Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act

Version of the schedule from 2021-04-01 to 2024-12-15:

SCHEDULE(Paragraph 3(2)(f.1))

Column 1Column 2
Country or TerritoryTariff
CUKTCA beneficiaryUnited Kingdom Tariff in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Customs Tariff
EU country or other CETA beneficiaryCanada–European Union Tariff in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Customs Tariff
HondurasHonduras Tariff in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Customs Tariff
Israel or another CIFTA beneficiaryCanada–Israel Agreement Tariff in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Customs Tariff
PanamaPanama Tariff in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Customs Tariff
UkraineUkraine Tariff in the List of Tariff Provisions set out in the schedule to the Customs Tariff
  • 2012, c. 26, s. 59
  • 2014, c. 14, s. 22
  • 2017, c. 6, ss. 30, 31, c. 8, s. 19
  • 2019, c. 6, s. 8
  • 2021, c. 1, s. 22

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