Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian Turkey Licensing Regulations

Version of section 2 from 2017-04-21 to 2025-02-04:

 In these Regulations,


Agency means the Canadian Turkey Marketing Agency; (Office)


consumer means any person who buys turkey for consumption by him or his household; (consommateur)

control period

control period means the period set out in the heading of the schedule to the Canadian Turkey Marketing Quota Regulations, 1990; (période réglementée)


dealer means any person other than a processor or retailer who buys turkeys for resale; (négociant)


hatcheryman means any person engaged in the hatching of turkey eggs; (accouveur)


inspector means an inspector appointed pursuant to section 34 of the Act; (inspecteur)


licence means

  • (a) a document issued by the Agency to a person certifying that he is a licensee, or

  • (b) a list issued by the Agency to a person containing his name and the names of other persons and certifying that each person is a licensee; (permis)


marketing in relation to turkeys, means selling and offering for sale and buying, pricing, assembling, packing, processing, transporting, storing and reselling, whether in whole or in processed form, and includes marketing by or on behalf of a producer; (commercialisation)


processing means changing the nature, size, quality or condition of turkeys by mechanical means or otherwise and includes killing; (transformation)


processor means any person engaged in the business of processing turkeys or who packs, markets, grades, offers for sale, sells, stores, or transports the packed, processed or manufactured turkey product; (transformateur)


producer means any person engaged in the production of turkeys in Canada; (producteur)


producer-vendor means any person who produces and markets, offers for sale, sells or stores all or any portion of the turkeys produced by him; (producteur-vendeur)


retailer means any person who sells or offers for sale turkey directly and exclusively to consumers; (détaillant)


turkey means any turkey, male or female, live or slaughtered, of any size and includes any part of any turkey. (dindon)

  • SOR/91-250, s. 1
  • SOR/2017-70, s. 1

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