Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations Respecting the Pest Control Products Act and Regulations

Version of the schedule from 2006-03-22 to 2010-09-01:

SCHEDULE 1(Sections 2 to 4)Pest Control Products Act and Pest Control Products Regulations


Pest Control Products Act (R.S. 1985, C. P-9)

Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemProvision of Pest Control Products ActShort-form DescriptionClassification
14(1)Manufacture, store, display, distribute or use a control product under unsafe conditionsVery serious
24(2)(a) Package or label a control product in a false, misleading or deceptive mannerSerious
(b) Advertise a control product in a false, misleading or deceptive mannerMinor
35(1)(a)Import or sell a control product not registered as prescribedVery serious
45(1)(b)Import or sell a control product not conforming to prescribed standardsVery serious
55(1)(c)(a) Import or sell a control product not packaged as prescribedSerious
(b) Import a control product not labelled as prescribedSerious
(c) Sell a control product not labelled as prescribedVery serious
68(2)Fail to give all reasonable assistance to an inspector or to provide an inspector with informationMinor
79(1)Hinder an inspectorVery serious
89(2)Make false or misleading statements to an inspector or officerSerious
99(3)Remove from detention a control product without authorizationVery serious


Pest Control Products Regulations (C.R.C., C. 1253)

Column 1Column 2Column 3
ItemProvision of Pest Control Products RegulationsShort-form DescriptionClassification
16Import, sell or use an unregistered control productVery serious
26.1Fail to amend the certificate of registration of a control product on requestMinor
311(a)Fail to provide a sample of a control productMinor
411(b)Fail to provide a sample of the technical grade of a control product’s active ingredientMinor
511(c)Fail to provide a sample of a laboratory standardMinor
626Fail to make a record of all quantities of a control product stored, manufactured or soldMinor
726(a)Fail to retain the record for three years of all quantities of a control product stored, manufactured or soldMinor
826(b)Fail to make a record of all quantities of a control product stored, manufactured or sold available on requestMinor
927(1)Use an unapproved label on a control productSerious
1043Fail to store or display a control product in accordance with the conditions on the labelSerious
1145(1)Use a control product in a manner that is inconsistent with the labelVery serious
1245(2)Use a control product imported for own use in a manner that is inconsistent with the conditions on the importer’s declarationVery serious
1345(3)Use a control product designed for manufacturing use for any purpose other than manufacturing when it is exempt from registrationVery serious
1446(1)Package a control product not as prescribedSerious
1547(1)(a) Fail to have a control product conform to the specifications in the register of control productsVery serious
(b) Fail to have a control product bearing the label contained in the register of control productsVery serious
1653(3)Alter or remove a detention tag without authorizationVery serious

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