Public Service Superannuation Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. P-36)
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Act current to 2025-01-22 and last amended on 2024-10-15. Previous Versions
— 1989, c. 6, s. 33
Full allowances to spouses
33 Where, on the day immediately preceding the coming into force of this Act, a surviving spouse was in receipt of an annual allowance or a pension under Part I of the Public Service Superannuation Act, Part I of the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, Part I of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act or Part IV of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act that was reduced by virtue of subsection 26(4) of the Public Service Superannuation Act, section 33 of the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, subsection 19(4) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act or subsection 48(2) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act, as the case may be, as that provision read on that day, the surviving spouse is, commencing on the day on which this Act comes into force, entitled to the amount of the allowance or pension, as the case may be, to which the surviving spouse is otherwise entitled pursuant to that Act.
— 1989, c. 6, s. 34
Resumption of allowances to spouses
34 Where, before the coming into force of this Act, payment of an allowance, annuity or pension to a spouse or surviving spouse was suspended or ceased, on remarriage of the spouse or surviving spouse, pursuant to subsection 25(2) of the Public Service Superannuation Act, section 27 of the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, subsection 30(2) of the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act, subsection 9(5) of the Diplomatic Service (Special) Superannuation Act, subsection 14(2), 19(4) or 31(5) of the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act, subsection 38.1(2) or 39(2) of the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act, R.S.C. 1970, c. M-10 (as amended by R.S.C. 1970, c. 25 (1st Supp.), ss. 14 and 15), subsection 24(2) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act or section 16 of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act, as that provision read from time to time before the coming into force of this Act, payment of the allowance, annuity or pension, as the case may be, to the spouse or surviving spouse shall, subject to that Act, be resumed on and with effect from the day on which this Act comes into force.
— 1989, c. 6, s. 35(1)
Resumption of allowances to children
35 (1) Where, before the coming into force of this Act, payment of an allowance or annuity to a person did not commence or ceased because, on marriage, the person was not a child within the meaning of paragraph 12(9)(b) of the Public Service Superannuation Act, paragraph 25(4)(b) of the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, paragraph 13(4)(b) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act, paragraph 47(8)(b) of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act or paragraph (b) of the definition “child” in subsection 31(6) of the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act, as that provision read from time to time before the coming into force of this Act, payment of the allowance or annuity, as the case may be, to the person shall, subject to that Act, commence or be resumed, as the case may be, on and with effect from the day on which this Act comes into force.
— 1992, c. 46, s. 108
108 Payments made to the Supplementary Retirement Benefits Account on or after April 1, 1991, pursuant to Part III of the Public Service Superannuation Act, Part III of the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, or Part III of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act, as those Parts read immediately prior to the day on which this Act is assented to, are deemed to have been made to the Superannuation Account, the Canadian Forces Superannuation Account or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Account, as the case may be.
— 1996, c. 18, s. 28(4)
28 (4) This section applies only to persons who cease to be employed in the Public Service, within the meaning of the Public Service Superannuation Act, on or after the coming into force of this section.
— 1996, c. 18, s. 30(5)
30 (5) This section applies only to persons who cease to be employed in the Public Service, within the meaning of the Public Service Superannuation Act, on or after the coming into force of this section.
— 1996, c. 18, s. 36(3)
36 (3) Subsection (2) applies only to persons who cease to be employed in the Public Service, within the meaning of the Public Service Superannuation Act, on or after the coming into force of that subsection.
— 1999, c. 34, s. 229(1)
Transitional — application of certain provisions
229 (1) Subsections 64(5) and (6) and 65(4), section 75, subsection 76(3), sections 82, 133, 135, 136, 139, 141, 180, 181, 183 and 185, subsection 186(3) and section 188 apply only with respect to contributors who die on or after the day on which this subsection comes into force.
— 2011, c. 24, par. 184(a) and (b)
Retroactive coming into force
184 Despite subsection 109(1) of An Act to amend certain Acts in relation to pensions and to enact the Special Retirement Arrangements Act and the Pension Benefits Division Act, chapter 46 of the Statutes of Canada, 1992, (in this section referred to as the “amending Act”) and Order in Council P.C. 1994-2097, made on December 14, 1994 and registered as SI/94-146,
(a) subsections 2(4) and 6(2), sections 8, 11 and 18, subsection 33(2), sections 40 and 41, subsection 48(1) and sections 61, 68 and 70 of the amending Act are deemed to have come into force on December 15, 1994;
(b) paragraph 42.1(1)(a) of the Public Service Superannuation Act, as enacted by section 22 of the amending Act, is deemed to have come into force on December 15, 1994;
— 2012, c. 31, s. 501
Retroactive regulations
501 Regulations made under paragraph 42.1(1)(v.2) of the Public Service Superannuation Act in order to implement the provisions enacted by sections 475 to 500 of this Act may, if they so provide, be retroactive and have effect with respect to any period before they are made that begins on or after January 1, 2013.
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