Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


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Version of document from 2013-12-12 to 2013-12-18:

Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act

S.C. 2012, c. 19

Assented to 2012-06-29

An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 29, 2012 and other measures

Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Short Title

Marginal note:Short title

 This Act may be cited as the Jobs, Growth and Long-term Prosperity Act.

PART 1Amendments to the Income Tax Act, a Related Act and the Income Tax Regulations

Income Tax Act















Governor General’s Act



Income Tax Regulations


PART 2Measures Relating to Sales and Excise Taxes

Excise Tax Act



























Air Travellers Security Charge Act


Excise Act, 2001


Value of Imported Goods (GST/HST) Regulations



Non-Taxable Imported Goods (GST/HST) Regulations



New Harmonized Value-added Tax System Regulations, No. 2


PART 3Responsible Resource Development

DIVISION 1Environmental Assessment

Enactment of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012

Marginal note:Enactment

 The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012, whose Schedules 1 to 3 are set out in the schedule to this Act, is enacted as follows:

[See Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012]

Related Amendments to the Environmental Violations Administrative Monetary Penalties Act



Consequential Amendments

Access to Information Act



Export Development Act


First Nations Land Management Act


Species at Risk Act


Antarctic Environmental Protection Act


First Nations Oil and Gas and Moneys Management Act



First Nations Commercial and Industrial Development Act


Coordinating Amendments





Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * Sections 52 to 63 and 66 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 2National Energy Board Act

Amendments to the Act

































Transitional Provisions

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

Related and Consequential Amendments

Federal Courts Act


Financial Administration Act


Northern Pipeline Act



An Act to amend the National Energy Board Act and to repeal certain enactments in consequence thereof


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

  •  Footnote *(1) Sections 68 to 85, 89, 90, 92 to 97 and 99 to 114 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

    • Return to footnote *[Note: Sections 68 to 85, 89, 90, 92 to 97 and 99 to 114 in force July 6, 2012, see SI/2012-57.]

  • Marginal note:Order in council

    Footnote *(2) Sections 86 to 88, 91 and 98 come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 3Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act

Amendments to the Act






Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * Sections 116 to 119 come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 4Nuclear Safety and Control Act

Amendments to the Act










Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * Sections 122, 129 and 130 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 5Fisheries Act

Amendments to the Act

























Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * Section 132, subsections 133(1), (3) and (4), sections 135 to 138, subsection 139(2), sections 140 and 141, subsections 142(2) to (4), 144(2) to (6), 145(2) to (4) and 147(1) to (5), (7), (9) and (10), section 148, subsections 149(2) and (5) and sections 152 and 153 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

  • Return to footnote *[Note: Section 132, subsections 133(1), (3) and (4), sections 135 to 138, subsection 139(2), sections 140 and 141, subsections 142(2) to (4), 144(2) to (6), 145(2) to (4) and 147(1) to (5), (7), (9) and (10), section 148, subsections 149(2) and (5) and sections 152 and 153 in force November 25, 2013, see SI/2013-116.]

DIVISION 6Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

Amendments to the Act






Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * Sections 157 and 158 and subsections 159(2) and (4), 160(1), (3) and (4) and 161(2) and (3) come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

  • Return to footnote *[Note: Sections 157 and 158 and subsections 159(2) and (4), 160(1), (3) and (4) and 161(2) and (3) not in force.]

DIVISION 7Species at Risk Act








PART 4Various Measures

DIVISION 1Measures with Respect to the Auditor General of Canada

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Act



Currency Act



Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Act



Northern Pipeline Act



Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Act



Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act


Canadian Polar Commission Act



National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy Act



Yukon Surface Rights Board Act


Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act




Canada Revenue Agency Act



Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act



Transitional Provisions

Marginal note:Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Act

 The obligations under sections 25 and 26 of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Act, as those sections read immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, continue to apply in respect of the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2012 but do not apply in respect of any subsequent fiscal year.

Marginal note:Currency Act

 The obligations under subsections 21(2) and 22(2) of the Currency Act, as those subsections read immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, continue to apply in respect of the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2012 but do not apply in respect of any subsequent fiscal year.

Marginal note:Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Act

 The obligations under sections 17 and 18 of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Act, as those sections read immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, continue to apply in respect of the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2012 but do not apply in respect of any subsequent fiscal year.

Marginal note:Northern Pipeline Act

 The obligations under sections 13 and 14 of the Northern Pipeline Act, as those sections read immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, continue to apply in respect of the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2012 but do not apply in respect of any subsequent fiscal year.

Marginal note:Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Act

 The obligations under sections 19 and 20 of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Act, as those sections read immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, continue to apply in respect of the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2012 but do not apply in respect of any subsequent fiscal year.

Marginal note:Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act

 The obligation under subsection 13(2) of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act, as that subsection read immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, continues to apply in respect of the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2011 but does not apply in respect of any subsequent fiscal year.

Marginal note:Canadian Polar Commission Act

 The obligations under sections 20 and 21 of the Canadian Polar Commission Act, as those sections read immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, continue to apply in respect of the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2012 but do not apply in respect of any subsequent fiscal year.

Marginal note:National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy Act

 The obligations under sections 22 and 23 of the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy Act, as those sections read immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, continue to apply in respect of the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2011 but do not apply in respect of any subsequent fiscal year.

Marginal note:Yukon Surface Rights Board Act

 The obligation under subsection 23(5) of the Yukon Surface Rights Board Act, as that subsection read immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, continues to apply in respect of the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2011 but does not apply in respect of any subsequent fiscal year.

Marginal note:Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act

 The obligations under sections 23 and 32 of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act, as those sections read immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, continue to apply in respect of the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2011 but do not apply in respect of any subsequent fiscal year.

Marginal note:Canada Revenue Agency Act

 The obligations under sections 87 and 88 of the Canada Revenue Agency Act, as those sections read immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, continue to apply in respect of the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2012 but do not apply in respect of any subsequent fiscal year.

Marginal note:Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act

 The obligations under sections 31 and 32 of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Act, as those sections read immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, continue to apply in respect of the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2012 but do not apply in respect of any subsequent fiscal year.

DIVISION 2Life Annuity-like Products

Trust and Loan Companies Act


Bank Act



Cooperative Credit Associations Act



Marginal note:Definitions

 For the purposes of this Division, appropriate Minister, Crown corporation and department have the same meanings as in section 2 of the Financial Administration Act.

Marginal note:Status of PPP Canada Inc.

 Except as provided in this Division, PPP Canada Inc., incorporated under the Canada Business Corporations Act, is not an agent of Her Majesty in right of Canada.

Marginal note:Agent for certain activities

 PPP Canada Inc. is an agent of Her Majesty in right of Canada in relation to the following activities:

  • (a) assessing public-private partnership opportunities for departments and Crown corporations in accordance with criteria established by the Treasury Board;

  • (b) advising departments and Crown corporations on the implementation of public-private partnership projects; and

  • (c) acting as a source of expertise and advice for departments and Crown corporations on public-private partnership issues.

Marginal note:Her Majesty not liable

 Her Majesty in right of Canada is not liable for any obligation or liability incurred by PPP Canada Inc. in relation to any activity other than an activity referred to in section 211.

Marginal note:Restrictions

 Neither PPP Canada Inc. nor its shareholders or directors are authorized, without the Governor in Council’s prior approval given on the recommendation of the appropriate Minister and the Treasury Board,

  • (a) to apply for continuance in another jurisdiction; or

  • (b) to apply for articles that would add to, or otherwise make a material change in, the objects or purposes for which PPP Canada Inc. was incorporated, or the restrictions on the businesses or activities that PPP Canada Inc. may carry on, as set out in its articles of incorporation.

DIVISION 4Territorial Borrowing Limits

Northwest Territories Act


Nunavut Act


Yukon Act


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * This Division comes into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 5Reporting Requirements

Financial Administration Act




Alternative Fuels Act


Public Service Employment Act


DIVISION 6Social Security Tribunal and Service Delivery

Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act



Canada Pension Plan











Old Age Security Act






Employment Insurance Act












Transitional Provisions

Interpretation and General

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

Canada Pension Plan

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

Employment Insurance Act

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

Consequential Amendments

Access to Information Act


Federal Courts Act


Labour Adjustment Benefits Act




Privacy Act


Income Tax Act



Public Sector Compensation Act



Coming into Force

Marginal note:April 1, 2013

  •  (1) Sections 225 and 227 to 229, subsection 230(1), sections 231, 232, 235 and 236, subsection 237(1) and sections 240 to 244, 246 to 249 and 279 come into force on April 1, 2013.

  • Marginal note:April 1, 2014

    (2) Sections 271 and 276 come into force on April 1, 2014.

  • Marginal note:May 1, 2014

    (3) Subsections 272(1) and (3) come into force on May 1, 2014.

DIVISION 7Consolidation of Privacy Codes

Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act











Canada Pension Plan





Old Age Security Act





Consequential Amendments

Access to Information Act



Income Tax Act


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * Sections 282 to 302 come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 8Social Insurance Number Cards

Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act


Canada Pension Plan



Employment Insurance Act



Consequential Amendments

Canadian Wheat Board Act


Farm Income Protection Act


Immigration and Refugee Protection Act


Wage Earner Protection Program Act


Coordinating Amendment


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * Sections 304 to 312 come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

  • Return to footnote *[Note: Sections 304 to 308 and 310 to 312 in force March 1, 2013, see SI/2013-17.]

DIVISION 9Amendments Relating to the Parks Canada Agency

Parks Canada Agency Act










Canada National Parks Act


Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act


DIVISION 10Financial Institutions

Trust and Loan Companies Act





Bank Act










Insurance Companies Act










Coordinating Amendments



DIVISION 11Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

National Housing Act








Supporting Vulnerable Seniors and Strengthening Canada’s Economy Act



Marginal note:Coming into force

 Despite section 26 of the Supporting Vulnerable Seniors and Strengthening Canada’s Economy Act, sections 22 to 24 of that Act come into force on the day on which this Act receives royal assent.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Act


Trust and Loan Companies Act


Bank Act


Insurance Companies Act


Cooperative Credit Associations Act


Transitional Provision

 [Transitional Provision]

Coordinating Amendment


Coming into Force

Marginal note:January 1, 2013 or royal assent

  •  (1) Sections 352 and 354 come into force on the later of January 1, 2013 and the day on which this Act receives royal assent.

  • Marginal note:Order in council

    Footnote *(2) Paragraph 21.52(1)(b) of the National Housing Act, as enacted by section 356, comes into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

  • Marginal note:Order in council

    Footnote *(3) Sections 361 to 364 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 12Integrated Cross-border Law Enforcement Operations Act

Enactment of Act

Marginal note:Enactment

 The Integrated Cross-border Law Enforcement Operations Act is enacted as follows:

[See Integrated Cross-border Law Enforcement Operations Act]

Amendments to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act



Consequential Amendments

Criminal Code


Customs Act



Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * This Division comes into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 13Bretton Woods and Related Agreements Act



DIVISION 14Canada Health Act


DIVISION 15Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act

Amendments to the Act








Consequential Amendments

Access to Information Act


Security of Information Act


Privacy Act


DIVISION 16Currency Act



DIVISION 17Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act

Amendments to the Act


















Consequential Amendments to the Canada Health Act





DIVISION 18Fisheries Act


DIVISION 19Food and Drugs Act

Amendments to the Act






Transitional Provisions

 [Transitional Provisions]

Consequential Amendment to the Excise Tax Act


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * Sections 412 to 416 and 418 come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

  • Return to footnote *[Note: Section 412, subsection 414(2) and sections 415 and 416 in force October 25, 2012, see SI/2012-84; section 413 and subsection 414(1) in force June 19, 2013, section 418 in force December 19, 2013, see SI/2013-65.]

DIVISION 20Government Employees Compensation Act

Amendments to the Act






Transitional Provision

The following provision is not in force.

 [Transitional Provision]

Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * This Division comes into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 21International Development Research Centre Act






DIVISION 22Canada Labour Code

Amendments to the Act

The following provision is not in force.


The following provision is not in force.






Transitional Provisions

The following provision is not in force.

 [Transitional Provision]

The following provision is not in force.

 [Transitional Provision]

Coming into Force

Marginal note:Sections 432 and 433

  •  Footnote *(1) Sections 432 and 433 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

  • Marginal note:Sections 434 to 439

    Footnote *(2) Sections 434 to 439 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 23Fair Wages and Hours of Labour Act



Transitional Provision

The following provision is not in force.

Marginal note:Rights and obligations not affected

 The repeal of the Fair Wages and Hours of Labour Act does not affect any rights or obligations acquired or incurred under a contract or agreement to which that Act applied.

Consequential Amendment to the Campobello-Lubec Bridge Act


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * This Division comes into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 24Old Age Security Act

Amendments to the Act























Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

  • Footnote * (1) The provisions of this Division, other than sections 445 to 448, 451, 452, 461, 464 and 465, come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

  • Marginal note:July 1, 2013

    (2) Sections 446, 448 and 451 come into force on July 1, 2013.

DIVISION 25Salaries Act

Amendment to the Act


Consequential Amendments

Access to Information Act


Financial Administration Act



Privacy Act


DIVISION 26Seeds Act

Amendments to the Act



Coordinating Amendments


DIVISION 27Statutory Instruments Act

Amendments to the Act



Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * This Division comes into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 28Investment Canada Act



DIVISION 29Customs Act



DIVISION 30Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985

Marginal note:2010, c. 12, s. 1820(12)

 Subsections 39(2) and (3) of the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 are deemed to have come into force on July 27, 2004.

DIVISION 31Railway Safety Act

Amendments to the Act



Coming into Force

Marginal note:April 1, 2013

 This Division comes into force on April 1, 2013.

DIVISION 32Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act

Amendments to the Act



Coming into Force

Marginal note:February 1, 2014

 This Division comes into force on February 1, 2014.

DIVISION 33International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development Act

Amendment to the Act



Marginal note:Definitions

 In this Division, Board, Centre, Chairman, director, Minister and President have the same meanings as in subsection 2(1) of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development Act.

Closing Out of Affairs

Marginal note:Application

 Sections 493 to 495 apply despite any provision of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development Act.

Marginal note:Number of directors

  •  (1) The Board may consist of fewer than 13 directors.

  • Marginal note:No appointment by Board

    (2) The Board is not permitted to appoint directors under subsection 10(2) of the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development Act.

  • Marginal note:Quorum

    (3) Five directors constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board.

  • Marginal note:No compensation

    (4) Despite the provisions of any contract, agreement or order, no person appointed to hold office as a director, other than the President, has any right to claim or receive any compensation, damages, indemnity or other form of relief from Her Majesty in right of Canada or from any employee or agent of Her Majesty for ceasing to hold that office or for the abolition of that office by the operation of this Division.

Marginal note:Disposal of assets

  •  (1) The Centre is authorized to sell or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of its assets and do everything necessary for or incidental to closing out its affairs.

  • Marginal note:Debts and liabilities

    (2) The Centre must apply any proceeds from the disposal of its assets in satisfaction of its debts and liabilities.

  • Marginal note:Directions

    (3) The Minister may give directions to the Centre to do anything that in his or her opinion is necessary

  • Marginal note:Directions binding

    (4) The Centre must comply with the directions.

Marginal note:Transfer of records

 The President must transfer to the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development the following items, including any electronic versions of them:

  • (a) the books of account and other financial records, as well as any information that the Centre collected in order to produce them; and

  • (b) any studies that the Centre has under its control, and any other information that it has collected through research.

  • 2012, c. 19, s. 495
  • 2013, c. 33, s. 195

Transitional Provisions

Marginal note:References

 Every reference to the Centre in a deed, contract or other document executed by the Centre in its own name is to be read, unless the context otherwise requires, as a reference to Her Majesty in right of Canada.

Marginal note:Surplus

  •  (1) Any surplus that remains after the satisfaction of the Centre’s debts and liabilities belongs to Her Majesty in right of Canada.

  • Marginal note:Unsatisfied debts and liabilities

    (2) Any of the Centre’s debts and liabilities that remain unsatisfied on the day on which this subsection comes into force become the debts and liabilities of Her Majesty in right of Canada.

Marginal note:Commencement of legal proceedings

  •  (1) Any action, suit or other legal proceeding in respect of an obligation or liability incurred by the Centre may be brought against Her Majesty in right of Canada in any court that would have had jurisdiction if the action, suit or other legal proceeding had been brought against the Centre.

  • Marginal note:Continuation of legal proceedings

    (2) Any action, suit or other legal proceeding to which the Centre is a party that is pending in a court on the coming into force of this subsection may be continued by or against Her Majesty in right of Canada in the same manner and to the same extent as it could have been continued by or against the Centre.

Marginal note:Auditor

 After the closing out of the Centre’s affairs, its accounts and financial transactions shall be audited by the Auditor General of Canada, and a report of the audit shall be made to the Minister.

Marginal note:Report to Parliament

 The Minister shall prepare a report, containing the Centre’s financial statements and the Auditor General’s report, within four months after this section comes into force, and shall cause the report to be laid before each House of Parliament on any of the first 15 days on which that House is sitting after the day on which the report is completed.

Consequential Amendments

Access to Information Act


Privacy Act


Public Service Superannuation Act




Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * Sections 496 to 504 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 34Health of Animals Act

Amendments to the Act










Coming into Force

Marginal note:January 1, 2013 or royal assent

 This Division comes into force on January 1, 2013 or, if it is later, on the day on which this Act receives royal assent.

DIVISION 35Canada School of Public Service Act

Amendments to the Act








Consequential Amendments to the Financial Administration Act





DIVISION 37Corrections and Conditional Release Act

Amendments to the Act



Transitional Provision

 [Transitional Provision]

Coordinating Amendments


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * Sections 526 to 528 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 38Coasting Trade Act


DIVISION 39Status of the Artist Act

Amendments to the Act

































Transitional Provisions

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

Consequential Amendments

Access to Information Act


Federal Courts Act


Financial Administration Act




Privacy Act


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * This Division comes into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 40National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy Act

Amendment to the Act


Transitional Provisions

Definition of Round Table

 For the purpose of sections 580 to 585, Round Table means the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy established by section 3 of the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy Act.

Marginal note:Appointments terminated

  •  (1) Members of the Round Table appointed under subsection 6(1) or (2) of the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy Act cease to hold office on the coming into force of this subsection.

  • Marginal note:No compensation

    (2) Despite the provisions of any contract, agreement or order, no person appointed to hold office as a member of the Round Table has any right to claim or receive any compensation, damages, indemnity or other form of relief from Her Majesty in right of Canada or from any employee or agent of Her Majesty for ceasing to hold that office or for the abolition of that office by the operation of this Division.

Marginal note:References

 Every reference to the Round Table in a deed, contract, agreement or other document executed by the Round Table in its own name is to be read as a reference to Her Majesty in right of Canada, unless the context requires otherwise.

Marginal note:Surplus

 Any surplus that remains after the satisfaction of the debts and liabilities of the Round Table on the day on which section 593 comes into force belongs to Her Majesty in right of Canada.

Marginal note:Unsatisfied debts and liabilities

 Any debts and liabilities of the Round Table that remain unsatisfied on the day on which section 593 comes into force become the debts and liabilities of Her Majesty in right of Canada.

Marginal note:Commencement of legal proceedings

 Any action, suit or other legal proceeding in respect of an obligation or liability incurred by the Round Table may be brought against Her Majesty in right of Canada in any court that would have had jurisdiction if the action, suit or other legal proceeding had been brought against the Round Table.

Marginal note:Continuation of legal proceedings

 Any action, suit or other legal proceeding to which the Round Table is a party that is pending in any court immediately before the day on which section 593 comes into force may be continued by or against Her Majesty in right of Canada in like manner and to the same extent as it could have been continued by or against the Round Table.

Consequential Amendments

Access to Information Act


Financial Administration Act




Privacy Act


Public Service Superannuation Act


Public Sector Compensation Act




Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * Sections 579 to 593 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 41Telecommunications Act

Amendments to the Act







Coordinating Amendments


DIVISION 42Employment Equity Act


DIVISION 43Employment Insurance Act

Amendments to the Act







  •  (1) [Amendment]

  • (2) [Repealed, 2013, c. 40, s. 139]

  • (3) to (5) [Amendments]

  • (6) [Repealed, 2013, c. 40, s. 139]

  • (7) [Amendment]

  •  (1) [Amendment]

  • (2) [Repealed, 2013, c. 40, s. 140]

  •  (1) [Amendment]

  • (2) [Repealed, 2013, c. 40, s. 141]





Transitional Provision

 [Transitional Provision]

Consequential Amendments to the Canada Employment Insurance Financing Board Act



Coming into Force

Marginal note:April 7, 2013

  •  (1) Section 604 and subsections 608(2) and (3) come into force on April 7, 2013.

  • Marginal note:Order in council

    Footnote *(2) Sections 605 and 607 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

  • (3) [Repealed, 2013, c. 40, s. 142]

  • 2012, c. 19, s. 619, c. 31, s. 451
  • 2013, c. 40, s. 142

DIVISION 44Customs Tariff

Amendments to the Act






Coming into Force

Marginal note:March 30, 2012

  •  (1) Sections 620 and 621 are deemed to have come into force on March 30, 2012.

  • Marginal note:June 1, 2012

    (2) Sections 622 to 624 come into force on June 1, 2012.

DIVISION 45Canada Marine Act


DIVISION 46First Nations Land Management Act



























DIVISION 47Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Act


DIVISION 48Canadian Air Transport Security Authority Act



DIVISION 49First Nations Fiscal and Statistical Management Act

Amendments to the Act












Transitional Provisions

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

Consequential Amendments

Access to Information Act



Financial Administration Act


Indian Act



Privacy Act


Westbank First Nation Self-Government Act


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * This Division comes into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 50Canadian Forces Members and Veterans Re-establishment and Compensation Act

Amendments to the Act



Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * This Division comes into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

DIVISION 51Repeal of the Department Of Social Development Act



National Council of Welfare

Marginal note:National Council of Welfare

  •  (1) Members of the National Council of Welfare cease to hold office on the coming into force of this subsection.

  • Marginal note:Former members not entitled to relief

    (2) Despite the provisions of any contract, agreement or order, no person appointed to hold office as a member of the National Council of Welfare has any right to claim or receive any compensation, damages, indemnity or other form of relief from Her Majesty in right of Canada or from any employee or agent of Her Majesty for ceasing to hold that office or for the abolition of that office by the operation of this Division.

Related Amendment to the Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Act


Consequential Amendments

Financial Administration Act



Salaries Act



Income Tax Act


Public Sector Compensation Act


Terminology Changes



Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

Footnote * Sections 685 to 695 come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

  • Return to footnote *[Note: Section 686 in force July 27, 2012, see SI/2012-61; sections 685 and 687 to 695 in force March 1, 2013, see SI/2013-17.]

DIVISION 52Wage Earner Protection Program Act

Amendment to the Act


Coming into Force

Marginal note:December 15, 2011

 This Division is deemed to have come into force on December 15, 2011.

DIVISION 53Kyoto Protocol Implementation Act


DIVISION 54Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

Amendments to the Act










Amendment to the Budget Implementation Act, 2008


Coordinating Amendments


DIVISION 55Shared Services Canada

Shared Services Canada Act

Marginal note:Enactment of Act

 The Shared Services Canada Act is enacted as follows:

[See Shared Services Canada Act]

Consequential Amendment to the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act


DIVISION 56Assisted Human Reproduction Act

Amendments to the Act



The following provision is not in force.


The following provision is not in force.

























Coming into Force of a Provision of the Assisted Human Reproduction Act

Marginal note:Royal assent

 Despite section 78 of the Assisted Human Reproduction Act, section 44 of that Act, as amended by section 725 of this Act, comes into force on the day on which this Act receives royal assent.

Transitional Provisions

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

 [Transitional Provision]

Consequential Amendments

Access to Information Act



Financial Administration Act


Privacy Act


Public Service Superannuation Act


Library and Archives of Canada Act


Human Pathogens and Toxins Act


Coming into Force

Marginal note:Order in council

  •  Footnote *(1) Sections 715 and 716, or any provision enacted by section 716, come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

  • Marginal note:Order in council

    Footnote *(2) Subsection 713(2) and sections 721 to 723, 726 and 741 to 751 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

    • Return to footnote *[Note: Subsection 713(2) and sections 721 to 723, 726 and 741 to 751 in force September 30, 2012, see SI/2012-75.]

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