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National Parks Highway Traffic Regulations (C.R.C., c. 1126)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-20 and last amended on 2010-02-02. Previous Versions

Parking (continued)

  •  (1) The superintendent may issue parking permits and furnish labels for the purposes of these Regulations.

  • (2) A parking permit issued pursuant to subsection (1) is valid for the period stated thereon or until revoked by the superintendent and a label furnished with the permit is valid for the same period.

  • SOR/90-79, s. 25(F)
  • SOR/91-375, s. 3(E)

 Where an area in a park is designated by a sign as an area where parking is reserved for a category of persons, no person shall park in the area unless he is included in that category.

 No person shall

  • (a) abandon a motor vehicle in a park; or

  • (b) park a motor vehicle in an area that is not designated by a sign pursuant to subsection 23(1) and that is not an area in which parking is prohibited, for a greater period of time than 48 hours, unless he

    • (i) has obtained the prior permission of the superintendent to park in such area for a greater period than 48 hours,

    • (ii) is the owner, lessee or licensee of the property, or

    • (iii) is authorized by the owner, lessee or licensee of the property to park the motor vehicle for a greater period than 48 hours.

  • SOR/90-79, s. 25(F)
  • SOR/91-375, s. 3(E)

 No person shall park a motor vehicle within 6 m of any highway intersection or within 3 m of a water hydrant or fire plug within a park.

  • SOR/90-79, s. 13
  •  (1) No person shall park a motor vehicle on any highway so as to

    • (a) obstruct a driveway leading to a private residence or business premises; or

    • (b) interfere with a motor vehicle that is being loaded or unloaded.

  • (2) No person shall park a motor vehicle on a sidewalk unless he is permitted to do so by the superintendent.

  • (3) No person shall, without permission from the superintendent, stop or park a motor vehicle on a highway otherwise than in the direction of the vehicular traffic on the side of the highway on which he proposes to stop or park, and parallel with, and no further distant than 1 foot from, the curb or edge of the highway.

  • (4) Where the superintendent has permitted the stopping or parking of a motor vehicle on a highway in a manner other than the manner described in subsection (3), every person stopping or parking a motor vehicle on that highway, shall comply with any order of the superintendent regarding the manner of stopping or parking the motor vehicle.

  • (5) Where the superintendent has designated parking spaces on a highway, no person shall park a motor vehicle on that highway except

    • (a) in one of those parking spaces; or

    • (b) if the motor vehicle exceeds the length of one parking space, in not more than two of those parking spaces.

  • (6) No person shall park a motor vehicle on a sloping highway without having set the vehicle’s parking brakes and, by turning the wheels of the motor vehicle or by other suitable means, ensure that in case of brake failure the motor vehicle will not run down the slope.

  • SOR/90-79, s. 25(F)
  • SOR/91-375, s. 3(E)

 No person shall stop or park a motor vehicle in any public lane except while engaged in loading or unloading chattels to or from the motor vehicle.

  •  (1) No person shall park a trailer within a park in a location other than a location designated by a sign erected by the superintendent.

  • (2) No person shall

    • (a) abandon a trailer in a park; or

    • (b) park a trailer in a location designated by a sign erected by the superintendent for a greater period than is specified on the sign.

  • SOR/90-79, s. 14

 A park warden, police constable or peace officer may, at the expense of the owner of a motor vehicle or trailer that is parked or left in contravention of these Regulations, cause the motor vehicle or trailer to be moved or taken to and stored in a suitable place.

  • SOR/90-79, s. 14


  •  (1) No person shall drive a motor vehicle on a highway at a rate of speed in excess of the speed limit prescribed by a traffic sign for the highway.

  • (2) [Repealed, SOR/2009-322, s. 10]

  • SOR/96-169, s. 5
  • SOR/2009-322, s. 10

Careless Driving Prohibited

 No person shall drive or ride any motor vehicle, bicycle, horse or other animal upon any highway without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the highway.


 Every person riding a bicycle on a highway shall ride as close as possible to the right-hand edge or curb of the highway and, when riding with other persons, shall not ride more than two abreast.

 No person shall ride a bicycle on a sidewalk in a park.

  • SOR/90-79, s. 15

 No person shall ride a bicycle in a park unless the bicycle is equipped in accordance with the laws of the province in which the park is situated.

  • SOR/90-79, s. 15

Sidewalks and Boulevards

  •  (1) Where an access driveway to a lot within a townsite or subdivision within a park is not provided or conveniently located, and a person desires to ride or drive a horse or motor vehicle from the highway to the lot, he shall

    • (a) construct across the drain, gutter or water course skirting the place where he intends to enter the lot a good and sufficient bridge of planks or other material satisfactory to the superintendent; and

    • (b) construct over the sidewalk or boulevard to be crossed and of the full width thereof a temporary crossing of planks or other material satisfactory to the superintendent sufficient to prevent injury to the sidewalk or boulevard.

  • (2) The temporary crossing described in subsection (1) shall be removed forthwith after it has served its purpose.

  • SOR/90-79, s. 25(F)
  • SOR/91-375, s. 3(E)

 Except as authorized by these Regulations, no person shall ride, drive, lead or back any horse or motor vehicle across or along any sidewalk or boulevard within a park.

Taxi or Cab Stands

  •  (1) No chauffeur shall park a motor vehicle for hire at any place within a park other than a place designated by the superintendent as a taxi or cab stand.

  • (2) A person who operates a motor vehicle for hire shall not solicit passengers on any highway or sidewalk other than a highway or sidewalk at or adjacent to a taxi or cab stand or his place of business.

  • SOR/90-79, s. 25(F)
  • SOR/91-375, s. 3(E)

Snow Tires and Chains

  •  (1) No person shall drive a motor vehicle

    • (a) on any highway in Mount Revelstoke National Park, Glacier National Park or Yoho National Park,

    • (b) on the Icefield Parkway in Banff National Park and Jasper National Park,

    • (c) on the Banff-Windermere Highway in Banff National Park and Kootenay National Park, or

    • (d) on any other highway in Banff National Park, Jasper National Park or Kootenay National Park that has been designated by the superintendent by means of a notice prominently posted or displayed on any such highway

    during the period between November 1 to March 31 or any other period during which the highway is covered with snow or ice unless adequate snow tires or tire chains have been installed on the motor vehicle.

    • SOR/90-79, ss. 16, 25(F)
    • SOR/91-375, s. 3(E)

Over-snow Vehicles and All-terrain Vehicles

  • SOR/90-79, s. 17
  •  (1) No person shall operate an over-snow vehicle in a park unless

    • (a) he has the written permission of the superintendent;

    • (b) the over-snow vehicle is licensed, registered and equipped as required by the laws of the province in which the park is situated;

    • (c) he operates it in accordance with such conditions and in such areas as the superintendent may specify; and

    • (d) that person and any passenger on the over-snow vehicle are wearing the equipment required to operate the over-snow vehicle by the laws of the province in which the park is situated.

  • (2) No person shall operate an all-terrain vehicle in a park except for purposes of administration of the park and with the permission of the superintendent.

  • (3) [Repealed, SOR/90-79, s. 18]

  • SOR/90-79, ss. 18, 25(F)
  • SOR/91-375, s. 3(E)


 No person shall leave any horse unattended on a highway.

 No person shall, within a park, coast or slide upon any toboggan or sled along or across a highway or public place that has not been set aside by the superintendent for coasting or sliding.

  • SOR/90-79, s. 25(F)
  • SOR/91-375, s. 3(E)
  •  (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person shall, without the permission of the superintendent, haul any dead animal, offal, nightsoil or other offensive matter or thing on a highway in a park during the hours of daylight.

  • (2) The owner of any animal that dies or has been killed on any highway shall forthwith cause the carcass to be removed therefrom and suitably disposed of.

  • SOR/90-79, s. 25(F)
  • SOR/91-375, s. 3(E)

 When the load of a passenger vehicle, truck or trailer consists of loose material or of material that is likely to slip, swing out, sway, shift, spill, leak, blow off, fall off or otherwise escape in any direction while being conveyed, the load shall be placed inside a container or shall be secured and bound so as to prevent such escape.

 No person shall place on or over any highway or sidewalk any material or commodity of any description that might cause personal or property damage or in any way interfere with traffic on the highway or sidewalk.

  •  (1) No person shall draw or tow by motor vehicle on a highway a sled, toboggan, ski, bicycle or any other conveyance on which a person is riding.

  • (2) No person shall skate, roller skate, roller blade, roller ski or ride a skateboard on any highway or sidewalk in a town, visitor centre or resort subdivision.

  • (3) Every person who roller blades or roller skis on a highway outside a town, visitor centre or resort subdivision shall travel as close as possible to the left-hand edge or curb of the highway and, when roller blading or roller skiing with other persons, shall travel in single file.

  • SOR/90-79, s. 19

 In every prosecution of an owner of a motor vehicle in respect of the use or operation of the vehicle in violation of any provision of these Regulations, the onus of proving that the motor vehicle was not in his possession or control at the time of the violation is on the accused.

 In any violation of these Regulations where the owner of a motor vehicle is identified through provincial motor vehicle registration records, the court may accept as evidence of ownership of the motor vehicle a written statement of ownership of that motor vehicle that is duly completed in accordance with the laws of the province in which the park is situated.

  • SOR/90-79, s. 20

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