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The Court of Appeal Criminal Appeal Rules (Saskatchewan) (SI/2011-9)

Regulations are current to 2024-06-19 and last amended on 2010-12-15. Previous Versions

PART VIService of All Documents

Marginal note:Proof of service required from Attorney General

 The Attorney General shall file proof of service of any document filed.

Marginal note:Service by the Attorney General

 The Attorney General shall serve an appellant or respondent personally unless:

  • (a) the appellant or respondent is represented, in which case service may be effected in any manner permitted by Part Three of The Queen’s Bench Rules; or

  • (b) an order is obtained from the court or a judge pursuant to section 678.1 of the Code.

Marginal note:Proof of service

 The Attorney General may prove service by filing a Certificate of Service in Form D.

Marginal note:Deemed service on the Attorney General by filing with the registrar

 On receipt of a document for filing from an appellant or respondent, other than the Attorney General acting as an appellant or respondent:

  • (a) the registrar shall immediately forward the document to the Attorney General by electronic or other means; and

  • (b) no further service on the Attorney General or proof of service is required.

PART VIIScheduling Appeals

Marginal note:Registrar’s authority to fix hearing dates

 Subject to the direction of the chief justice or a judge, the registrar may fix the date and time for hearing of an appeal:

  • (a) on receipt of the transcript by the registrar, if:

    • (i) the appeal is from sentence alone; or

    • (ii) the offender is self-represented; or

  • (b) on receipt of the appellant’s factum for all other appeals, including appeals from conviction pursuant to section 675 of the Code, from acquittal pursuant to section 676 of the Code and from decisions made pursuant to Part XXIV (Dangerous Offenders and Long-term Offenders) of the Code and for appeals that involve both a summary conviction and an indictable matter.

Marginal note:Notice of date to be provided

  •  (1) In the case of an appeal commenced by the Attorney General against a self-represented respondent, the Attorney General shall:

    • (a) serve the respondent in accordance with Rule 25 with notice of the date fixed pursuant to Rule 28; and

    • (b) file proof of service of the notice on the respondent in accordance with Rule 26 at least 10 days before the date fixed pursuant to Rule 28.

  • (2) If subrule (1) is not complied with, the court or a judge may make an order adjourning the appeal on any terms and conditions that the court or the judge considers appropriate.

Marginal note:Appeal may be heard based on written argument only

 If the appellant and respondent agree, an appeal entered for hearing may be determined on the basis of written argument only.

Marginal note:Attendance of appellant if in custody

 If an appellant who is in custody is entitled and desires to be present at the hearing of his or her appeal, the registrar shall issue a production order to the proper officer or officers to enable the provisions of section 688 of the Code to be carried into effect.

PART VIIIAppeal Management, Chambers Sittings and Adjournments

Marginal note:Appeal management

  •  (1) If the registrar is of the opinion that the appellant has failed to pursue an appeal diligently or has failed to comply with these rules or that the appeal merits a managed approach, the registrar may refer the matter to a judge in chambers.

  • (2) The registrar shall make the referral mentioned in subrule (1) by sending to the appellant and respondent, by mail, fax or electronic transmission, a notice in Form E.

  • (3) The judge may make any order, take any measure or issue any directive that, in the opinion of the judge, will assist the court in effective and efficient management of the appeal.

  • (4) Without limiting the authority of a judge pursuant to subrule (3), he or she may:

    • (a) set timelines to complete all steps leading to the hearing of the appeal;

    • (b) schedule motions to be heard before the hearing of the appeal;

    • (c) make any other order to accelerate the appeal process; and

    • (d) refer the appeal to the court to be dismissed as abandoned or to make any order that the court considers just.

Marginal note:Chambers sitting

  •  (1) Regular chambers sittings are to be held in Regina on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month.

  • (2) If a judge or the registrar is satisfied that the matter is urgent, the judge or registrar may arrange a special chambers sitting.

  • (3) Where the appellant and respondent agree or the registrar directs, an application in chambers may be made by telephone conference, by video conference or by any other method acceptable to the registrar.

Marginal note:Adjournments

  •  (1) All requests to adjourn the hearing of an appeal shall be made to the registrar immediately after being advised of the date fixed for appeal and on notice to the other party by filing Form F.

  • (2) The registrar:

    • (a) may adjourn or decline to adjourn the hearing, subject to consulting with the court when appropriate in the opinion of the registrar, and, if adjourned, set a new date for the hearing; or

    • (b) may refer the request to a judge in chambers.

  • (3) The decision of the registrar is final.

PART IXShow Cause and Abandonment

Marginal note:Show cause

 If an appellant has failed to comply with an order or direction made pursuant to Rule 32, the registrar may, on notice to the appellant and respondent in Form G, refer the appeal to the court to be dismissed as abandoned unless, on the date fixed by the registrar in Form G or on any other date fixed by the court, the appellant can show cause why the appeal should not be dismissed as abandoned.

Marginal note:Notice of abandonment

  •  (1) If an appellant desires to abandon an appeal, the appellant shall file a Notice of Abandonment in Form H signed by the appellant or by the appellant’s counsel.

  • (2) A notice of abandonment has the same effect as an order dismissing an appeal unless a judge, who is satisfied that it is in the interests of justice to do so, permits the appellant to withdraw the abandonment of the appeal.

PART XAppointment of Counsel

Marginal note:Application pursuant to section 684 of the Code

  •  (1) An offender who wishes to obtain court-appointed counsel pursuant to section 684 of the Code shall apply by filing:

    • (a) an application in Form I;

    • (b) an affidavit in Form J;

    • (c) a certificate in Form K from the Saskatchewan Legal Aid Commission indicating that the appeal to it from the decision of the local office has been denied; and

    • (d) any other material that the offender considers relevant to the application.

  • (2) On receipt of the material mentioned in subrule (1), the registrar shall forward the material to the government ministry or agency responsible for the court-appointed counsel program and to the Attorney General.

PART XIRelease from Custody Pending Determination of Appeal

Marginal note:Application

 An offender who wishes to apply for release from custody pending determination of the appeal pursuant to section 679 of the Code shall apply by filing:

  • (a) an application in Form L;

  • (b) an affidavit in Form M; and

  • (c) any other material that the offender considers relevant to the application.

Marginal note:Conditions of release

  •  (1) If a judge determines that the offender should be granted release from custody pending determination of the appeal on entering into a recognizance or undertaking, or both, the judge shall:

    • (a) in the case of recognizance, specify, in an order in Form 32 of the Code, the amounts in which the offender and his or her surety or sureties, if any, shall be bound on recognizance; and

    • (b) specify those conditions that may be appropriate.

  • (2) An undertaking pursuant to this Rule may be in Form 12 of the Code.

  • (3) Unless otherwise ordered by the judge hearing the application, all orders for release from custody pending determination of the appeal shall contain the following conditions:

    • (a) if the appellant is represented, that the appellant will file his or her factum within the periods provided by these rules or as otherwise fixed by the judge granting release and that if the factum is not filed within the periods provided by these rules or as otherwise fixed by the judge, the order for release will be automatically revoked;

    • (b) that the appellant shall personally attend at the court on the date and at the time set for the appeal hearing or on any other day that is specified in the order;

    • (c) that the appellant acknowledges that failure to attend personally at the court on the date and at the time set for the appeal hearing or on any other day that is specified in the order will be deemed to constitute an abandonment of the appeal;

    • (d) that the appellant will keep the peace and be of good behaviour;

    • (e) that the appellant will advise the registrar of his or her place of residence; and

    • (f) any other condition that the judge considers necessary.

  • (4) The appellant shall file or deposit the release order, recognizance, undertaking and any money or valuable security deposited under the recognizance with the registrar.

Marginal note:Variation of order

 A judge may, on cause being shown, revoke or amend an order previously made pursuant to section 679 of the Code.

PART XIIFresh Evidence

Marginal note:Fresh evidence

  •  (1) An appellant or respondent desiring to adduce fresh evidence on appeal shall apply to the court for leave to do so by notice of motion returnable on the date fixed for hearing the appeal.

  • (2) The notice of motion shall be filed not later than 10 days before the date fixed for hearing the appeal.


Marginal note:Where no procedure provided

 Unless otherwise provided, an application to the court or a judge shall be by notice of motion in Form N together with the affidavit in Form O.

Marginal note:Address for service

 On every document filed, the person filing the document shall provide the following address information:

  • (a) if the person is represented, the name, address, telephone and fax numbers and email address, if any, of the lawyer in charge of the file; or

  • (b) if the person is self-represented, the full name, occupation, business or residential address, telephone and fax numbers and email address, if any, of the person.

Marginal note:Sending of documents and notices by registrar

  •  (1) The registrar shall send all documents and notices by ordinary mail, by fax or by other electronic means.

  • (2) Where the registrar sends a transcript or any other document or notice by ordinary mail, the transcript, notice or other document is deemed to have been received five days after the date it was mailed.

Marginal note:Receipt by fax

  •  (1) The registrar may accept a copy of a document transmitted by facsimile, provided that the person transmitting the document shall file the original document immediately thereafter.

  • (2) If the original document is filed, the date of filing is deemed to have been the date the facsimile was received by the registrar.

Marginal note:Electronic filing

 Any person may file a document electronically in the manner approved by the court.

Marginal note:Computing time

 Sections 26 to 28 of the Interpretation Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. I-21, apply to the computation of time under these rules.

Marginal note:Recording devices

 Except as otherwise provided by law, no person shall record by any device, machine, or system the proceedings in the court or in the chambers without leave of the court or a judge, as the case may be.

PART XIVRepeal, Transitional and Coming into Effect


Marginal note:Transitional

  •  (1) Proceedings commenced before the coming into effect of these rules and continued after their coming into effect shall be governed by these rules without prejudice to anything lawfully done before the coming into effect of these rules.

  • (2) Notwithstanding subrule (1), the court or a judge may give directions respecting the application of these rules or an amendment to these rules to proceedings mentioned in subrule (1).

Marginal note:Coming into effect

 These rules come into effect on December 15, 2010.


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