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Version of document from 2023-06-23 to 2025-02-04:

Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations

C.R.C., c. 854


Regulations Respecting Fishing in the Yukon Territory

Short Title

 These Regulations may be cited as the Yukon Territory Fishery Regulations.


  •  (1) In these Regulations,


    Act[Repealed, SOR/93-60, s. 1]


    Agreement has the same meaning as in the Western Arctic (Inuvialuit) Claims Settlement Act; (Convention)


    angling means fishing by the use of a rod, line and hook, or a line and hook other than a set line; (pêche à la ligne)

    angling licence

    angling licence means a licence issued under these Regulations for the purposes of angling; (permis de pêche à la ligne)

    artificial fly

    artificial fly means a single hook that

    • (a) is dressed only with fur, feathers, textiles or tinsel wire or any combination thereof, and

    • (b) does not have a spinning device or any external weight attached to it; (mouche artificielle)

    assistant licence

    assistant licence means a licence issued under these Regulations that authorizes a person to engage in commercial or domestic fishing as a helper while in the presence and under the supervision of a person who holds a commercial fishing licence or a domestic fishing licence; (permis d’aide)

    barbless hook

    barbless hook includes a hook all the barbs of which have been compressed to be in complete contact with the shaft of the hook; (hameçon sans ardillon)


    beneficiary means a person who is enrolled as a beneficiary under the Agreement; (bénéficiaire)

    Canadian resident

    Canadian resident means a person who ordinarily resides in Canada and who is not a Yukon resident; (résident canadien)

    commercial fishing

    commercial fishing means fishing for or catching fish all or any portion of which is intended to be sold, traded or bartered, but does not include fishing by a beneficiary within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region for subsistence usage; (pêche commerciale)

    commercial fishing licence

    commercial fishing licence means a licence issued under these Regulations for the purposes of commercial fishing; (permis de pêche commerciale)


    Department means the Department of Fisheries and Oceans; (ministère)


    derby means any sport fishing competition in which 25 or more persons participate; (concours)

    dip net

    dip net means a net that is hung on a ring or frame and that has a closed bottom; (épuisette)

    domestic fishing

    domestic fishing means fishing for or catching fish that is to be used solely for personal consumption by the person fishing for or catching the fish or by that person’s family but does not include

    • (a) sport fishing,

    • (b) [Repealed, SOR/93-339, s. 1]

    • (c) fishing by a beneficiary within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region for subsistence usage; (pêche à des fins domestiques)

    domestic fishing licence

    domestic fishing licence means a licence issued under these Regulations for the purposes of domestic fishing; (permis de pêche à des fins domestiques)


    downrigger means a line used in angling or to assist in angling that has a weight greater than 500 g attached to it; (lest automatique)


    fillet means any piece of fish flesh; (filet)

    fish farming

    fish farming means the natural or artificial propagation of fish in any water authorized to be set apart for that purpose by the Minister under section 57 of the Fisheries Act. (aquaculture)

    fish wheel

    fish wheel means a stationary apparatus that is set in a river or stream and is composed of a wheel designed to rotate by means of water power and to catch fish in a series of baskets mounted around the circumference of the wheel; (tourniquet)

    fishing boundary sign

    fishing boundary sign means a white triangular marker that is comprised of three boards, each of which is at least 1.5 m in length and at least 12 cm in width; (borne de pêche)

    freshwater fish

    freshwater fish means any fish found in the Yukon Territory other than a fish of an anadromous stock of

    • (a) chum salmon,

    • (b) coho salmon,

    • (c) chinook salmon,

    • (d) pink salmon,

    • (e) sockeye salmon,

    • (f) rainbow trout,

    • (g) the subfamily Coregoninae, (whitefish and cisco) or

    • (h) Arctic char; (poisson d’eau douce)

    game fish

    game fish means any fish of a species set out in Schedule II; (poisson de sport)

    gill net

    gill net means a net that catches fish by enmeshing them but that does not enclose an area of water; (filet maillant)


    hook means a single-pointed or multiple-pointed hook on a common shaft and includes a hook on an artificial lure; (hameçon)


    Indian has the same meaning as in the Indian Act; (Indien)

    Indian food fish licence

    Indian food fish licence[Repealed, SOR/93-339, s. 1]


    Inuk means a person who is a direct descendant of a person of the race of aborigines commonly known as Inuit; (Inuk)

    Inuvialuit Settlement Region

    Inuvialuit Settlement Region has the same meaning as in the Agreement; (région désignée)


    length means, for the purposes of measuring a fish, the distance between the furthest anterior point of the head of the fish and the furthest posterior point of the caudal fin of the fish; (longueur)

    mesh size

    mesh size means the size of a single mesh of net determined by measuring, without straining the twine, the inside diagonal distance between the knots after immersion in water for not less than ½ hour; (maillage)


    Minister means

    • (a) with respect to the administration of freshwater fisheries, the Executive Council Member responsible for Renewable Resources for the Yukon Territory, or

    • (b) in any other case, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans for Canada; (ministre)


    monofilament means any single filament that has more than 50 deniers and weighs more than 50 g per 9 000 m of filament; (monofil)


    non-resident means a person who is not a Yukon resident or a Canadian resident; (non-résident)

    permanent resident

    permanent resident[Repealed, SOR/93-60, s. 1]

    processed fish

    processed fish means fish that has been canned, smoked, salted, cooked, pickled or dried; (poisson transformé)

    qualified non-resident

    qualified non-resident means, where Alaska has implemented an understanding with Yukon in respect of sport fishing licences, a person who

    • (a) holds a valid Alaska resident sport fishing licence, or

    • (b) has held a valid Alaska resident sport fishing licence within 12 months before making an application for a sport fishing licence under these Regulations; (non-résident admissible)

    radio station

    radio station[Repealed, SOR/93-60, s. 1]

    Regional Director

    Regional Director[Repealed, SOR/93-60, s. 1]

    set line

    set line means a line that is anchored to the bed of a lake or river and has attached to it a hook that is lying on the bed of the lake or river; (ligne fixe)


    snagging means attempting to catch or catching a fish with a hook in any manner other than inducing it to take the hook in its mouth; (casaquer)


    spear includes a bow and arrow; (harpon)

    sport fishing

    sport fishing means fishing for recreational purposes by angling, using a dip net or using a set line; (pêche sportive)

    sport fishing licence

    sport fishing licence means a licence issued under these Regulations for the purpose of sport fishing; (permis de pêche sportive)

    subsistence usage

    subsistence usage has the same meaning as in paragraph (a) of the definition of this expression in the Agreement. (utilisation à des fins de subsistance)

    trap net

    trap net or pound net[Repealed, SOR/93-60, s. 1]


    trolling means fishing by means of a lure drawn behind a boat or other floating object; (pêche à la traîne)

    Yukon resident

    Yukon resident means a person who ordinarily resides in the Yukon Territory; (résident du Yukon)

    Yukon River salmon licence

    Yukon River salmon licence means a licence issued under these Regulations that authorizes a person to fish for salmon in the waters of the Yukon River. (permis de pêche du saumon du fleuve Yukon)

  • (2) [Repealed, SOR/93-60, s. 1]

  • SOR/82-875, s. 1
  • SOR/87-439, s. 1
  • SOR/89-155, s. 1(F)
  • SOR/92-444, s. 1
  • SOR/93-60, s. 1
  • SOR/93-339, s. 1
  • SOR/94-269, s. 1
  • SOR/99-98, s. 1
  • SOR/2001-324, s. 1
  • SOR/2003-339, s. 1


  •  (1) These Regulations apply in respect of fishing in the Canadian fisheries waters off the Yukon Territory and in the waters of the Yukon Territory other than the waters of a National Park of Canada located in that Territory.

  • (2) Except as otherwise provided in these Regulations, these Regulations, other than subsections (1) and 9(3) and — to the extent that they relate to a contravention of subsection 9(3) — sections 10 and 11, do not apply with respect to fishing and related activities carried out under the authority of a licence issued under the Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations.

  • SOR/82-875, s. 2
  • SOR/93-60, s. 2(F)
  • SOR/2002-225, s. 2
  • SOR/2003-339, s. 2

Licences and Conservation Cards — General

  •  (1) Subject to subsection (3), section 4.1 and subsection 5.1(1), no person shall fish, engage in fish farming or hold a derby except under the authority of a licence issued under these Regulations, the Fishery (General) Regulations or the Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations.

  • (2) Subject to subsection 6(14.1), on receipt of an application for a licence and, where applicable, a Salmon Conservation Catch Card as set out in column I of an item of Schedule III, together with the applicable fee set out in column II of that item, the Minister may issue the licence or the Salmon Conservation Catch Card.

  • (3) A person under 16 years of age may engage in angling without a licence if the person

    • (a) is a Yukon resident; or

    • (b) is accompanied by a person who is the holder of an angling licence or a sport fishing licence issued under these Regulations.

  • (4) All fish caught by a person under 16 years of age shall be counted as part of the catch of the licence holder referred to in paragraph 3(b).

  • (5) The person under 16 years of age referred to in subsection (3) shall, at the request of a fishery officer or fishery guardian, produce proof of age.

  • SOR/82-875, s. 3
  • SOR/87-439, s. 2
  • SOR/89-155, s. 2
  • SOR/92-444, s. 2
  • SOR/93-60, s. 3
  • SOR/93-339, s. 2
  • SOR/94-269, s. 2
  • SOR/99-98, s. 2
  • SOR/2003-339, s. 3
  • SOR/2008-152, s. 1

National Fishing Week

  •  (1) A Yukon resident may engage in angling without a licence

    • (a) during the period that begins on the last Friday in June and ends at midnight on the Monday immediately following that Friday, if July 1 falls within that period; or

    • (b) during the period that begins on the first Friday in July and ends at midnight on the Monday immediately following that Friday, if July 1 does not fall within the period referred to in paragraph (a).

  • (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to angling by a participant in a derby.

  • (3) A person engaged in angling without a licence during a period referred to in subsection (1) shall, at the request of a fishery officer or fishery guardian, produce proof that the person is a Yukon resident.

  • SOR/2008-152, s. 2

 [Repealed, SOR/93-339, s. 3]

Inuvialuit Subsistence Fishery

  •  (1) Notwithstanding subsection 4(1), a beneficiary may fish for subsistence usage within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region without a licence.

  • (2) Notwithstanding subsection 9(4) and subject to section 12 of the Agreement, a beneficiary may sell to or trade or barter with

    • (a) another beneficiary, fish or any part thereof taken for subsistence usage from the Inuvialuit Settlement Region; or

    • (b) any other person, the nonedible by-products of fish taken from the Inuvialuit Settlement Region by the beneficiary for personal use.

  • (3) No person, other than a beneficiary, shall possess any edible portions of fish taken for subsistence usage from the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.

  • (4) In the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, subsection 9(1) does not apply to a beneficiary.

  • SOR/92-444, s. 3
  • SOR/99-98, s. 3

Commercial and Domestic Fishery

  •  (1) and (2) [Repealed, SOR/93-60, s. 5]

  • (3) [Repealed, SOR/94-269, s. 3]

  • (4) and (5) [Repealed, SOR/82-875, s. 5]

  • (6) [Repealed, SOR/93-60, s. 5]

  • (7) Except as otherwise provided as a condition of a licence issued under these Regulations, each gang of nets shall be marked at each end during open water fishing by a buoy, and during winter fishing by a stake the top of which shall be at least 1.2 m above the surface of the ice.

  • (7.1) The Minister may specify a licence condition referred to in subsection (7) only if the purpose of the condition is to mitigate marine mammal entanglement.

  • (8) No person shall,

    • (a) when fishing for any species of fish, set or operate gill nets that have a mesh size of less than 100 mm;

    • (b) [Repealed, SOR/87-439, s. 4]

    • (c) when fishing under the authority of a domestic fishing licence, set or operate

      • (i) more than one gill net, or

      • (ii) a gill net that exceeds 90 m in length.

  • (9) Except with the permission of a fishery officer, no person shall leave a gill net in the water

    • (a) between May 1st and November 30th, for more than 30 consecutive hours, and

    • (b) between December 1st and April 30th, for more than 72 consecutive hours,

    without withdrawing it from the water and removing any fish caught therein.

  • (10) No person shall engage in fishing for salmon by means of fish wheels except in the Yukon River downstream from a fishing boundary sign located 800 m downstream from the confluence of Tatchun Creek and the Yukon River.

  • (11) and (12) [Repealed, SOR/94-269, s. 3]

  • (13) No person shall fish for salmon for commercial purposes in the Yukon River and its tributaries unless that person holds

    • (a) a commercial fishing licence; and

    • (b) a Yukon River salmon licence.

  • (13.1) [Repealed, SOR/87-439, s. 4]

  • (14) No person shall fish for salmon for domestic purposes in the Yukon River and its tributaries unless that person holds

    • (a) a domestic fishing licence; and

    • (b) a Yukon River salmon licence.

  • (14.1) The Minister may issue a Yukon River salmon licence to a person who holds a commercial fishing licence or domestic fishing licence and who, on or before March 31 in the year for which the Yukon River salmon licence is to be valid, applies in writing to the District Supervisor of the Department for the Yukon Territory and, with the application, encloses the fee for the Yukon River salmon licence that is set out in Schedule III.

  • (15) No person shall engage in commercial fishing or domestic fishing

    • (a) in the Yukon River

      • (i) upstream from a fishing boundary sign located approximately 800 m downstream from the confluence of Tatchun Creek and the Yukon River; or

      • (ii) between the fishing boundary signs located approximately 800 m upstream from the confluence of the Yukon and Klondike Rivers and approximately 1.6 km downstream from that confluence;

    • (b) in the Pelly River watershed upstream from the confluence of the Pelly and MacMillan Rivers;

    • (c) in the Porcupine River watershed upstream from a fishing boundary sign located approximately 8 km upstream from the village of Old Crow; or

    • (d) in the Stewart River watershed

      • (i) upstream from the confluence of the Stewart and McQueston Rivers, or

      • (ii) downstream from the confluence of the Stewart and McQueston Rivers from September 30 to July 7.

  • (16) No person shall engage in commercial fishing for salmon in the waters of the Yukon River and its tributaries during the close time beginning on October 30 in one year and ending on June 15 in the next year.

  • (16.1) No person shall engage in domestic fishing for salmon for domestic purposes in the waters of the Yukon River and its tributaries during the close time beginning on October 30 in one year and ending on June 15 in the next year.

  • (17) No person shall engage in commercial fishing in the Yukon River with

    • (a) more than three fish wheels;

    • (b) more than

      • (i) two fish wheels, and

      • (ii) 45 m of gill net consisting of a maximum of two nets;

    • (c) more than

      • (i) one fish wheel, and

      • (ii) 65 m of gill net consisting of a maximum of three nets; or

    • (d) more than 90 m of gill net consisting of a maximum of four nets.

  • SOR/80-836, s. 1
  • SOR/82-875, s. 5
  • SOR/87-439, s. 4
  • SOR/89-155, s. 4
  • SOR/93-60, s. 5
  • SOR/94-269, s. 3
  • SOR/2000-215, s. 1
  • SOR/2023-147, s. 1

Sport Fishing

  • SOR/94-269, s. 4
  •  (1) No person shall engage in sport fishing in Tatlmain or Wellesley Lake unless the person holds

    • (a) a sport fishing licence set out in any of paragraphs 5(a) to (i) of Schedule III; and

    • (b) a sport fishing licence set out in paragraph 5(l) or (m), as the case may be, of that Schedule.

  • (2) No person shall, by angling, catch and retain, in any one day, more fish of a species set out in Column I of an item of Schedule IV, from the waters set out in Column II of that item than the daily catch limit set out for that species of fish in Column III of that item.

  • (2.1) Despite subsection (2), no person shall, in any one day, continue angling on Tatlmain Lake after they have caught and retained or caught and released five fish regardless of species.

  • (3) No person shall possess, in respect of fish caught by angling, more fish of a species set out in column I of an item of Schedule IV from the waters set out in column II of that item than the possession limit set out in column IV of that item.

  • (3.1) and (3.2) [Repealed, SOR/99-98, s. 4]

  • (4) No person shall, by angling, catch and retain, or have in his possession a fish of a species set out in Column I of an item of Schedule IV that is less than the minimum length set out in Column V of that item.

  • (5) Where a fish has been filletted, two fillets shall be deemed to be one fish, and unless the body of the fish is shown, every fillet shall be deemed to be from a game fish.

  • (6) No person shall, while angling,

    • (a) use more than one line except when angling through the ice, in which case two lines may be used; or

    • (b) use on a line any gear that is designed to catch more than one fish at a time except while fly fishing where two artificial flies may be used; or

    • (c) [Repealed, SOR/94-269, s. 5]

  • (6.1) A person who holds a sport fishing licence may use a dip net to catch lake whitefish or suckers (Catastomous spp.) in accordance with the terms of that licence.

  • (7) No person shall, while angling, leave fishing gear unattended in the water.

  • (8) A person who holds a sport fishing licence may use a set line to catch burbot in accordance with the terms of that licence.

  • (9) A person who holds a sport fishing licence may snag cisco from Tagish Bridge over the Tagish River (60°15′N, 134°17′W) and from Carcross Bridge over the Nares River (60°09′N, 134°37′W) in accordance with the terms of that licence.

  • (10) Where a person is authorized under a sport fishing licence to use a set line, that person may leave that set line unattended for a period not exceeding 30 consecutive hours.

  • (11) [Repealed, SOR/93-60, s. 6]

  • (12) No person shall angle from June 1 until November 30, except with a single-pointed barbless hook with a distance between the point and the shank of no more than 20 mm, in any of the following waters:

    • (a) Klukshu River;

    • (b) Tatshenshini River;

    • (c) Blanchard River;

    • (d) Village Creek; or

    • (e) Takhanne River.

  • (13) No person shall angle from July 1 until October 15, except with a single-pointed barbless hook with a distance between the point and the shank of no more than 20 mm, in any of the following waters:

    • (a) Klondike River;

    • (b) Takhini River;

    • (c) Yukon River;

    • (d) Morley River;

    • (e) Smart River;

    • (f) Lapie River;

    • (g) Teslin River;

    • (h) Firth River; or

    • (i) Blind Creek.

  • (14) No person shall angle in the waters set out in

    • (a) Part I of Schedule VI, except with a barbless hook; or

    • (b) Part II of Schedule VI, except with a single-pointed barbless hook.

  • (15) No person shall, while angling, be in possession of a landing gaff.

  • (16) Subject to subsection (17), no licence holder shall angle for salmon or possess salmon caught by angling without a Salmon Conservation Catch Card issued under subsection 4(2).

  • (17) Subsection (16) does not apply to Kokanee salmon and salmon caught from salmon stocked lakes.

  • (18) Every holder of a Salmon Conservation Catch Card shall

    • (a) in relation to every salmon caught by the holder, whether it is retained or released, immediately record in the appropriate section of the Card

      • (i) the date and location the salmon is caught,

      • (ii) the species and sex of the salmon,

      • (iii) the presence or absence of tags and an adipose fin, and

      • (iv) the gear type with which the salmon was caught;

    • (b) produce it to a fishery officer or fishery guardian on request; and

    • (c) submit the Card to the Department no later than November 30 of the year of issue.

  • (19) A person may engage in sport fishing in the following waters without a licence issued under these Regulations if the person is authorized to engage in angling in the province of British Columbia pursuant to the Province’s Wildlife Act:

    • (a) Atlin Lake;

    • (b) Bennet Lake;

    • (c) Laidlaw Lake;

    • (d) Liard River;

    • (e) Morley Lake;

    • (f) Rancheria River;

    • (g) Swift River;

    • (h) Tagish Lake; and

    • (i) Teslin Lake.

  • (20) No person shall, while sport fishing in the waters set out in subsection (19), catch in one day more fish than the daily catch limit or the daily quota authorized:

  • SOR/80-836, s. 2
  • SOR/82-875, s. 6
  • SOR/87-439, s. 5
  • SOR/89-155, s. 5
  • SOR/93-60, s. 6
  • SOR/94-269, s. 5
  • SOR/99-98, s. 4
  • SOR/2000-215, s. 2
  • SOR/2001-324, s. 2
  • SOR/2003-339, s. 4

Fishery Closures

  •  (1) to (3) [Repealed, SOR/93-60, s. 7]

  • (4) No person shall fish in the waters set out in column I of an item of Schedule V during the close time set out in column II of that item.

  • SOR/82-875, s. 7
  • SOR/87-439, s. 6
  • SOR/91-394, s. 1
  • SOR/92-451, s. 1
  • SOR/93-60, s. 7
  •  (1) No person shall angle in the waters of Tatchun Creek or in the Yukon River at the confluence of Tatchun Creek and the Yukon River as marked by fishing boundary signs from August 1 to September 30 in any year.

  • (2) No person shall, while angling, use any lure other than an artificial fly

    • (a) in the Yukon River from the Whitehorse Dam downstream to the Robert Campbell Bridge from July 15 to September 30;

    • (b) in the Takhini River from Kusawa Lake downstream to its confluence with the Yukon River from August 20 to September 15; or

    • (c) in the Takhanne River downstream from Million Dollar Falls.

  • (3) [Repealed, SOR/87-439, s. 6]

  • (4) and (5) [Repealed, SOR/94-51, s. 1]

  • SOR/82-875, s. 7
  • SOR/87-439, s. 6
  • SOR/94-51, s. 1


  •  (1) Subject to these Regulations, no person shall

    • (a) molest, injure or kill any fish;

    • (b) trap or pen fish in their spawning grounds or in any river or stream leading thereto;

    • (c) use torches or artificial lights to attract fish;

    • (d) catch or attempt to catch fish by snagging or with snares or set lines;

    • (e) use firearms to kill or injure finfish;

    • (f) [Repealed, SOR/93-60, s. 8]

    • (g) use a dip net except when landing a fish caught by angling;

    • (h) [Repealed, SOR/93-60, s. 8]

    • (i) use a gaff or a spear while fishing; or

    • (j) use a gill net that contains monofilament in its web while fishing.

  • (2) Subject to subsection (2.1), no person shall, in any waters, catch and retain

    • (a) whitefish, cisco, lake trout or inconnu from September 1st to October 31st in any year; or

    • (b) grayling from May 1st to June 15th in any year.

  • (2.1) Subsection (2) does not apply to a person who

    • (a) holds an angling licence;

    • (b) is fishing under the authority of a licence issued under the Aboriginal Communal Fishing Licences Regulations;

    • (c) holds any other licence listed in subsection 4(3) if the licence specifies any fish referred to in subsection (2) that may be caught and retained during the applicable period set out in subsection (2); or

    • (d) is a beneficiary who is fishing for subsistence usage within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.

  • (3) No person shall

    • (a) bring into the Yukon Territory for use as bait any live fish, salamander or other aquatic organism;

    • (b) release into any waters of the Yukon Territory any live fish unless that fish is released

      • (i) to the waters from which it was taken, or

      • (ii) in accordance with a licence issued pursuant to section 56 of the Fishery (General) Regulations;

    • (c) release into any waters of the Yukon Territory any live salamander or other live aquatic organism, that is not a fish, unless that salamander or other aquatic organism was taken from waters of the Yukon Territory;

    • (d) possess any live fish for use as bait in the Yukon Territory; or

    • (e) use any live fish as bait in the Yukon Territory.

  • (4) to (6) [Repealed, SOR/93-60, s. 8]

  • SOR/82-875, s. 8
  • SOR/87-439, s. 7
  • SOR/89-155, s. 6
  • SOR/92-444, s. 4
  • SOR/93-60, s. 8
  • SOR/93-339, s. 4
  • SOR/94-269, s. 6
  • SOR/99-98, s. 5

Prescribed Ticketable Offences

 The contravention of any provision of these Regulations as set out in column I of an item of Schedule VII is an offence to which section 79.7 of the Fisheries Act applies and which may be described in tickets in a manner set out in column II of that item.

  • SOR/99-98, s. 6


 Where proceedings are commenced under section 79.7 of the Fisheries Act, the amount of the fine for the offence described in column II of an item of Schedule VII is the amount set out in column III of that item.

  • SOR/99-98, s. 6


[Repealed, SOR/94-269, s. 7]

SCHEDULE II(Subsection 2(1))

Game Fish

ItemColumn 1Column 2
Common NameScientific Name
1Rainbow (Steelhead and Kamloops) troutOncorhynchus mykiss (Richardson)
2Dolly Varden charSalvelinus malma (Walbaum)
3Lake troutSalvelinus namaycush (Walbaum)
4Arctic charSalvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus)
5Mountain whitefishProsopium williamsoni (Girard)
6Lake whitefishCoregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill)
7Pygmy whitefishProsopium coulteri (Eigenmann)
8Kokanee (land-locked sockeye salmon)Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum)
9Coho salmonOncorhynchus kisutch (Walbaum)
10Chinook (King or Spring) salmonOncorhynchus tsawytscha (Walbaum)
11Sockeye salmonOncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum)
12Chum salmonOncorhynchus keta (Walbaum)
13Arctic graylingThymallus arcticus (Pallas)
14InconnuStenodus leucichthys nelma (Pallas)
15Northern pikeEssox lucius
16Pink salmonOncorhynchus gorbuscha
17Bull troutSalvelinus confluentus
18BurbotLota lota (Linnaeus)
19Least ciscoCoregonus sardinella (Valenciennes)
  • SOR/82-875, s. 10
  • SOR/94-269, ss. 8, 9
  • SOR/99-98, s. 7
  • SOR/2003-339, s. 5

SCHEDULE III(Subsections 4(2) 6(14.1) and 7(1))

Licences and Fees

ItemColumn IColumn II
Licence and Conservation CardFee
1Commercial fishing licence
  • (a) a beneficiary fishing within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region

no fee
  • (b) any other person

$ 25
2Domestic fishing licence
  • (a) an Indian fishing for food, social or ceremonial purposes

no fee
  • (b) any other person

$ 10.00
3Assistant licence
  • (a) a beneficiary fishing within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region

no fee
  • (b) any other person

$ 1
4[Repealed, SOR/93-339, s. 5]
5Sport fishing licence
  • (a) angling licence for Yukon resident or qualified non-resident (annual)

$ 15.00
  • (b) angling licence for Canadian resident (annual)

  • (c) angling licence for Canadian resident (6-day)

  • (d) angling licence for Canadian resident (1-day)

  • (e) angling licence for non-resident (annual)

  • (f) angling licence for non-resident (6-day)

  • (g) angling licence for non-resident (1-day)

  • (h) angling licence for Yukon resident 65 years of age or more

no fee
  • (i) angling licence for Indian or Inuk

no fee
  • (j) angling licence for a beneficiary fishing within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region

no fee
  • (k) sport fishing licence for a non-profit institution or group

no fee
  • (l) sport fishing licence to fish in Tatlmain Lake

no fee
  • (m) sport fishing licence to fish in Wellesley Lake

no fee
  • (n) sport fishing licence to hold a derby

no fee
  • (o) sport fishing licence for writers and promotional persons

no fee
  • (p) sport fishing licence to dipnet for lake whitefish and suckers

no fee
  • (q) sport fishing licence to fish for burbot using set lines

no fee
  • (r) sport fishing licence to snag cisco

no fee
6Yukon River salmon licenceno fee
7Fish farming Licence$ 25
8Salmon Conservation Catch Card
  • (a) for Yukon resident or qualified non-resident

  • (b) for Canadian resident

  • (c) for non-resident

  • (d) for youth (less than 16 years of age)

no fee
  • SOR/82-875, s. 10
  • SOR/89-582, ss. 1, 2
  • SOR/90-464, s. 1
  • SOR/92-444, s. 5
  • SOR/93-339, s. 5
  • SOR/94-269, ss. 10 to 12
  • SOR/99-98, ss. 8 to 10
  • SOR/2003-339, ss. 6, 7

SCHEDULE IV(Section 7)

Catch, Possession and Length Limits

ItemColumn IColumn IIColumn IIIColumn IVColumn V
Common NameWatersLimitLimitLength
1Rainbow (Steelhead and Kamloops) trout
  • (a) Kathleen River downstream from the Haines Road to the confluence with the Dezadeash River, including all tributary creeks and streams, Lower Kathleen Lake, Crescent Lake and Rainbow Lake; McLean Lake

  • (b) Granite Lake

2220 cm
  • (c) All waters other than those described in paragraphs (a) and (b)

51020 cm
2Bull troutall2, of which only 1 may be greater than 50 cm in length4, of which only 1 may be greater than 50 cm in length20 cm
3Dolly varden charall51020 cm
4Lake trout
  • (a) Aishihik Lake; Chain Lakes; Claire Lake; Coghlan Lake; Dezadeash Lake; Ethel Lake; Frances Lake; Frank Lake; Frederick Lake; Granite Lake; Kathleen River downstream from the Haines Road to the confluence with the Dezadeash River, including all tributary creeks and streams, Lower Kathleen Lake, Crescent Lake and Rainbow Lake; Mandanna Lake; McEvoy Lake; Pleasant Lake (Latitude 61°38′N., Longitude 133°23′W.); Sekulmun Lake; Sekulmun River; Tatlmain Lake; Tchawsahmon Lake; Wellesley Lake

2, of which only 1 may be greater than 100 cm and none may be 65 cm to 100 cm in length2, of which only 1 may be greater than 100 cm and none may be 65 cm to 100 cm in length20 cm
  • (b) All waters other than those described in paragraph (a)

3, of which only 1 may be greater than 65 cm in length6, of which only 1 may be greater than 65 cm in length20 cm
5Arctic charall2420 cm
6Mountain whitefishall510
7Lake whitefishall510
8Pygmy whitefishall510
9Kokanee salmonall51020 cm
  • (1) Chinook Salmon

all1220 cm
  • (2) Coho Salmon

all2420 cm
  • (3) Sockeye Salmon

all2420 cm
  • (4) Chum Salmon

all2420 cm
  • (5) Pink Salmon

all2420 cm
  • (6) Chinook, Coho, Sockeye, Chum and Pink Salmon in the aggregate

all2420 cm
11Arctic Grayling
  • (a) Aishihik Lake; Chain Lakes; Claire Lake; Coghlan Lake; Dezadeash Lake; Ethel Lake; Frances Lake; Frank Lake; Frederick Lake; Granite Lake; Kathleen River downstream from the Haines Road to the confluence with the Dezadeash River, including all tributary creeks and streams, Lower Kathleen Lake, Crescent Lake and Rainbow Lake; Mandanna Lake; McEvoy Lake; Pleasant Lake (Latitude 61°38′N., Longitude 133°23′W.); Sekulmun Lake; Sekulmun River; Tatlmain Lake; Tchawsahmon Lake; Wellesley Lake

4, of which only 1 may be greater than 48 cm and none may be 40 cm to 48 cm in length4, of which only 1 may be greater than 48 cm and none may be 40 cm to 48 cm in length20 cm
  • (b) All waters other than those described in paragraph (a)

5, of which only 1 may be greater than 40 cm in length10, of which only 1 may be greater than 40 cm in length20 cm
12Inconnuall51020 cm
13Northern pike
  • (a) Aishihik Lake; Chain Lakes; Claire Lake; Coghlan Lake; Dezadeash Lake; Ethel Lake; Frances Lake; Frank Lake; Frederick Lake; Granite Lake; Kathleen River downstream from the Haines Road to the confluence with the Dezadeash River, including all tributary creeks and streams, Lower Kathleen Lake, Crescent Lake and Rainbow Lake; Mandanna Lake; McEvoy Lake; Pleasant Lake (Latitude 61°38′N., Longitude 133°23′W.); Sekulmun Lake; Sekulmun River; Tatlmain Lake; Tchawsahmon Lake; Wellesley Lake

4, of which only 1 may be greater than 105 cm and none may be 75 cm to 105 cm in length4, of which only 1 may be greater than 105 cm and none may be 75 cm to 105 cm in length20 cm
  • (b) All waters other than those described in paragraph (a)

5, of which only 1 may be greater than 75 cm in length10, of which only 1 may be greater than 75 cm in length20 cm
14Burbotall51020 cm
15Least ciscoall51020 cm
16All other speciesall51020 cm
  • SOR/80-836, s. 4
  • SOR/82-875, s. 10
  • SOR/87-439, s. 8
  • SOR/89-155, ss. 7(F), 8(F)
  • SOR/94-269, ss. 13 to 16
  • SOR/99-98, ss. 11, 12
  • SOR/2003-339, ss. 8, 9(E), 10

SCHEDULE V(Subsection 8(4))



ItemColumn IColumn II
WatersClosed Times
1Any lakeNovember 1 to November 30



ItemColumn IColumn II
WatersClosed Times
1Yukon River
  • (a) upstream from Whitehorse Dam

December 1 to December 31
  • (b) from Whitehorse Dam downstream to Robert Campbell Bridge

December 1 to December 31
  • (c) from Robert Campbell Bridge downstream to Canada/USA boundary

December 1 to December 31
2Tatchun Creek and the waters of the Yukon River between fishing boundary signs located on the Yukon River 30 m upstream from the confluence of the Yukon River and Tatchun Creek and 30 m downstream from that confluenceAugust 1 to September 30
3Klukshu River
  • (a) from Klukshu Lake downstream to a fishing boundary sign located approximately 1 km downstream from Haines Road culvert

June 1 to December 1
  • (b) from a fishing boundary sign located approximately 1 km downstream from Haines Road culvert to a fishing boundary sign located approximately 30 m upstream from the confluence of the Klukshu River with the Tatshenshini River

  • (i) 12:00 hours Tuesday to 06:00 hours on Saturday of each week from June 1 to July 7

  • (ii) July 8 to October 1

  • (c) from a fishing boundary sign located approximately 30 m upstream from the confluence of Klukshu River with the Tatshenshini River downstream to that confluence

12:00 Tuesday to 06:00 Saturday of each week from June 1 to October 1
4Village CreekJuly 1 to October 15
5Blanchard RiverJuly 24 to August 31
6Tatshenshini River
  • (a) downstream from a fishing boundary sign located approximately 30 m downstream from the confluence of Village Creek with the Tatshenshini River

December 1 to December 31
  • (b) from a fishing boundary sign located approximately 100 m upstream from the confluence of Klukshu River with the Tatshenshini River and downstream to a fishing boundary sign located approximately 30 m downstream from the confluence of Village Creek with the Tatshenshini River

12:00 Tuesday to 06:00 Saturday of each week from June 1 to October 1
  • (c) upstream from a fishing boundary sign located approximately 100 m upstream from the confluence of Klukshu River with the Tatshenshini River

December 1 to December 31
7Any other river, creek or stream not specified in this PartDecember 1 to December 31
  • SOR/87-439, s. 9
  • SOR/89-155, ss. 9(F), 10 to 12
  • SOR/94-51, s. 2
  • SOR/2011-194, s. 19

SCHEDULE VI(Subsection 7(14))


Waters in Which No Person Shall Angle Except with a Barbless Hook

  • 1 
    Aishihik Lake (61°25′N, 137°07′W)
  • 2 
    Alligator Lake (60°23′N, 135°21′W)
  • 2.1 
    Bennett Lake (60°06′N, 134°52′W)
  • 3 
    Big Salmon Lake (61°16′N, 133°17′W)
  • 4 
    Big Salmon River from Quiet Lake to Big Salmon Lake
  • 5 
    Blind Lake (62°17′N, 132°28′W)
  • 6 
    Braeburn Lake (61°27′N, 135°48′W)
  • 6.1 
    Caribou Lake (60°23′N, 134°16′W)
  • 6.2 
    Chadburn Lake (60°03′N, 134°57′W)
  • 7 
    Chain Lakes (61°48′N, 135°34′W)
  • 8 
    Claire Lake (61°53′N, 135°19′W)
  • 9 
    Coghlan Lake (61°33′N, 135°29′W)
  • 10 
    Drury Lake (62°19′N, 134°42′W)
  • 11 
    Ethel Lake (63°22′N, 136°06′W)
  • 12 
    Fire Lake (61°10′N, 130°33′W)
  • 13 
    Frances Lake (61°23′N, 129°35′W)
  • 14 
    Frank Lake (61°42′N, 135°24′W)
  • 15 
    Frederick Lake (60°23′N, 136°40′W)
  • 16 
    Frenchman Lake (62°10′N, 129°30′W)
  • 17 
    Glenlyon Lake (62°26′N, 134°44′W)
  • 18 
    Grass Lakes (61°25′N, 130°55′W)
  • 19 
    Jim Cook Lake (62°30′N, 132°16′W)
  • 20 
    Jojo Lake (60°34′N, 136°21′W)
  • 21 
    Little Atlin Lake (60°15′N, 133°57′W)
  • 21.1 
    Little Fox Lake (61°20′N, 135°38′W)
  • 22 
    Little Wolverine Lake (61°25′N, 130°09′W)
  • 23 
    Long Lake (61°21′N, 136°41′W)
  • 24 
    [Repealed, SOR/2003-339, s. 12]
  • 25 
    Mandanna Lake (61°55′N, 135°47′W)
  • 26 
    Marsh Lake (60°25′N, 134°18′W)
  • 27 
    McEvoy Lake (61°48′N, 130°14′W)
  • 27.1 
    Morley Lake (60°01′N, 132°06′W)
  • 28 
    Morris Lake (60°27′N, 131°40′W)
  • 28.1 
    Nares Lake (60°10′N, 134°40′W)
  • 28.2 
    Nares River (60°09′N, 134°37′W)
  • 29 
    North Lakes (61°25′N, 130°34′W)
  • 30 
    Pleasant Lake (61°38′N, 133°23′W)
  • 31 
    Poisson Lake (62°17′N, 132°15′W)
  • 32 
    Quiet Lake (61°05′N, 133°05′W)
  • 33 
    Sekulmun Lake (61°26′N, 137°33′W)
  • 34 
    Sekulmun River (61°35′N, 137°30′W)
  • 35 
    [Repealed, SOR/2003-339, s. 12]
  • 36 
    Snafu Lakes (60°11′N, 133°26′W)
  • 37 
    Tagish Lake (60°10′N, 134°20′W)
  • 37.1 
    Tagish River (60°15′N, 134°17′W)
  • 38 
    Tarfu Lakes (60°03′N, 133°43′W)
  • 39 
    [Repealed, SOR/2003-339, s. 12]
  • 40 
    Tay Lake (62°23′N, 132°03′W)
  • 41 
    Tchawsahmon Lake (61°59′N, 140°53′W)
  • 42 
    Ten-mile Lake (61°59′N, 135°33′W)
  • 43 
    Teslin Lake (60°15′N, 132°57′W)
  • 44 
    Tincup Lake (61°45′N, 139°15′W)
  • 44.1 
    Twin Lakes (61°42′N, 135°55′W)
  • 45 
    Watson Lake (60°06′N, 128°49′W)
  • 46 
    Wellesley Lake (62°21′N, 139°49′W)
  • 47 
    Whitefish Lakes (61°09′N, 128°59′W; 61°11′N, 128°59′W; 61°14′N, 128°58′W)
  • 48 
    Wolf Lake (60°39′N, 131°40′W)
  • 49 
    Wolverine Lake (61°28′N, 130°15′W)


Waters in Which No Person Shall Angle Except with a Single-pointed Barbless Hook

  • 1 
    Kathleen River downstream from the Haines Road to the confluence with the Dezadeash River, including all tributary creeks and streams and Lower Kathleen Lake, Crescent Lake, Rainbow Lake and Granite Lake
  • 2 
    McLean Lake
  • 3 
    Dezadeash Lake (60°28′N, 136°58′W)
  • 4 
    Lubbock River (60°01′N, 133°49′W)
  • 5 
    Teslin River (from the outlet of Teslin Lake to a point 1 km downstream of the river’s confluence with Squanga Creek)
  • SOR/94-269, s. 17
  • SOR/99-98, s. 13
  • SOR/2003-339, ss. 11 to 14

SCHEDULE VII(Sections 10 and 11)

Ticketable Offences and Fines

ItemColumn IColumn IIColumn III
Provision of RegulationsOffenceFine
14(1)Fish without a licence$100
24(1)Engage in fish farming without a licence$500
34(1)Hold a derby without a licence$100
47(2)Catch and retain in one day more than the prescribed daily catch limit$100, plus $50 for each fish to a maximum of $1,000
4.17(2.1)Continue angling, in any one day, after catching and retaining or catching and releasing more than five fish regardless of species$100, plus $50 for each fish to a maximum of $1,000
57(3)Possess more fish than the prescribed possession limit$100, plus $50 for each fish to a maximum of $1,000
67(6)(a)Angle with more than one line$100, plus $50 for each line to a maximum of $1,000
77(7)Leave fishing gear unattended while angling$100
7.17(14)(a)Angle using other than a barbless hook$100
7.27(14)(b)Angle using other than a single-pointed barbless hook$100
87(15)Possess gaff while angling$100
97(16)Angle for salmon or possess salmon without a Salmon Conservation Catch Card$100
107(18)(a)Fail to record salmon catch on Salmon Conservation Catch Card$100
117(18)(b)Fail to produce Salmon Conservation Catch Card$100
127(18)(c)Fail to submit Salmon Conservation Catch Card$100
139(1)(a)Molest fish$250
149(1)(a)Injure fish$250
159(1)(d)Fish by snagging$250
169(1)(d)Fish with snares or set lines$250
179(3)(a)Bring live aquatic organisms into the Yukon Territory for use as bait$250
189(3)(b)Release live fish in waters other than waters from which they were taken or release fish without a permit$250
199(3)(c)Release into waters live aquatic organisms that are not taken from waters of the Yukon Territory$250
  • SOR/99-98, s. 14
  • SOR/2003-339, s. 15

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