring diagnostic and medical equipment and related specialized staff training in order to improve access to publicly funded diagnostic and treatment services.

  • Marginal note:Provincial share

    (2) The amount that may be provided to a province under this section is to be determined in accordance with the terms of the trust indenture establishing the trust referred to in subsection (1).

  • Marginal note:Payments out of C.R.F.

    (3) Any amount payable under this section may be paid by the Minister out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund at the times and in the manner that the Minister considers appropriate.

PART 2Amendments to the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act








PART 3Student Loans

Canada Student Financial Assistance Act

The following provision is not in force.



The following provision is not in force.



Canada Student Loans Act

The following provision is not in force.


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Coming into force

  •  (1) Sections 9, 11 and 13 come into force or are deemed to have come into force on August 1, 2003.

  • Marginal note:Coming into force

    (2) Sections 10 and 12 are deemed to have come into force on August 1, 2002.

PART 4Employment Insurance

Employment Insurance Act

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The following provision is not in force.


The following provision is not in force.


The following provision is not in force.


The following provision is not in force.


The following provision is not in force.



The following provision is not in force.


Employment Insurance (Fishing) Regulations

The following provision is not in force.


The following provision is not in force.


Transitional Provisions

The following provision is not in force.

 [Transitional provisions]

Related Amendments

Canada Labour Code

The following provision is not in force.


The following provision is not in force.


The following provision is not in force.


The following provision is not in force.


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Coming into force

  • Footnote * (1) Subject to subsection (2), the provisions of this Part, other than sections 21, 23 and 24, come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

  • Marginal note:Coming into force

    (2) Despite section 153 of the Employment Insurance Act, sections 23 and 24 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

PART 5General — Non-tax Measures


Budget Implementation Act, 1997


Budget Implementation Act, 1998


Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology Act


Appropriations for Grants

Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology

Marginal note:$250,000,000 granted

 From and out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund there may, on the requisition of the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Natural Resources, be paid and applied a sum not exceeding two hundred and fifty million dollars for payment to the Canada Foundation for Sustainable Development Technology for its use.

Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences

Marginal note:$50,000,000 granted

 From and out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund there may, on the requisition of the Minister of the Environment, be paid and applied a sum not exceeding fifty million dollars for payment to the Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences for its use.

Canada Health Infoway Inc.

Marginal note:$600,000,000 granted

 From and out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund there may, on the requisition of the Minister of Health, be paid and applied a sum not exceeding six hundred million dollars for payment to the Canada Health Infoway Inc. for its use.

Canadian Health Services Research Foundation

Marginal note:$25,000,000 granted

 From and out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund there may, on the requisition of the Minister of Health, be paid and applied a sum not exceeding twenty-five million dollars for payment to the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation for its use.

Canadian Institute for Health Information

Marginal note:$70,000,000 granted

 From and out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund there may, on the requisition of the Minister of Health, be paid and applied a sum not exceeding seventy million dollars for payment to the Canadian Institute for Health Information for its use.

Canada Foundation for Innovation

Marginal note:$500,000,000 granted

 From and out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund there may, on the requisition of the Minister of Industry, be paid and applied a sum not exceeding five hundred million dollars for payment to the Canada Foundation for Innovation for its use.

Genome Canada

Marginal note:$75,000,000 granted

 From and out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund there may, on the requisition of the Minister of Industry, be paid and applied a sum not exceeding seventy-five million dollars for payment to Genome Canada for its use.

Amendments to the Farm Credit Canada Act



Repeal of Debt Servicing and Reduction Account Act

PART 6Amendments to the Air Travellers Security Charge Act


PART 7Amendments Related to the Taxation of Tobacco Products

Customs Tariff


Excise Act, 2001










Excise Tax Act





Coming into Force and Application

 [Transitional provision]

  •  (1) Section 45 is deemed to have come into force on June 18, 2002. For greater certainty, the Customs Tariff, as amended by section 45, is further amended by section 346 of the Excise Act, 2001 on the coming into force of that section 346, regardless of whether that coming into force occurs before or after this Act is assented to.

  • Footnote *(2) Sections 46 to 54 come into force or are deemed to have come into force on the day that is the earlier of the day on which this Act is assented to and the day on which Part 3 of the Excise Act, 2001 comes into force.

  • (3) Sections 55 to 58 are deemed to have come into force on June 18, 2002. For greater certainty, the Excise Tax Act, as amended by those sections, is further amended by sections 368 and 390 of the Excise Act, 2001 on the coming into force of those sections 368 and 390, regardless of whether that coming into force occurs before or after this Act is assented to.

PART 8Amendments Related to Excise Tax on Fuel and to the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax

Excise Tax Act






Consequential Amendment to Excise Act, 2001


PART 9First Nations Goods and Services Taxes

First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act

 The First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act is enacted as follows:

[See First Nations Goods and Services Tax Act]

Consequential Amendments

Excise Tax Act


PART 10Amendments to the Income Tax Act and Another Act As a Consequence

Income Tax Act






















Children’s Special Allowances Act


PART 11Amendments Related to Standardized Accounting

Excise Act, 2001




Excise Tax Act


The following provision is not in force.






The following provision is not in force.


The following provision is not in force.


The following provision is not in force.










Income Tax Act




















Coordinating Amendments

Excise Act, 2001

The following provision is not in force.




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