Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canada Pension Plan

Version of section 108 from 2013-12-12 to 2017-03-02:

Marginal note:Canada Pension Plan Account

  •  (1) There is hereby established in the accounts of Canada an account to be known as the Canada Pension Plan Account.

  • Marginal note:Amounts to be credited to Account

    (2) There shall be paid into the Consolidated Revenue Fund and credited to the Canada Pension Plan Account

    • (a) all amounts received under this Act as or on account of contributions or otherwise;

    • (b) all amounts required to be credited to the Canada Pension Plan Account pursuant to any agreement entered into under subsection 39(1) or 80(1) or pursuant to any regulation made under paragraph 89(1)(j) or subsection 107(3);

    • (c) all interest on securities purchased by the Minister of Finance under section 110 and all interest credited to the Canada Pension Plan Account under that section;

    • (d) any amount of money received under section 107.1 and any proceeds from the disposition of any securities or other property received under that section;

    • (e) all amounts charged for the use of resources that are associated with the administration of this Act;

    • (f) any interest or administrative charge collected in relation to money payable under this Act; and

    • (g) all amounts received pursuant to section 56 of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act.

  • (2.1) [Repealed, 2012, c. 19, s. 234]

  • Marginal note:Amounts to be charged to Account

    (3) There shall be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and charged to the Canada Pension Plan Account

    • (a) all amounts payable under this Act as or on account of benefits or otherwise;

    • (b) all amounts required to be charged to the Canada Pension Plan Account pursuant to any agreement entered into under subsection 39(1) or 80(1) or pursuant to any regulation made under paragraph 89(1)(j) or subsection 107(3);

    • (b.1) all amounts credited to the Canada Pension Plan Account pursuant to paragraph (2)(e);

    • (c) the costs of administration of this Act, under the authority of Parliament;

    • (d) all amounts required to be charged to the Canada Pension Plan Account pursuant to section 57 of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Act; and

    • (e) the costs of administering Part 5 of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act in respect of appeals respecting this Act.

  • Marginal note:Limitation

    (4) No payment shall be made out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund under this section in excess of the total of

    • (a) the amount of the balance to the credit of the Canada Pension Plan Account, and

    • (b) the fair market value of the assets of the Investment Board less its liabilities.

  • R.S., 1985, c. C-8, s. 108
  • 1995, c. 33, s. 46
  • 1997, c. 40, s. 89
  • 2003, c. 5, s. 2
  • 2012, c. 19, s. 234
  • 2013, c. 40, s. 236

Date modified:
