Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canada Labour Code

Version of section 29 from 2017-06-22 to 2024-06-20:

Marginal note:Representation vote

  •  (1) The Board may, in any case, for the purpose of satisfying itself as to whether employees in a unit wish to have a particular trade union represent them as their bargaining agent, order that a representation vote be taken among the employees in the unit.

  • Marginal note:Employees not in a unit

    (1.1) Any person who was not an employee in the bargaining unit on the date on which notice to bargain collectively was given, and was hired or assigned after that date to perform all or part of the duties of an employee in the bargaining unit on strike or locked out, is not an employee in the unit.

  • Marginal note:Mandatory vote

    (2) If a trade union applies for certification as the bargaining agent for a unit in respect of which no other trade union is the bargaining agent, and the Board is satisfied that not less than 35% and not more than 50% of the employees in the unit are members of the trade union, the Board shall order that a representation vote be taken among the employees in the unit.

  • Marginal note:Determination of union membership

    (3) Where the Board is satisfied that a trade union has an established practice of admitting persons to membership without regard to the eligibility requirements of its charter, constitution or by-laws, the Board may disregard those requirements in determining whether a person is a member of a trade union.

  • R.S., 1985, c. L-2, s. 29
  • 1998, c. 26, s. 13
  • 2014, c. 40, s. 3
  • 2017, c. 12, s. 2

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